(n.) That which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause; a result.
(n.) A proposition collected from the agreement of other previous propositions; any conclusion which results from reason or argument; inference.
(n.) Chain of causes and effects; consecution.
(n.) Importance with respect to what comes after; power to influence or produce an effect; value; moment; rank; distinction.
Example Sentences:
(1) It was found that the skeletal muscle enzyme of the chick embryo is independent of the presence of creatine and consequently is another constitutive enzyme like the creatine kinase of the early embryonic chick heart.
(2) This may have significant consequences for people’s health.” However, Prof Peter Weissberg, medical director of the British Heart Foundation, which funded the work, said medical journals could no longer be relied on to be unbiased.
(3) As a consequence, similar response curves were obtained for urine specimens containing morphine or barbiturates.
(4) The observed relationship between prorenin and renin substrate concentrations might be a consequence of their regulation by common factors.
(5) Also we found that the lipid deposition in the glomeruli of patients with Alagille syndrome is related to an abnormal lipid metabolism, which is the consequence of severe cholestasis.
(6) The origins of aging of higher forms of life, particularly humans, is presented as the consequence of an evolved balance between 4 specific kinds of dysfunction-producing events and 4 kinds of evolved counteracting effects in long-lived forms.
(7) To clarify the functional roles of His40, Glu58, and His92, we analyzed the consequences of several amino acid substitutions (His40Ala, His40Lys, His40Asp, Glu58Ala, Glu58Gln, and His92Gln) on the kinetics of GpC transesterification.
(8) Consequently, the present data indicate that training-induced changes in the CS-evoked activity of PFCm cells are significantly related to aversively conditioned bradycardia in rabbits.
(9) It is concluded that TRH is a specific activator of enteric excitatory pathways and that duodenal inhibition seen in control animals is a consequence of gastro-duodenal inhibitory reflexes.
(10) These findings may not indicate a redistribution of renal blood flow through resistance changes in specific parts of the renal vasculature but may represent the consequences of focal cortical ischaemia, most prominent in the outer cortex.
(11) The patoc antigens types reacted with the control group in 7.24, 86.95 and 84.05% of the samples, and consequently were eliminated from the present study.
(12) This study describes the consequences of acute prostaglandin synthesis inhibition on the hemodynamic effects of nitroglycerin in patients with stable angina pectoris.
(13) Consequently, it is important to predict accurately dose for such fields to ensure adequate coverage of the target region and sparing of healthy tissues.
(14) In electrophysiological studies with neurons of Lymnaea stagnalis, THA inhibited the slow outward K+ current and consequently increased the duration of the action potentials.
(15) The following model is suggested: exogenous ATP interacts with a membrane receptor in the presence of Ca2+, a cascade of events occurs which mobilizes intracellular calcium, thereby increasing the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration which consequently opens the calcium-activated K+ channels, which then leads to a change in membrane potential.
(16) Interphase death thus involves a discrete, abrupt transition from the normal state and is not merely the consequence of progressive and degenerative changes.
(17) In one case an infection of the axillary region developed, which disappeared after removal of the catheter without any consequences.
(18) This is interpreted to be a consequence of the adsorption of Ca2+ on the vesicle bilayers.
(19) Conservatively treated compressed fractures of the distal radius dorsal metaphysis healed despite primarily good reduction and consequent treatment with a decrease in dorsal length.
(20) The authors discuss the results of the diagnosis and treatment of abscesses of the right hepatic lobe which were consequent upon ischemic necrosis; they were encountered after cholecystectomy in 0.15% of cases.
(n.) A minute portion of time; a point of time; an instant; as, at thet very moment.
(n.) Impulsive power; force; momentum.
(n.) Importance, as in influence or effect; consequence; weight or value; consideration.
(n.) An essential element; a deciding point, fact, or consideration; an essential or influential circumstance.
(n.) An infinitesimal change in a varying quantity; an increment or decrement.
(n.) Tendency, or measure of tendency, to produce motion, esp. motion about a fixed point or axis.
Example Sentences:
(1) At the moment we are, if anything, slightly lagging."
(2) Jonker kept sticking his nose in the corner and not really cooperating, but then came a moment of stillness.
(3) A triphasic pattern was evident for the neck moments including a small phase which represented a seating of the headform on the nodding blocks of the uppermost ATD neck segment, and two larger phases of opposite polarity which represented the motion of the head relative to the trunk during the first 350 ms after impact.
(4) Moments later, Strauss introduces the bold human character with an energetic, upwards melody which he titles "the climb" in the score.
(5) It is a moment to be grateful for what remains of Labour's hard left: an amendment to scrap the cap was at least tabled by John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbyn but stood no chance.
(6) I just know that in that moment he’s not in condition to carry on in the game.
(7) It is an intriguing moment: the new culture secretary, Sajid Javid, who was brought in to replace Maria Miller last month, is something of an unknown quantity.
(8) Such a science puts men in a couple of scientific laws and suppresses the moment of active doing (accepting or refusing) as a sufficient preassumption of reality.
(9) Provided that adequate reflection is given and the appropriate moment chosen, it is well tolerated and provides all the necessary information.
(10) At the moment the MPA makes the appointments in consultation with the Met commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson.
(11) Moments later, explosive charges blasted free two tungsten blocks, to shift the balance of the probe so it could fly itself to a prearranged landing spot .
(12) Conservative commentators responded with fury to what they believed was inappropriate meddling at a crucial moment in the town hall debate.
(13) "At the moment there are about 1,600 criminal justice firms, and they all have a contract with the lord chancellor.
(14) But at least one customer signalled that America's gun lobby might be on the cusp of a moment of introspection.
(15) One of the things Yang has said he wants to investigate is: "This state we're in ... a moment when we have to negotiate our past while inventing our present."
(16) At the moment they’re playing some of the best football I’ve seen from any Tottenham team for many, many years.
(17) The history of events at the end of 2010, from the moment on 4 November when Cable called in the regulators, shows how relentlessly James Murdoch and his PR man Frédéric Michel lobbied and berated the politicians who were trying to stand in their way.
(18) Can somebody who is not a billionaire, who stands for working families, actually win an election into which billionaires are pouring millions of dollars?” Naming prominent and controversial rightwing donors, he said: “It is not just Hillary, it is the Koch brothers, it is Sheldon Adelson.” Stephanopoulos seized the moment, asking: “Are you lumping her in with them?” Choosing to refer to the 2010 supreme court decision that removed limits on corporate political donations, rather than address the question directly, Sanders replied: “What I am saying is that I get very frightened about the future of American democracy when this becomes a battle between billionaires.
(19) It is that beautiful moment when the original Metamorphosis is destroyed so that it can be refashioned for a global community of readers in dire need of new forms of storytelling.
(20) It came in a mix of joy and sorrow and brilliance under pressure, with one of the most remarkable things you will ever see on a basketball court in the biggest moment.