What's the difference between condemn and disdain?



  • (v. t.) To pronounce to be wrong; to disapprove of; to censure.
  • (v. t.) To declare the guilt of; to make manifest the faults or unworthiness of; to convict of guilt.
  • (v. t.) To pronounce a judicial sentence against; to sentence to punishment, suffering, or loss; to doom; -- with to before the penalty.
  • (v. t.) To amerce or fine; -- with in before the penalty.
  • (v. t.) To adjudge or pronounce to be unfit for use or service; to adjudge or pronounce to be forfeited; as, the ship and her cargo were condemned.
  • (v. t.) To doom to be taken for public use, under the right of eminent domain.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Both condemn the treatment of Ibrahim, whose supposed offence appears to have shifted over time, from fabricating a defamatory story to entering a home without permission to misleading an interviewee for an article that was never published.
  • (2) Local and international media and watchdog organisations such as the World Association of Newspapers , Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters Without Borders have issued statements strongly condemning the prison sentence.
  • (3) Collins later thanked the condemned man for what he said was the respect he showed toward the execution team and for the way he endured the ordeal.
  • (4) He was held there for another eight months in conditions that aroused widespread condemnation , including being held in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day and being made to strip naked at night.
  • (5) She began on Friday by urging Republican women at a convention to “look at this face”, meaning her own, condemned Trump’s remarks as “unpresidential”, and then the Super Pac campaigning group, Carly For America, used Fiorina’s words as a voiceover for a video ad posted on YouTube on Monday showcasing dozens of women’s faces as the “faces of leadership”.
  • (6) Whatever their other faults, most Republicans running for office this year do not share Trump’s unwillingness to condemn the Ku Klux Klan.
  • (7) Talking ahead of a UN climate summit in Peru next month, Kim said he was alarmed by World Bank-commissioned research from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, which said that as a result of past greenhouse gas emissions the world is condemned to unprecedented weather events.
  • (8) How can the CHOGM leaders condemn the dictatorship of Musharraf but happily wine and dine with Museveni?
  • (9) The US initially condemned the 2009 coup in Honduras against the leftwing leader José Manuel Zelaya but has subsequently supported the administration of Porfirio Lobo.
  • (10) So the worst start to a campaign in the Roman Abramovich era has condemned Chelsea to the top of the Premier League table.
  • (11) Bacterial cultures were also made of condemned bursas taken at processing.
  • (12) The family of Naftali Frenkel, one of the the murdered Israeli teenagers, has condemned the apparent revenge attack on a Palestinian teenager.
  • (13) An appeal judge also condemned the proceedings and ordered a retrial .
  • (14) Green groups condemn Glencore involvement in Garden Bridge project Read more Meanwhile, disquiet over the bridge’s environmental credentials is gathering momentum.
  • (15) The Arbor was supported by Artangel , the arts commissioning body that produced Rachel Whiteread's House , her 1993 cast of a condemned terraced home, and Roger Hiorns's Seizure (2008), an empty council flat encrusted with cobalt-blue crystals.
  • (16) It’s a very complicated picture, both in terms of how agencies view press freedoms and in terms of Iranian laws.” Iran has long been condemned for its ongoing persecution of journalists, which has been stepped up in recent months.
  • (17) A comparison was made of the effect of providing or denying water to steers during the last 20 h before slaughter on carcase weight, bruising, muscle pH, and during the dressing process on the numbers of rumens from which ingesta was split and the number of heads and tongues condemned because of contamination with ingesta.
  • (18) Top Gear presenter Clarkson, who has been repeatedly criticised for making offensive comments, had condemned Sky for the decision, describing it as "heresy by thought".
  • (19) General results show that middle class and nonqualified working class groups are the ones who most disapprove of and condemn alcohol abuse and, at the same time, avoid to a higher degree drinking alcohol.
  • (20) Finally the new president will be condemned for his recklessness, ignorance and incompetence,” the newspaper said in an editorial .



  • (v. t.) A feeling of contempt and aversion; the regarding anything as unworthy of or beneath one; scorn.
  • (v. t.) That which is worthy to be disdained or regarded with contempt and aversion.
  • (v. t.) The state of being despised; shame.
  • (v. t.) To think unworthy; to deem unsuitable or unbecoming; as, to disdain to do a mean act.
  • (v. t.) To reject as unworthy of one's self, or as not deserving one's notice; to look with scorn upon; to scorn, as base acts, character, etc.
  • (v. i.) To be filled with scorn; to feel contemptuous anger; to be haughty.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) People praying, voicing their views and heart, were met with disdain and a level of force exceeding what was needed.
  • (2) Fred had to be substituted to shield him from the crowd’s disdain.
  • (3) It may have been like punk never ‘appened, but you caught a whiff of the movement’s scorched earth puritanism in the mocking disdain with which Smash Hits addressed rock-star hedonism.
  • (4) TV's Jeremy Paxman didn't even bother hiding his disdain for the introduction of weather reports to Newsnight – "It's April.
  • (5) It shows that we still have some way to go to end bigoted banter.” The exchange was also met with disdain on Twitter.
  • (6) He has frequently tested the patience of Japan's conservative sumo authorities with his disdain for the rules of engagement in the ring and his bad behaviour off it.
  • (7) His comic adventures are too many to relate, but it may be said that they culminate in a café of 'singing waiters' where, after a wealth of comic 'business' with the tray, he shows his disdain for articulate speech by singing a vividly explicit song in gibberish.
  • (8) Immigration has been used as a 21st-century incomes policy, mixing a liberal sense of free for all with a free-market disdain for clear and effective rules.
  • (9) Riva, the oldest nominee ever for best actress category, has a very Gallic disdain for such public adulation.
  • (10) "Historians will pore over his many speeches to black audiences," wrote Ta-Nahisi Coates at The Atlantic, and "they will see a president who sought to hold black people accountable for their communities, but was disdainful of those who looked at him and sought the same".
  • (11) Born in July 1954, Christopher Murray Paul-Huhne (his surname until he went to Oxford) has always been something of a Marmite politician, attracting both loyalty and affection, as well as brickbats and disdain.
  • (12) Gil Eliyahu, who stopped working for Binyamin and Sara Netanyahu two and a half years ago, is threatening to sue the couple, claiming he was treated with "humiliating" disdain.
  • (13) It was one of at least half a dozen such unionist experiments, with a variety of partners, which foundered on the rocks of the would-be partners' infirmity of purpose, fear, suspicion and disdain of this bizarre, arrogant, impetuous upstart.
  • (14) Safronkov reserved his fiercest disdain for the UK envoy, Matthew Rycroft, who had said that UK scientists had determined that sarin had been used in the Khan Sheikhun attack and called on Russia to cut ties with Assad, who Rycroft said was bringing Moscow only “shame and humiliation”.
  • (15) The rules extended from healthcare to the environment to workplace safety, but all were grounded in Bush's disdain for the government's role as a regulatory authority.
  • (16) Stevenson did not disdain the genre in which he was operating.
  • (17) Issues Sir Ken, on the other hand, is a professional Yorkshireman and farmer - the sort of chap who prefers to call a retail outlet a shop and treated press and City with equal disdain.
  • (18) The pent-up fury of the parents reflected the intensity of the violent protests that marked a dramatic week in Mexico, which has deepened the political crisis facing President Enrique Peña Nieto as he returns from a week-long trip to China and Australia, seen by many as a sign of disdain for the suffering and anger at home.
  • (19) What is clear now, for those for whom it was ever in doubt, is the reality of Tory values: the disdain with which they view the less fortunate and the reason why the annual cull of the impoverished through malnutrition and hypothermia is not a problem to them.
  • (20) Instead – spoiler alert – to the disdain of many, it opted for a more satisfying, upbeat conclusion.