What's the difference between conglutin and legumin?



  • (n.) A variety of vegetable casein, resembling legumin, and found in almonds, rye, wheat, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The amino acid sequence of the smaller subunit of conglutin gamma, the simplest of the three globulins from the seeds of Lupinus angustifolius cv.
  • (2) These were consistent with the existence of a multi-gene family coding for conglutin delta.
  • (3) Thus, despite the demonstration of tubal patency, the function of the rather delicate fimbria may be compromised by periadnexal adhesions, conglutinations, and hydatids so that only a fraction of those eggs that leave the ovary at ovulation reach the interior of the fallopian tube.
  • (4) Type 3 sera both directly conglutinated and sensitized sheep E-rabbit A for conglutination.
  • (5) The histological check-up demonstrated that neurotoxic side-effects were absent and there were no conglutinations with the dura.
  • (6) Since conglutination was shown to be inhibited specifically by N-acetylglucosamine [Leon, M.A.
  • (7) Conglutinin is a bovine plasma protein which mediates the agglutination of the sensitized erythrocyte-solid phase iC3b complex (conglutination).
  • (8) Proceeding from the latter the author suggests the test of the conglutinating complex fixation which proved to be effective in detection of antibodies inactive in the agglutination and complement fixation tests.
  • (9) If the sera that inhibit conglutination when diluted to 1: 40 or more are considered as reactive, the sensitivity of the test is 93.7% (six sera were anticomplementary).
  • (10) These lesions cause anoxic and necrotic damage of the parenchyma and, in certain cases, the appearance of serious haemorrhagic syndromes where the initial stage is the conglutination of the erytrocytes followed by disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome.
  • (11) Direct conglutinating activity of type 3 sera was inhibited by heating serum at 50 degrees C for 30 min and was not restored by alternative activation pathway factor B. Chelation of Ca2+ in type 2 and 3 sera blocked sensitization of sheep E-rabbit A for conglutination by bovine conglutinin, indicating that the classical activation pathway was involved.
  • (12) Measurement of the degree of cicatrization, determination of the free hydroxyproline in serum, and histological findings helped to demonstrate that local application of rifamycin SV leads to an increased fibrinous conglutination of the lips of the wound at an early phase of the healing process and the subsequent formation of fibres in the regenerative tissue is not impaired.
  • (13) The diagnosis of phimosis is often used for another nonobstructive conditions of prepuce--conglutination or tight prepuce.
  • (14) The structure of the precursor polypeptide for conglutin delta predicted from the cDNA sequence contained an N-terminal leader peptide of 22 amino acids directly preceding a subunit polypeptide of Mr 4520, together with a linking region of 13 amino acids and a subunit polypeptide of Mr 9558 at the C-terminus.
  • (15) The conglutinating complement fixation test was compared with the haemolytic complement fixation test for the detection of brucella antibodies in human sera.
  • (16) By means of the peritoneography it is possible to see incorrect punctures into the abdominal walls, into the intestine, into the retroperitoneal space, or into peritoneal conglutinations before the radiogold instillation.
  • (17) Further investigation of the ECA reaction using techniques to distinguish between conglutination and immunoconglutination indicated ECA to be a conglutination reaction.
  • (18) Despite these similarities, the MBP and conglutinin were immunochemically distinct, and the MBP did not show any conglutination activity.
  • (19) Anisoinotropism presents as the forerunner of the well known "contraction band degeneration-necrosis", by progressive coagulative denaturation of the contractile proteins, up to conglutination and cancellation of sarcomere structures.
  • (20) Immunization also elicited detectable circulating antibody titres, with IHA and the conglutinating complement absorption test having a tendency to be enhanced after the booster dose.



  • (n.) An albuminous substance resembling casein, found as a characteristic ingredient of the seeds of leguminous and grain-bearing plants.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Legumin was detected only in the seed of tobacco where the primary translation products were processed in a manner analogous to that which occurs in pea.
  • (2) It hydrolyses native vetch legumin and vicilin up to peptides having on average 9 and 16 amino acid residues respectively.
  • (3) Two plant introns along with flanking exon sequences have been isolated from an amylase gene of wheat and a legumin gene of pea and cloned behind the phage SP6 promoter.
  • (4) In the healthy group the insulin response was significantly lower after the leguminous meal than after the control meal (P less than 0.05) whilst the diabetic group showed lower insulin responses after all the high-fibre test meals.
  • (5) This communication is concerned with physiological, biochemical, and genetic studies of the regulation of ammonium (NH4+) assimilation by Rhizobia (root nodule bacteria) that infect leguminous plants.
  • (6) To this end, both copies of the alpha' subunit promoter legumin boxes were mutagenized in vitro.
  • (7) The root nodules of leguminous plants contain an oxygen-carrying protein which is somewhat similar to myoglobin.
  • (8) Most of that undigested fraction was smaller than the native legumin: 40 to 200 kDa instead of 360 kDa.
  • (9) But relatively little attention has been paid to lectins from non-leguminous foods.
  • (10) Our results show that the legumin boxes act together to increase transcription of the beta-conglycinin alpha' subunit gene by about a factor of ten.
  • (11) This study investigated the effect of prolonged ingestion of Leucaena leucocephala, a leguminous shrub with a potential as a source of animal feed in Southern Taiwan, by heifers on serum thyroid hormone levels.
  • (12) We conclude that legumin contains multiple targeting information, probably formed by higher structures of relatively long peptide sequences.
  • (13) Three test meals containing different types of dietary fibre in realistic amounts (cereal, leguminous and mixed-fibre), and one control meal were prepared.
  • (14) Translation of total poly(A)-containing RNA, free and membrane-bound polysomes in a cell-free wheat germs demonstrates that the globulins are preferentially produced on membrane-bound polysomes and that poly(A)-containing RNA includes the mRNA for both vicilin and legumin.
  • (15) With amino-terminal legumin-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase fusions expressed in tobacco seeds, efficient vacuolar targeting was obtained only with the complete alpha chain.
  • (16) The results constitute the first demonstration in vitro of DOCS activity which, in G. echinata cells and other leguminous plants, is involved in the biosynthesis of retrochalcone and 5-deoxyisoflavonoid-derived phytoalexins.
  • (17) Seed protein concentrates (SPC) were extracted from 4 leguminous species and the extractabilities of total N (nitrogen), protein N and SPC determined.
  • (18) The 5' flanking sequence of gene LegJ contains a sequence conserved in legumin genes from pea and other species, which is likely to have functional significance in control of gene expression.
  • (19) The presence of legumin-like constituents within the globulin fractions of wheat (Triticum aestivum), rye (Secale cereale) and corn (maize, Zea mays) was demonstrated.
  • (20) The increase does not occur if the cereal fiber is replaced by lentil-derived leguminous fiber.

Words possibly related to "conglutin"

Words possibly related to "legumin"