(v. i.) To put faith (in); to repose confidence; to trust; -- usually followed by in; as, the prince confides in his ministers.
(v. t.) To intrust; to give in charge; to commit to one's keeping; -- followed by to.
Example Sentences:
(1) When pooled data were analysed, this difference was highly significant (p = 0.0001) with a relative risk of schizophrenia in homozygotes of 2.61 (95% confidence intervals 1.60-4.26).
(2) Confidence is the major prerequisite for a doctor to be able to help his seriously ill patient.
(3) Men who ever farmed were at slightly elevated risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (odds ratio = 1.2, 95% confidence interval = 1.0-1.5) that was not linked to specific crops or particular animals.
(4) Although, it did give me the confidence to believe that my voice was valid and important.
(5) But Howard added that it may take a while and he is not confident the political reality will change.
(6) Jaczko's appearance was the second show of confidence in the nuclear industry since Sunday.
(7) Subjects in the highest quartile of the insulin distribution had 6.6 times the risk of developing type II diabetes as subjects in the remaining three quartiles combined (95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.14-13.7).
(8) However, self-efficacy (defined as confidence in being able to resist the urge to drink heavily) assessed at intake of treatment, was strongly associated with the level of consumption on drinking occasions at follow-up.
(9) As Heseltine himself argued, after the success of last summer's Olympics, "our aim must be to become a nation of cities possessed of London's confidence and elan" .
(10) The adjusted odds ratio of having one or more hospitalization for current drinkers relative to life-long abstainers in females was 0.67 (95 per cent confidence interval 0.57-0.79) and in males was 0.74 (0.57-0.96).
(11) "There is sufficient evidence... of past surface temperatures to say with a high level of confidence that the last few decades of the 20th century were warmer than any comparable period in the last 400 years.
(12) She has imbued me with the confidence of encouraging other girls to dream alternative futures that do not rely on FGM as a prerequisite.
(13) The changes are necessary to produce confident, supportive community oriented nurses.
(14) The relationship between certain prenatal and background variables and maternal confidence also was assessed.
(15) Central assessment of the angiograms revealed a patent infarct-related artery in 78 patients (patency rate 66%, 95% confidence limits 57 to 74%).
(16) We need to be confident that the criminal justice system takes child abuse seriously.
(17) Twellman has steadily grown in confidence as he settles into his role, though whether as a player or as an advocate he was never shy about voicing his opinions.
(18) We are confident that the European commission’s state aid decision on Hinkley Point C is legally robust,” a spokeswoman for Britain’s Department of Energy and Climate Change said last week.
(19) By 1988, nearly one-half of the public expressed confidence in the future of the Social Security program.
(20) In confidence rape, the assailant is known to some degree, however slight, and gains control over his victim by winning her trust.
(a.) Confident to excess.
Example Sentences:
(1) Second, if you follow this line of reasoning, men in general tend to be overconfident (pdf) – the quantity of submissions has nothing to do with the quality of submissions.
(2) First comes a feeling of euphoria: then the diver gets overconfident, lulled into a false sense of security, and dangerously overestimates how long they have left.
(3) This papillary malignant transformation, not previously observed in inverted papillomas, cautions against overconfidence in benign nature of inverted papilloma.
(4) All would have been more suspicious about King's overconfident advice.
(5) This does not appear to be due simply to overconfidence in their abilities, since it was the younger and less experienced pilots who held the most unrealistically optimistic appraisals of their ability.
(6) Arrogant overconfidence by the NHS – imagine that – means that what should be an extraordinary asset both to patient care and to the UK science base may have been lost for the foreseeable future.
(7) As in Dunning et al., moreover, overconfidence could be traced to two sources.
(8) Overconfidence and underconfidence indices were also calculated by using the indicated levels of certainty.
(9) That impact has rightly produced a challenge to the overconfident intellectual assumptions of the pre-crisis era – assumptions never more prevalent than in some pre-crisis Davos meetings.
(10) Of key importance, depressed Ss were less accurate in their predictions, and thus more overconfident, than their nondepressed counterparts.
(11) It was a policy pushed by an Afghan government anxious to get British soldiers to fight the insurgency in key areas, and overconfident British officers eagerly pursued it.
(12) Further analysis revealed two specific sources of overconfidence.
(13) The "well encapsulated" pleomorphic adenoma has at best a pseudocapsule which allows for bits of satellite tumor to be left behind at ""enucleation" surgery as well as for easy "spillage" of tumor by the overconfident surgeon.
(14) In the end its overconfidence was its ruin; one interviewee too many, shackled naked to a chair, had been half suffocated with a plastic bag to force a confession.
(15) (3) Generally speaking, guidance should be given not to be overconfident or overdefensive in pregnancy.
(16) Unanticipated outcomes included: Alcohol intoxication significantly hindered recall from long-term memory, contrary to previous conclusions that alcohol does not affect retrieval; people's expectancy of alcohol had no significant effect on memory or metamemory performance, contrary to its established effects on other kinds of performance; and alcohol intoxication produced no significant overconfidence in judgments about recall or in feeling-of-knowing judgments, contrary to the overconfidence produced in other kinds of judgments such as an intoxicated person's assessment of his driving ability.
(17) Overconfidence in clinicians was examined in two independently designed studies, each using a different research approach.
(18) This previously described method allows the examinee to receive 'overconfidence' and 'underconfidence' scores.
(19) Scores of British troops have been killed in Sangin since Tony Blair, egged on by overconfident British generals, dispatched more than 3,000 service men and women to Helmand in 2006.
(20) Buoyed for the previous decade by absurdly high inflows of globally generated credit that created false booms, they suddenly found their overconfident banks had wildly lent too much.