(1) The issue of the Schizophrenia Bulletin is devoted to articles representing this full range of conceptual and empirical work on first-episode psychosis.
(2) We report on a patient, with a CT-verified low density lesion in the right parietal area, who exhibited not only deficits in left conceptual space, but also in reading, writing, and the production of speech.
(3) There are general problems with the ways in which coping has been conceptualized and measured by researchers evaluating stress and coping, and there are problems more specific to the ways coping concepts and measures have been used to study patients with arthritis.
(4) Further it is argued that there is a need to amalgamate the substantive, conceptual, and methodological facets of research.
(5) Proposed guidelines for future research include the use of conceptual rather than operational definitions of visual spatial ability, greater attention directed at separating spatial from nonspatial task components, and studies examining basic mechanisms underlying spatial vision.
(6) Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) was conceptualized more than 35 years ago, but its clinical application only flourished in the past 10 years after a number of technical refinements.
(7) The results were interpreted in terms of the "normality= of the conceptually oriented paranoid S.
(8) The authors present a schema for conceptualizing psychiatric illness in terms of state and trait disorders.
(9) If figurative language is defined as involving intentional violation of conceptual boundaries in order to highlight some correspondence, one must be sure that children credited with that competence have (1) the metacognitive and metalinguistic abilities to understand at least some of the implications of such language (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980; Nelson, 1974; Nelson & Nelson, 1978), (2) a conceptual organization that entails the purportedly violated conceptual boundaries (Lange, 1978), and (3) some notion of metaphoric tension as well as ground.
(10) To overcome some of these problems it is suggested that an investigation of lay evaluation of health care should be carried out within a conceptual framework which incorporates the following elements.
(11) Psychiatry is criticized for imprecise diagnosis, conceptual vagaries, jargon, therapeutic impotence and class bias.
(12) Coombs's theory of data (1952, 1964) and his unfolding theory of preferential choice (1950, 1964) provided the conceptualization of metacognition in this psychophysical task context.
(13) In this study we have developed a measure of homemaker functioning based on conceptualizing the homemaker role on two dimensions: the instrumental functions associated with meeting the physical needs of the household and the nurturant dimension concerned with meeting the expressive needs of the household.
(14) The nosological and conceptual controversies differentiating bilateral ballismus as a phenomenological entity are reviewed.
(15) This article presents a conceptualization of health as consisting of social, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical components; a conceptualization of wellness as the integration of these components; and a conceptualization of high-level wellness as the balance of these components.
(16) It gives a detailed description of King's conceptual system including personal systems, interpersonal systems, and social systems, and a description of the theory of goal attainment.
(17) Therefore, the authors present an update of the changing conceptualizations regarding the offenders and their victims.
(18) Although the beginnings and endings of these periods are not definitive, these periods may be conceptually useful in evaluating a foal's behavior.
(19) Empowerment offers a practical conceptual framework for diabetes patient education.
(20) The concepts of awareness, excitement, action, and contact as components of the cycle are related conceptually both to modes and points of interruption of self-regulation and to specific treatment modalities and methods.
(n.) An example; a model; a pattern.
(n.) An example of a conjugation or declension, showing a word in all its different forms of inflection.
(n.) An illustration, as by a parable or fable.
Example Sentences:
(1) Comparisons between predicted and observed results of studies using different coalition paradigms show considerable empirical support for the model.
(2) The hypothesis that the standard acoustic startle habituation paradigm contains the elements of Pavlovian fear conditioning was tested.
(3) We present a paradigm to estimate local affine motion parallax structure from a varying image irradiance pattern.
(4) In the present study, we used a double-labeling paradigm to test that hypothesis.
(5) The results show that centrally administered serotonin, the serotonin precursor, 5-hydroxytryptophan administered with clorgyline, a selective MAO A inhibitor, quipazine, a serotonin receptor agonist, and fluoxetine, a selective inhibitor of neuronal re-uptake of serotonin, attenuated all paradigms of FIA and apomorphine induced potentiation of FIA.
(6) The following oculomotor paradigms were investigated: horizontal and vertical saccades of different sizes (10-80 degrees), smooth pursuit eye movements, optokinetic and vestibular nystagmus.
(7) Testing of CGRP (ICV) in both single bottle conditioned-aversion and differential starvation paradigms was done.
(8) Two other groups were trained in a classical defensive paradigm.
(9) A more current view of science, the Probabilistic paradigm, encourages more complex models, which can be articulated as the more flexible maxims used with insight by the wise clinician.
(10) A sample of 154 randomly selected, full-wave rectified and filtered electromyographic recordings was evaluated using a test-retest paradigm.
(11) We used two experimental paradigms inspired by developmental biology to study how bees obtain information on changing colony needs that results in precocious foraging.
(12) Paradigm relies heavily on social science research and analysis to help companies identify and address the specific barriers and unconscious biases that might be affecting their diversity efforts: things like anonymizing resumes so that employers can’t tell a candidate’s gender or ethnicity, or modifying a salary negotiation process that places women and minorities at a disadvantage.
(13) However, in a double-cue conditioning paradigm in which both command words were presented alone on different trials and reinforced, response latency was longer and puff attenuation poorer among Vs than when the UCS was signaled by a unique cue.
(14) Sixteen patients, 6-15 years old, were tested, using an auditory target selection paradigm.
(15) Mild footshock stress may provide a paradigm for studying both peptidergic modulation of brain dopaminergic neurons and the dynamic regulation of tachykinin and opioid peptide transcription, processing and utilization.
(16) Such characteristics are reminiscent of the behavior of variegating position-effects in Drosophila and the application of this paradigm to human disease phenotypes provides both a mechanism by which differential genome imprinting may be accomplished as well as genetic models that may explain the clinical association of syntenic diseases, the association between tumor progression and specific chromosomal aneuploidy and the unusual inheritance characteristics of many diseases.
(17) Finally, using a newly developed paradigm for examining the composition of regenerating axons by axonal transport, we determined that significant amounts of the 57 kDa neuronal IF protein were conveyed into the regrowing axonal sprouts of DRG neurons.
(18) This modern view of man and his world discards the traditional mechanistic paradigm which has been the focus of Western scientific thought and medicine.
(19) A new experimental paradigm for studying cognitive functions by means of endogenous event-related brain potentials is presented.
(20) A paradigm is provided by the disease phenylketonuria in which the homozygote lacks the enzyme for synthesis of the nonessential amino acid tyrosine.