(1) The problem of the achondroplast arises when his surroundings, right from the start, reject his disorder, connoting it with destructive anxiety: this seriously harms the subject's physical image, making him an outcast.
(2) At least five terms which connote power of muscular performances are used today.
(3) With respect to the relative case fatality rates, the complements of the relative survival rates, the eight-year rate of 19 percent for the BCDDP versus that of 35 percent for SEER connotes 46 percent fewer women dying in the BCDDP group.
(4) Such words, spoken by a German politician, have the worst possible connotations for Poles.
(5) Such plants have been used for many centuries for the pungency and flavoring value, for their medicinal properties, and, in some parts of the world, their use also has religious connotations.
(6) Using the example of the stress concept, it is suggested that it is a 'key word' with denotative and connotative meanings accessible to professional and laymen, contributing to explore the 'gray zone' between 'health' and 'disease' by linking psychological, social and biological determinants of 'well-being' and 'discomfort'.
(7) So there were no gender connotations whatsoever in the choice?
(8) Certainly, "celebrity", even though it's craved by many, has negative connotations.
(9) It now connotes much more than an economic strategy, evoking, as the phrase “winter of discontent” did for so many years, a much broader sense of unease.
(10) Two main techniques are the study of longitudinal data (where time-spaced studies on the same population are available) and of age-ranked, cross-sectional data (where the lack of declining stature with age connotes the absence of a secular trens).
(11) Descriptive, stipulative, and connotative definitions of role strain are derived, and necessary and relevant properties are proposed.
(12) Because its histologic morphology bears a striking resemblance to Brunn's nests and because the term papilloma of the urinary bladder connotes potential malignant change, we propose the designation brunnian adenoma.
(13) One of the reasons that mindfulness is really catching on is that it can be delivered in a way that is entirely secular, stripped of any religious connotations, making it entirely acceptable to the wider population.
(14) When grouped into the 6 key words, the opinions uncovered a vast somatic field, confusion couched in metonymic figures of speech, such as using the term "woman" for "mental patient," moral, genital and sexual connotations.
(15) Elevated plasma levels of CEA do not necessarily connote elevated tumor tissue levels of CEA, and conversely, normal plasma levels of CEA do not necessarily mean low levels of tumor CEA.
(16) The data obtained in the investigation indicate that the term has acquired a specific connotation within the international nursing context and that specific defined attributes distinguishes it from the broad and general definition found in standard dictionaries.
(17) Patients expecting to receive psychotropic drug gave significantly more often positive emotional connotations about the presumed modes of action of these drugs than patients without such an expectation.
(18) Traditions and customs related to the consumption of alcohol still have a strong positive connotation in France.
(19) In the introduction the author submits association, connotations, and definitions of basic ethical terms, along with a classification of ethics.
(20) It’s obviously got some racial connotations to it, we’ve got our head in the sand and we don’t think it does.
(a.) Belonging to the essence, or that which makes an object, or class of objects, what it is.
(a.) Hence, really existing; existent.
(a.) Important in the highest degree; indispensable to the attainment of an object; indispensably necessary.
(a.) Containing the essence or characteristic portion of a substance, as of a plant; highly rectified; pure; hence, unmixed; as, an essential oil.
(a.) Necessary; indispensable; -- said of those tones which constitute a chord, in distinction from ornamental or passing tones.
(a.) Idiopathic; independent of other diseases.
Example Sentences:
(1) However, medicines have an important part to play, and it is now generally agreed that for the very poor populations medicines should be restricted to those on an 'essential drugs list' and should be made available as cheaply as possible.
(2) The results of the evaluation confirm that most problems seen by first level medical personnel in developing countries are simple, repetitive, and treatable at home or by a paramedical worker with a few safe, essential drugs, thus avoiding unnecessary visits to a doctor.
(3) Nucleotide, which is essential for catalysis, greatly enhances the binding of IpOHA by the reductoisomerase, with NADPH (normally present during the enzyme's rearrangement step, i.e., conversion of a beta-keto acid into an alpha-keto acid, in either the forward or reverse physiological reactions) being more effective than NADP.
(4) Community involvement is a key element of the Primary Health Care (PHC) approach, and thus an essential topic on a course for managers of Primary Health Care programmes.
(5) No significant fatty acid binding by proteins was detected in S. cerevisiae, even when grown on a fatty acid-rich medium, thus indicating that such proteins are not essential to fatty acid metabolism.
(6) The UK's standard position on ICC indictees is to avoid all contact unless "essential".
(7) In spite of important differences in size, chemical composition, polymer density, and configuration, biological macromolecules indeed manifest some of the essential physical-chemical properties of gels.
(8) Most cis AB sera have anti-B activity, essentially at 4 degrees C. In saliva A and H substances are found in normal amounts but B substance is only evidenced by inhibition of autologous cells agglutination.
(9) Treatment with trypsin gave essentially one radioactive peptide, the active site peptide, of approximately 2300 molecular weight.
(10) We conclude that this enzyme is essentially identical to the native enzyme and should be very useful in the future study of this important hydroxylase.
(11) Thus serum ionized calcium in untreated essential hypertensive patients may predict the blood pressure response to the slow calcium channel blocker verapamil.
(12) The effects of supervised mild aerobic exercise at the work load of the blood lactate threshold for 10 weeks on serum lipids and apolipoproteins were studied in 24 patients with essential hypertension.
(13) No other essential regulatory sequence is located further upstream.
(14) Based on the results of the Community AIM Exploratory Action, further collaborative work is required at EEC level to create an Integrated Health Information Environment (IHE) allowing essentially for integration, modularity and security.
(15) Ovarian vein sampling for androgen was essential in locating this patient's microscopic tumor.
(16) After approximately 20 in vitro passages, Chinese hamster kidney (CHK) cell cultures transformed upon exposure to different strains of SV 40 can show a diploid modal chromosome number of 22 with chromosome counts exclusively or essentially in the diploid range (20-25).
(17) An official from Cafcass, the children and family court advisory service, tried to persuade the child in several interviews, but eventually the official told the court that further persuasion was inappropriate and essentially abusive.
(18) Of 55 new open reading frames analysed by gene disruption, three are essential genes; of 42 non-essential genes that were tested, 14 show some discernible effect on phenotype and the remaining 28 have no overt function.
(19) Essential characteristics of the composite bone cement included a homogeneous and uniform fiber distribution, and a minimal increase in apparent viscosity of the polymerizing cement.
(20) The median blood levels were lower in hyperacidic subjects and higher in hypoacidic patients; the urinary excretion of the digitalis compound showed no essential differences.