(a.) Open to the view; obvious to the eye; easy to be seen; plainly visible; manifest; attracting the eye.
(a.) Obvious to the mental eye; easily recognized; clearly defined; notable; prominent; eminent; distinguished; as, a conspicuous excellence, or fault.
Example Sentences:
(1) Issues such as healthcare and the NHS, food banks, energy and the general cost of living were conspicuous by their absence.
(2) Platinum deer mice are conspicuously pale, with light ears and tail stripe.
(3) Two mechanisms are evident in chicks' spatial representations: a metric frame for encoding the spatial arrangement of surfaces as surfaces and a cue-guidance system for encoding conspicuous landmarks near the target.
(4) Which certainly isn't a charge you can level at Sony – in recent years, it has conspicuously championed indies (winning a hatful of Baftas for Journey and The Unfinished Swan in the process).
(5) Postoperative haemodynamics in patients with cardiac disease followed the same trends as in normal patients; there were, however, no significant changes in cardiac index or central pressures, and in general the cardiovascular reaction to operation was less conspicuous than in the group of normal patients.
(6) This implies that there is no important loss of motor units and no conspicuous muscle fiber degeneration in fibromyalgia.
(7) However, if solubility is considered as a function of pH at equilibrium, i.e., the final pH after the dissolution products have entered the solvent--a model more akin to the in vivo situation--hydroxyapatite is the conspicuously more soluble of the two minerals.
(8) SER proliferation in rat and monkey liver cells was less conspicuous than in mice.
(9) Another conspicuous histologic finding observed in the WKY hearts was that the continuity of the latitudinal fiber bundle of the ventricular septum with that of the left ventricular free wall, an important functioning unit for pressure generation in the left ventricle, was markedly disturbed in the area of junction between the 2 walls; the smaller the continuity, the greater the cardiac hypertrophy; the disadvantage of the discontinuity for the pressure generation may be related to the development of cardiac hypertrophy.
(10) The media theorist Nathan Jurgenson reads it as "conspicuous acquisition", after Thorstein Verblen's notion of conspicuous consumption.
(11) Both patients continue to use the device voluntarily; a smaller unit, however, that doesn't have the conspicuous external controls, would likely be readily acceptable to most young patients.
(12) But the large sums that undercut Hillary’s sudden fondness for economic populism will undercut Biden just as much, especially if raised conspicuously quickly.
(13) Among the most conspicuous features found were the presence of very distinct desmosome-like structures between blastomeres, and the cytoplasmic cell organelles distribution in three areas referred as: a sub-cortical, a middle and a perinuclear bands.
(14) Both tumors were solid, without conspicuous vascular differentiation by light microscopy.
(15) The study in which the animals were killed serially revealed that CTP had conspicuous damage on the respiratory system of rats, especially on the bronchiolo-alveolar areas.
(16) Hence the finding of six individuals with both these conditions in a small population with testicular cancer is highly conspicuous and indicates some kind of connection among such persons.
(17) PFB was conspicuously increased in maternal blood sera.
(18) The principal disadvantage, that this is a conspicuous donor site, has not been a source of concern for our patients.
(19) Histologically the most conspicuous were the findings of the hyaline alveolar membrane and the cellular atypia of endothel of the alveoles and the lymph-ducts.
(20) At the stage when each placode first becomes visible conspicuous differences have been seen in the surface morphology between those cells which will invaginate and form the placode and those which will remain on the surface of the head, forming the epidermis.
(a.) Open to view; public; apparent; manifest.
(a.) Not covert; open; public; manifest; as, an overt act of treason.
Example Sentences:
(1) None of the animals injected with either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells became overtly diabetic during the 30 days of observation whereas 8 of 23 mice inoculated with a mixture of the two subsets developed glycosuria and hyperglycemia.
(2) In contrast, albino rats and rabbits failed to succumb to overt disease by subcutaneous and intraperitoneal routes of inoculation.
(3) Overt hemorrhage, major or minor, was assessed clinically.
(4) The recorded APs were further subdivided into those exhibiting consistent antegrade conduction during sinus rhythm (overt APs: 50 left APs, eight right APs), those exhibiting intermittent antegrade conduction (intermittent APs: six left APs, two right APs), and those exhibiting only retrograde conduction (concealed APs: 33 left APs, two right APs).
(5) Of 55 new open reading frames analysed by gene disruption, three are essential genes; of 42 non-essential genes that were tested, 14 show some discernible effect on phenotype and the remaining 28 have no overt function.
(6) It is theoretically possible that in patients with overt CHF, drug treatment may not alter prognosis.
(7) This is suggested by the fact that patients with overt hyperparathyroidism are protected from developing aluminum-related bone disease even when they are given large parenteral loads of aluminum.
(8) Cable news channels like Fox News and CNN carried the address, and some of the networks carried it on their digital platforms, but a network insider told Politico on Thursday the speech’s content was too “overtly political” to broadcast.
(9) These do not concur with clinical experience but the figures for overt resistance, at 39% and 69%, correspond with expected non-responders to these regimes.
(10) It is important to appreciate that metabolic alterations are more severe in those patients with overt pulmonary insufficiency and that the metabolic response does not appear to be directly related to the severity of skeletal injury.
(11) Criteria for selective measurement of cholesterol concentration in cardiovascular screening programmes identify about three quarters of patients with the clinically overt condition.
(12) The present study demonstrated that delayed administration of a marine lipid diet, 25% menhaden oil (MO) by weight, until after the onset of overt renal disease, also resulted in significant improvement in rates of mortality, proteinuria, and histologic evidence of glomerular injury, compared with control animals fed a diet that contained mostly saturated fatty acids, 25% beef tallow.
(13) A more aggressive treatment with cytostatic drugs is suggested in the progressive form of the disease of younger patients and in patients with overt acute leukaemia.
(14) This study includes nine patients with a megakaryoblastic crisis in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), four with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AM) and three with myeloid dysplasia later evolving into overt acute leukemia.
(15) In this study we measured plasma carnitine in a third group, alcoholic patients without overt liver disease.
(16) IDDM patients with incipient and overt nephropathy have been found to exhibit an overactivity of RBC sodium-lithium countertransport.
(17) To investigate atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and its relationship to the renin system in diabetes, we measured plasma immunoreactive ANF and plasma renin activity (PRA) in 27 non-ketotic diabetic patients without evidence of cardiac or overt renal disease, and compared them with 26 age- and sex-matched normal subjects.
(18) Failure to isolate bacteria and the lack of overt inflammation during periods of remission suggested that the bacteria were not in the gland cistern but within gland tissue.
(19) TRH-TSH test enables to detect disorders of hypophyseal-thyroidal regulation characteristic for both overt and masked hyperthyroidism.
(20) Using two different assay systems to distinguish between overt and inner forms of carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT, EC of intact guinea-pig liver mitochondria, we have shown that the hypoglycemic agent 2-(3-methylcinnamylhydrazono)-propionate (BM 42.304) inhibits the activity of carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase of liver mitochondria.