(a.) Pertaining to the order Coniferae, of which the pine tree is the type.
Example Sentences:
(1) It is suggested that high corticosterone levels are involved in the emigration of juveniles out of the coniferous forest.
(2) The size of such immune stratum characterizes the activity of natural foci: the largest immune stratum (25.4%) exists among the population of regions with broad-leaved forests, this stratum is somewhat less (12.2-13.2%) in regions with combined coniferous and broad-leaved forest, in regions with different combinations of broad-leaved forests and steppes, as well as mountain forests.
(3) The most dangerous foci of TBE were found to be located in the southern Okhotsk region grown with dark coniferous forests.
(4) The high northern latitudes are warming more rapidly than other parts of the Earth, with climate models predicting a northward shift of Arctic vegetation that will see the boreal biome (coniferous forest across North America and Eurasia) migrate into what is currently tundra (treeless plains of the Arctic).
(5) Either dry or humit warm-air inhalations with coniferous oil additives were prescribed depending on the type of sillness.
(6) This paper concerns the microbiological part of an investigation, the goal of which is to describe the biological changes in coniferous forest soil upon clear-cutting in a northern (66 degrees 20'N) moraine area where reforestation after clear-cutting had been met with difficulty.
(7) Exposure to terpenes and other heating products of coniferous woods was significantly associated with a risk of respiratory cancer when the duration of exposure exceeded five years.
(8) Two populations of Apodemus sylvaticus, one in deciduous woodland and another in coniferous forest in Co. Down, Northern Ireland, were trapped at monthly intervals over 33 months.
(9) The geographical variability of the population of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus in the northern part of the zone of combined coniferous and broad-leaved forests was established; this variability was manifested by higher virulence and homogeneity of TBE virus strains, as shown in experiments on white mice receiving the virus extraneurally, in comparison with the southern part of the zone and by higher virus carriership of the ticks Ixodes persulcatus.
(10) Therefore, the contamination of the mushrooms in the coniferous forest of Koralpenblick (1000 m) is higher than in the mixed forest at the Rosenberg around Graz at approx.
(11) Elevated values at other times in coniferous areas may have been related to the consumption of epiphytic lichens.
(12) Glover says the commission is not a guardian of our woods, having "for most of its existence ... gone about ripping up ancient forests and heathlands and covering them in industrial coniferous monoculture".
(13) Lignins of coniferous timber proved most effective.
(14) Voles from wet coniferous habitats contained concentrations of 137Cs twenty- to fiftyfold higher than voles from deciduous habitats.
(15) Clemens) that has ravaged the coniferous softwoods of eastern Canada and the United States.
(16) The study was concerned with the influence of lignins of leaf-bearing and coniferous timber and 22 model compounds (lignin components) on nitrosation of dimethylamine, amidopyrine and morpholine in human gastric juice.
(17) Altogether, 17.8 thousand mosquitoes were examined which were collected in June-August, 1985, in the light and dark coniferous subzones of mid-taiga.
(18) The most expressive decrease of humoral immunity was noted in middle-aged people living in the subzone of broad-leaved and coniferous forests and forest steppe.
(19) They are more effective enriched by coniferous plants which contain ingredients able to absorb and transport these groups of environmental pollutants in the organism.
(20) The method of molecular hybridization of nucleic acids (MHNA) is compared to the traditional bioprobe technique in the study of virus carriership of I. persulcatus ticks collected in the South and in the North of the area of coniferous and broad-leaved forests in the Khabarovsk Territory.
(n.) A genus of coniferous trees, having deciduous leaves, in fascicles (see Illust. of Fascicle).
Example Sentences:
(1) The ash dieback fungus found in East Anglia last week is just the latest invader to pose a serious threat to UK trees, and government ecologists say that more than 3m larch trees as well as thousands of mature oaks and chestnuts have been felled in the past three years to prevent similar fatal plant diseases from spreading out of control.
(2) A beta-galactosyl-binding lectin was purified from the haemolymph of the clam Tridacna maxima by affinity chromatography using polylecyl larch galactan, D-galactosamine coupled to epoxy-activated Sepharose or acid-treated Sepharose.
(3) The monoclonal antibody cross-reacted with authentic tomato extensin, but not with potato lectin nor larch arabinogalactan.
(4) Many of the Bacteroides strains tested were also able to ferment a variety of plant polysaccharides, including amylose, dextran, pectin, gum tragacanth, gum guar, larch arabinogalactan, alginate, and laminarin.
(5) Less tasty species, like larch, left marooned in the flood, have simply toppled over, exposing great root bulbs, which, now, are slowly rotting.
(6) The paper presents the results of a 10-year study on waste water purification in forest soil, under conditions of lysimeters and in the field, using pine-, larch- and osier cultures.
(7) Lucy Jeynes is founding director of Larch Consulting , a specialist facilities management consultancy.
(8) The LH response in girls with precocious the larche was in the prepubertal range.
(9) It was early March and snow was still spattered on the leaf mould between the firs and larches.
(10) Three of the isolated strains utilized larch wood xylan.
(11) We must look a bedraggled mess when we arrive because lovely owners Elena and Roberto rush to dry us and warm us up, show us our cosy larch-floored room and give us drinks, and even the keys to their car, so that we can drive to the nearest restaurant still open, in Alagna.
(12) Three other polymers served as acceptors: beef lung galactan, Lymnaea stagnalis galactogen and arabinogalactan from larch wood.
(13) Using the antigen-antibody reaction in a competitive ELISA it was evident that antibodies against glycoproteins from Baptisia tinctoria were specific because none of the other antigens like those from Echinacea purpurea, Thuja occidentalis, arabinogalactan from larch, LPS from E. coli 055:B5, and from Salmonella typhimurium were able to inhibit the antigen-antibody reaction.
(14) In the established larch model system evidence was obtained for the first time of these oscillations which showed a dependence on both wavelength of the inducing light and the stage of the cell cycle.
(15) Visitors can gaze on stars, planets, meteors and satellites from the fir and larch decks of Barclay's pier-like structure.
(16) In the first series two, later three species at the same location and at the same time are compared (birch Betula pubescens L., oak Quercus robur Ehrh., larch Larix decidua Mill., and spruce Picea abies Karst).
(17) After the Chernobyl accident, the higher contamination of spruce greater than larch greater than sycamore maple is dependent on the roughness of bark, absolute bark surface and the existence of leaves during the deposition of Chernobyl-derived radioactivity.
(18) Addition of either DDT or the supernatant of a centrifuged liquid culture of Bacillus thuringiensis, serotype H1, containing beta-exotoxin, enhanced the action of the bacterial preparation Thuricide 90 T against larvae of the larch pest Zeiraphera diniana, increasing mortality from 53% to more than 80%.
(19) 20% of the translocated cesium into new leaves of larch and about 50% into sycamore maple resulted from root-uptake 2.5 years after the accident.
(20) When cellobiose, glucose, and xylose were tested as growth substrates for the production of xylanase (each initially at 2.5 mg ml-1), they were found to be less effective than xylan, and use of xylan from different origins (birch wood or larch wood) as the growth substrate or in the assay system resulted in only marginal differences in enzyme activity.