(n.) The act of condescending; voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in intercourse with an inferior; courtesy toward inferiors.
Example Sentences:
(1) A series of hierarchical multiple regressions revealed the effects of Surgency, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Intellect on evoking upset in spouses through condescension (e.g., treating spouse as stupid or inferior), possessiveness (demanding too much time and attention), abuse (slapping spouse), unfaithfulness (having sex with others), inconsiderateness (leaving toilet seat up), moodiness (crying a lot), alcohol abuse (drinking too much alcohol), emotional constriction (hiding emotions to act tough), and self-centeredness (acting selfishly).
(2) The debate highlighted almost all of Obama's worst qualities: he seemed bored to the point of condescension, particular to the point of testiness, and proved for the hundredth or so time that he is Worst.
(3) They are Americans, and they deserve your respect.” The chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), Reince Priebus, echoed Pence in a statement, saying: “The truly deplorable thing in this race is the shameful level of condescension and disrespect Hillary Clinton is showing to her fellow citizens.” Trump, per his habit, initially responded on Twitter .
(4) But so far, I perceive a threatening mix of arrogance, self-infatuation and condescension.” It is tempting to see Podemos as a well-planned operation by a group of talented academics, following a populist script written by a line of radical thinkers, but that would be too simple.
(5) Not just because of her sheer endurance i n a nearly 11-hour filibuster, not just because she stood up to condescension and sexism, and not just because she did it all with aplomb and grace.
(6) In both cases it comes with great lashes of condescension and a lack of knowledge about the countries one is imposing on.
(7) For every cockle-warming group hug, there's Tambor, spewing bile and condescension; for every small child bursting winsomely into song, there he is again, a snout-nosed vision of pompous self-delusion.
(8) The condescension is reminiscent of the musings of Ignatius J Reilly, the hapless protagonist of John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces, regarding African Americans apparent conservatism.
(9) It is suffused with a defiant positivity that shatters any notion of condescension towards disabled competitors.
(10) For much of a career spanning more than 60 years, the writer Elizabeth Jane Howard , who has died aged 90, suffered a certain condescension from literary editors as a writer of "women's novels".
(11) A mournful waltz written from the perspective of a bereaved mother, it’s an anti-war pop song that successfully treads the line between compassion and condescension.
(12) Russia supports Assad not primarily as a political friend and ally – the chill and condescension in Putin’s demeanour during Assad’s flying visit to Moscow last October should have given the lie to that – but because, in the view of Putin and his advisers, Assad is all that stands between Syria and chaos.
(13) He was much later described by his housemaster with wonderful condescension as "a model boy, though quite undistinguished".
(14) His condescension is metered, however; the softer the voice and the more words delivered per minute, the greater his levels of scorn.
(15) In addition to standard college newspaper fare – an essay about town-gown relations in which Miller details the “ condescension ” inherent in giving a janitor a birthday card – Miller’s 25 columns, written between September 2005 and April 2007, frequently touch on hot-button issues.
(16) His review is so much fun, it's worth quoting more: "V For Vendetta is such an odd mixture: partly naive post-punk posturing, betraying the original's 1981 origins, and partly well-meant (but very American) condescension towards London and Britain.
(17) Americans don't have passports, we don't meet many foreigners, and we think proper English diction is an indicator of condescension or homosexuality.
(18) Yet, to judge by his recent rant in the Daily Mail against "Marxist" professors, his head-butting with the unions and his condescension on Question Time to the shadow attorney general, he clearly revels in letting off fusillades against anyone who disagrees with him on education.
(19) I tell him that I always associated those protests, indeed that time, with political failure, remembering above all the muddle, the lack of a programme, the big, angry “no” to globalisation giving way to a surrendered, “Well, ok then, so long as you promise that corporate capture won’t kill anybody (that I know).” Iglesias disagrees entirely, which is unlike him – his preferred conversational mode is to respond to every question with “exactly” or “absolutely”, a sort of emollient, un-left-ish manner with maybe the faintest whiff of condescension.
(20) Just as storied designated players swiftly find that when the initial burst of selfies and ad campaigns runs out, they’re only as good as their performances for their new teams, coaches can expect to be scrutinized for any whiff of condescension to their new environment, and held to a particularly high standard accordingly.
(a.) Manifesting or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful; haughty; insolent; disdainful.
Example Sentences:
(1) He was contemptuous of Nelson’s small target strategy even in the early years in opposition, insisting voters always needed to know what a party stood for, and that it should stand for big ideas.
(3) He dictates the next rally and when Murray decides to go for another lob, Dimitrov is on to the ruse and swats a contemptuous smash away to seal the first set that flashed by in the blink of an eye!
(4) (Of course, she was also perfectly aware of the feminist content, what it said about the disgusted-attracted-contemptuous male gaze, but she preferred the art to ask the questions, discomfit, not preach.)
(5) Thatcher was contemptuous of "the centre ground" and withering about consensus politics, holding it to be responsible for Britain's postwar decline and believing it to be a recipe for getting nothing done.
(6) It held its first national congress in Algiers, and although it was contemptuous of existing political organisations, Poujade made his own political party, Union et Fraternité Française.
(7) His enemies argue that he divided Europe by launching an illegal war; he kept the UK out of the eurozone and the Schengen agreement ; he is contemptuous of democracy (surely a qualification?
(8) It is rife with secrecy, top-down managerial manipulation, impervious to any outside scrutiny, contemptuous of any questioning, and has embraced extensive surveillance and discriminatory policing of religious and racial minorities.
(9) Photograph: AAP In her famous 1913 pamphlet, Round about a pound a week , Maud Pember Reeves wrote contemptuously about “the gospel of porridge” – the idea, still common among the wealthy, that the destitute wouldn’t be so wretched if only they invested their money wisely.
(10) Norte Energia officials are privately contemptuous.
(11) The voices (which by this time had multiplied and become much more aggressive) were witheringly contemptuous about this: "You can't even SPELL schizophrenia," one of them said, "So what the hell are you going to do about having it?!"
(12) Facebook Twitter Pinterest The words returned to haunt Renzi for weeks afterwards, in the fitting form, for this most Twitter-friendly of premiers, of contemptuous hashtags and YouTube satire.
(13) Judge Alistair McCreath said: "When a defendant makes a considered decision to abscond as you did he or she has shown a contemptuous disregard for that important obligation and that in itself matters."
(14) "If it is false, it is libellous; if it is true, it is contemptuous," he added.
(15) He was contemptuous of the way a powerful lobby had manipulated Jewish American opinion, although this compared with the way "the Greek, Armenian, Ukrainian and Irish diasporas have all played an unhealthy role in perpetuating ethnic exclusivism and nationalist prejudice in the countries of their forebears".
(16) But a decade ago, executive leadership fell into the hands of people obsessed with "get big quick" and openly contemptuous of co-operative values.
(17) The campaign, according to Graham, ignored focus group research that showed people were contemptuous of the idea that electoral reform would prevent corruption.
(18) "He doesn't do anything that presidents do, he doesn't worry about any of the things the presidents do, but he has the White House, he has enormous power, and he'll go down in history as the president – and I suspect that he's pretty contemptuous of the rest of us."
(19) Delivering the prestigious Hugh Cudlipp lecture, Dacre harangued what he dubbed the "subsidariat" of newspapers - in which he included the Times and the Guardian - which do not turn a profit and are "consumed by the kind of political correctness that is patronisingly contemptuous of what it describes as ordinary people".
(20) Whatever I asked him about, he was fantastically hostile and contemptuous.