(v. t.) To relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest of; to be of importance to.
(v. t.) To engage by feeling or sentiment; to interest; as, a good prince concerns himself in the happiness of his subjects.
(v. i.) To be of importance.
(n.) That which relates or belongs to one; business; affair.
(n.) That which affects the welfare or happiness; interest; moment.
(n.) Interest in, or care for, any person or thing; regard; solicitude; anxiety.
(n.) Persons connected in business; a firm and its business; as, a banking concern.
Example Sentences:
(1) This paper discusses the typical echocardiographic patterns of a variety of important conditions concerning the mitral valve, the left ventricle, the interatrial and interventricular septum as well as the influence of respiration on the performance of echocardiograms.
(2) As far as acrophase table is concerned for all enzymes and fractions the acrophase occurred during the night.
(3) At pH 7.0, reduction is complete after 6 to 10 h. These results together with an earlier study concerning the positions of the two most readily reduced bonds (Cornell J.S., and Pierce, J.G.
(4) The problem of treatment oneside malocclusions of adult patients needs to concern of anchorange.
(5) This article is intended as a brief practical guide for physicians and physiotherapists concerned with the treatment of cystic fibrosis.
(6) Since the start of this week, markets have been more cautious, with bond yields in Spain reaching their highest levels in four months on Tuesday amid concern about the scale of the austerity measures being imposed by the government and fears that the country might need a bailout.
(7) The aetiological factors concerned in the production of paraumbilical and epigastric hernias have been reviewed along structural--functional lines.
(8) A review is presented concerning the development of new neuroimaging techniques in the last decade which have improved the diagnostic exploration of patients with spinal cord injuries, including studies of possible sequelae.
(9) Much of the current information concerning this issue is from short-term studies.
(10) Accidentally discovered nearly 40 years ago as the first true antidepressants, the MAOIs soon fell into disfavor due to concerns about toxicity and seemingly lesser efficacy compared with the newer tricyclic compounds.
(11) Several dimensions of the outcome of 86 schizophrenic patients were recorded 1 year after discharge from inpatient index-treatment to complete a prospective study concerning the course of illness (rehospitalization, symptoms, employment and social contacts).
(12) A full-scale war is unlikely but there is clear concern in Seoul about the more realistic threat of a small-scale attack on the South Korean military or a group of islands near the countries' disputed maritime border in the Yellow Sea.
(13) Regulators concerned about physician behavior and confronted by demands of nonphysicians to prescribe controlled substances may find EDT a good solution.
(14) Reasons for non-acceptance do not indicate any major difficulties in the employment of such staff in general practice, at least as far as the patients are concerned.
(15) Recent research conducted by independent investigators concerning the relationship between crime and narcotic (primarily heroin) addiction has revealed a remarkable degree of consistency of findings across studies.
(16) This is a report concerning a unique combination of Alzheimer's disease with the following refluxes: buccosalivary, gastroesophageal, vesicoureteral, urethroprostatic and urethrovesicular, along with neurogenic bowel and neuropathic bladder.
(17) I"m not concerned about the Secretary of State's comments, he suggests.
(18) It did the job of triggering growth, but it also fueled real-estate speculation, similar to what was going on in the mid-2000s here.” Slowing economic growth may be another concern.
(19) The data obtained are considered inasmuch as they concern the hypobilirubinemic action of nicophesone.
(20) In South Africa, health risks associated with exposure to toxic waste sites need to be viewed in the context of current community health concerns, competing causes of disease and ill-health, and the relative lack of knowledge about environmental contamination and associated health effects.
(v. t.) To butt; to push with the horns.
() Know not; knows not.
(n.) Nut.
(n.) Need; needful business.
(n.) A mark or token by which a thing may be known; a visible sign; a character; a distinctive mark or feature; a characteristic quality.
(n.) A mark, or sign, made to call attention, to point out something to notice, or the like; a sign, or token, proving or giving evidence.
(n.) A brief remark; a marginal comment or explanation; hence, an annotation on a text or author; a comment; a critical, explanatory, or illustrative observation.
(n.) A brief writing intended to assist the memory; a memorandum; a minute.
(n.) Hence, a writing intended to be used in speaking; memoranda to assist a speaker, being either a synopsis, or the full text of what is to be said; as, to preach from notes; also, a reporter's memoranda; the original report of a speech or of proceedings.
(n.) A short informal letter; a billet.
(n.) A diplomatic missive or written communication.
(n.) A written or printed paper acknowledging a debt, and promising payment; as, a promissory note; a note of hand; a negotiable note.
(n.) A list of items or of charges; an account.
(n.) A character, variously formed, to indicate the length of a tone, and variously placed upon the staff to indicate its pitch. Hence:
(n.) A musical sound; a tone; an utterance; a tune.
(n.) A key of the piano or organ.
(n.) Observation; notice; heed.
(n.) Notification; information; intelligence.
(n.) State of being under observation.
(n.) Reputation; distinction; as, a poet of note.
(n.) Stigma; brand; reproach.
(n.) To notice with care; to observe; to remark; to heed; to attend to.
(n.) To record in writing; to make a memorandum of.
(n.) To charge, as with crime (with of or for before the thing charged); to brand.
(n.) To denote; to designate.
(n.) To annotate.
(n.) To set down in musical characters.
Example Sentences:
(1) The distribution and configuration of the experimental ruptures were similar to those usually noted as complications of human myocardial infarction.
(2) Clonal abnormalities involving chromosomes 3 and 21 were noted in two patients.
(3) One hour after direct mechanical cardiomassage (DMCM) a moderately pronounced edema of the intercellular spaces in the basal compartment of the seminiferous epithelium, normal content of lactate and succinate dehydrogenases, and a certain decrease in the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases and NAD- and NADP-diaphorases were noted.
(4) Between 22 HLA-identical siblings and 16 two-haplotype different siblings, a significant difference in concordance of reactions for the B-cell groups was noted.
(5) The Independent noted that one of the female protagonists yelled "You c***!"
(6) When the data correlating DHT with protein synthesis using both labelling techniques were combined, the curves were parallel and a strong correlation was noted between DHT and protein synthesis over a wide range of values (P less than 0.001).
(7) The results also indicate that small lesions initially noted only on CT scans of the chest in children with Wilms' tumor frequently represent metastatic tumor.
(8) The dog and the pig also have an endoperoxide-sensitive constrictor system activated by the 11,9-(epoxymethano) analogue of PGH2 and, of particular note, ICI 79939 and its 11-oxo analogue.
(9) When the posterior capsule was sectioned, no significant changes were noted in the severity of the sag or the rotation.
(10) No differences in cardiac output were noted in surviving animals.
(11) They also note surveys that show British voters becoming more Eurosceptic, not less.
(12) Women seldom occupy higher positions in a [criminal] organisation, and are rather used for menial, but often dangerous tasks ,” it notes.
(13) It should be noted that about a half of the plasmids (11 out of 21) belonged to the incompatibility group P-7 which up to the present time was conditional, since was represented by a single plasmid Rms 148.
(14) Mild, significant improvement was noted in one of the hearing components, "attenuation," and an adverse effect was shown on "distortion," owing to noise.
(15) On HRCT, sequential changes from early edema to development of emphysema were noted.
(16) Valve-related complications were noted in four patients.
(17) Type I and Type II mast-cell degranulation was noted but was not universal.
(18) Cas reduced it further to four, but the decision effectively ends Platini’s career as a football administrator because – as he pointedly noted – it rules him out of standing for the Fifa presidency in 2019.
(19) It can also solve a lot of problems – period.” However, Trump did not support making the officer-worn video cameras mandatory across the country, as the Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has done , noting “different police departments feel different ways”.
(20) It has been noted before that Campbell is rather an effective operator.