What's the difference between conder and yonder?



  • (n.) One who watches shoals of fish; a balker. See Balker.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Will, and the four Fifa executive-committee members stood four square behind him — Lennart Johansson, Uefa's top politician whom Blatter had defeated in the 1998 presidential campaign, Issa Hayatou, the Conderation of African Football president who was challenging Blatter at the 2002 election, the Italian Antonio Matarrese and the Korean Chung Mong-joon — were all executive-committee members.
  • (2) Environmental monitoring of surface waters around Lancaster showed that thermophilic campylobacters were absent from drinking water from the fells and from the clean upper reaches of the River Conder but were present in the main rivers entering Morecambe Bay, the lower reaches of the River Conder, the Lancaster canal, and seawater from the Lune estuary and Morecambe Bay.
  • (3) The name itself has been ascribed to the Latin word condere, Cum Domino, the French city of Condom, and doctor Quondom, the physician of the English King Charles II.



  • (adv.) At a distance, but within view.
  • (a.) Being at a distance within view, or conceived of as within view; that or those there; yon.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Free, free as the sunshine trickling down the morning into these high windows of mine, free as yonder fresh young voices welling up to me from the caverns of brick and mortar below – swelling with song, instinct with life, tremulous treble and darkening bass.” A signature sentence “If it is true that there are an appreciable number of Negro youth in the land capable by character and talent to receive that higher training, the end of which is culture, and if the two-and-a-half thousand who have had something of this training in the past have in the main proved themselves useful to their race and generation, the question then comes, What place in the future development of the South ought the Negro college and college-bred man to occupy?” Three to compare Ralph Ellison: Invisible Man (1952) James Baldwin: The Fire Next Time (1963) Barack Obama: Dreams from My Father (1995) • The Souls of Black Folk by WEB Du Bois is published by Yale University Press (£7.99).
  • (2) Debt will rise as austerity stretches further into the yonder with ever more cuts.
  • (3) If universal credit collapses or is delayed to beyond the blue yonder, it will be a shame that a project every government considers, but shies away from in its enormity, is wrecked by incompetence, arrogance and a political imperative to rush.
  • (4) We now have a system that would not allow the Liberal Democrats to be bounced into a position that came out of the pale blue yonder.
  • (5) But he insisted that much UK money vanished “into the wide blue yonder.
  • (6) We start by marching on the spot, which gradually turns into a sort of gliding on the spot, rather than trying to head off too fast into the wild yonder of the rink.
  • (7) One of the mainest ways is by singing … No matter who makes it up, no matter who sings it and who don't, if it talks the lingo of the people it's a cinch to catch on, and will be sung here and yonder for a long time after you've cashed in your chips."
  • (8) A false step yonder means death,” evil Stapleton warns in the book.

Words possibly related to "conder"

Words possibly related to "yonder"