What's the difference between conservatism and conservativeness?



  • (n.) The disposition and tendency to preserve what is established; opposition to change; the habit of mind; or conduct, of a conservative.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It won’t happen suddenly, but the most likely outcome for European social democracy is the one being secretly contemplated on the Labour backbenches: a fusion with liberalised conservatism.
  • (2) And then there is the rather less shocking conservatism of the Tories .
  • (3) You are showing that Conservatism is alive and well and is being lived out in people's lives every day.
  • (4) Everything else that used to be party of David Cameron's Conservatism, including decentralisation and the Big Society, has been marginalised.
  • (5) Chelsea , however, will not be too concerned if this match is added to the long list of games that is used to knock José Mourinho's ploys of conservatism and, ultimately, it is proven to be a valuable result.
  • (6) We have been convinced that this comprehensive classification serves as a very good guidance in selection the procedure of treatment, operation or conservatism, and in predicting prognosis.
  • (7) Their differences highlight Northern Ireland’s often stark dichotomy between religious-based social conservatism and secular progressive liberalism.
  • (8) Some suggestions on the causes of the great variability of the HA1 chain and conservatism of the HA2 hemagglutinin chain are given.
  • (9) We all have our own unique DNA and our own life experiences.” But rather than run from the family name entirely, the former Florida governor is appealing instead to his party’s sense of noblesse oblige – crafting a new version of his brother’s somewhat faded brand of compassionate conservatism.
  • (10) Conservatism in surgical treatment and the roles of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and other modalities are discussed.
  • (11) But my amusement should be a problem for movement conservatism.
  • (12) Since few viable cysts were found in patients over the age of 60 years, there is a strong case for conservatism in the treatment of elderly patient with an asymptomatic calcified hydatid cyst.
  • (13) Despite the vogue for conservatism, circumcision still has an important part to play in the management of troublesome foreskins in children.
  • (14) If, as seems probable, the Conservative party now scoops up most of the support that used to go to Farage, what impact will that have on the broader cause of Conservatism?
  • (15) Writing for Comment is Free , she charges Tony Blair with failing to see through Lords reform after his first term: “Labour’s reforming spirit was replaced by a small ‘c’ conservatism.” The Labour party and the shifting centre ground of politics in the UK | Letters Read more And she makes the case for basing an elected second chamber in Glasgow: “Where better than the biggest city of a nation that has just reaffirmed its commitment to keeping our country together?
  • (16) Now, the forces of liberalism are locking horns with the powers of conservatism once again; this time, according to the prime minister, Lawrence Gonzi, the outcome of the referendum will be "irreversible".
  • (17) This moderate rate of allelic evolution of the slightly lysine-rich histones contrasts with the complete conservatism found in the arginine-rich histones.
  • (18) The observed correlation between cross-reactivity of anti-transferrin monoclonal antibodies and the binding abilities of transferrins to the MOLT-3 cell receptors may be associated with the conservatism of the part of the transferrin molecule recognized by the cell receptor.
  • (19) Yet Wenger talked about it jarring with his principles to base his entire strategy around ploys of conservatism.
  • (20) The data favours the idea of high evolutional conservatism of neurochordins of higher vertebrate species.



  • (a.) The quality of being conservative.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This excellent prognosis supports a regimen of conservative therapy for these patients.
  • (2) The omission of Crossrail 2 from the Conservative manifesto , in which other infrastructure projects were listed, was the clearest sign yet that there is little appetite in a Theresa May government for another London-based scheme.
  • (3) Complementarity determining regions (CDR) are conserved to different extents, with the first CDR region in all family members being among the most conserved segments of the molecule.
  • (4) Even though attempts to generalize the data from childbearing women to women of childbearing age have an inherent conservative bias, the results of our study suggest that 988 women (95% CI 713 to 1336) aged 15 to 44 years in Quebec had HIV infection in 1989.
  • (5) One of the main users is coastal planning organizations and conservation organizations that are working on coral reefs.
  • (6) The way we are going to pay for that is by making the rules the same for people who go into care homes as for people who get care at their home, and by means-testing the winter fuel payment, which currently isn’t.” Hunt said the plan showed the Conservatives were capable of making difficult choices.
  • (7) These sequences are also conserved in the same arrangement in minor sequence classes of minicircles from this strain.
  • (8) In four main regions the conservation varied from 83-91% while in the remaining regions the homology dropped to between 56-62%.
  • (9) Compared with conservative management, better long-term success (determined by return of athletic soundness and less evidence of degenerative joint disease) was achieved with surgical curettage of elbow subchondral cystic lesions.
  • (10) The Bohr and Root effects are absent, although specific amino acid residues, considered responsible of most of these functions, are conserved in the sequence, thus posing new questions about the molecular basis of these mechanisms.
  • (11) "This was very strategic and it was in line of the ideology of the Bush administration which has been to put in place a free market and conservative agenda."
  • (12) He also deals with the incidence, conservative and surgical treatment of osteo-arthrosis in old age and with the possibilities of its prevention.
  • (13) Breast conserving surgery in patients with small tumors combined with radiation therapy has gained wide popularity due to better cosmetic results without significant changes in survival.
  • (14) On the basis of primary sequence homology with other known Pseudomonas lipases, a number of putative active site residues located in conserved areas were found.
  • (15) Meanwhile Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, waiting anxiously for news of the scale of the Labour advance in his first nationwide electoral test, will urge the electorate not to be duped by the promise of a coalition mark 2, predicting sham concessions by the Conservatives .
  • (16) This receptor and a growing family of related cytokine receptors share homologous extracellular features, including a well-conserved WSXWS motif.
  • (17) A comparison to other hsp70 genes did not reveal any conservation of this 23-nucleotide sequence.
  • (18) Huhne increased the Lib Dems' majority to 3,864 in 2010, securing 24,966 compared with the Conservatives' 21,102, Labour's 5,153 and Ukip's 1,933.
  • (19) Conservatively treated compressed fractures of the distal radius dorsal metaphysis healed despite primarily good reduction and consequent treatment with a decrease in dorsal length.
  • (20) Photograph: AP Reasons for wavering • State relies on coal-fired electricity • Poor prospects for wind power • Conservative Democrat • Represents conservative district in conservative state and was elected on narrow margins Campaign support from fossil fuel interests in 2008 • $93,743 G K Butterfield (North Carolina) GK Butterfield, North Carolina.

Words possibly related to "conservativeness"