(n.) A cluster or group of fixed stars, or dvision of the heavens, designated in most cases by the name of some animal, or of some mythologial personage, within whose imaginary outline, as traced upon the heavens, the group is included.
(n.) An assemblage of splendors or excellences.
(n.) Fortune; fate; destiny.
Example Sentences:
(1) A constellation of histologic lesions was identified in brain (diffuse meningoencephalitis with bilaterally symmetrical thalamic necrosis), liver (pericholangiohepatitis), lung (pneumonitis), and spleen (lymphoid hyperplasia); this tetrad is apparently unique to this model system.
(2) They presented their clinical observations on 4 brothers from the 'G Family' who shared a constellation of findings with a generalised tendency to midline defects.
(3) Intoxication produces a constellation of symptoms, with paresthesias and generalized muscle weakness being common complaints.
(4) The majority of them were able to perceive a connection between their worsened skin condition and the acute psychosocial constellation during their brief stay at home.
(5) First, the uremic syndrome may be viewed as a constellation of abnormalities which can be subgrouped by association so that azotemia may be correlated with neuropathic disease and hypertension with weight gain or body size, for example.
(6) It is argued that for Resistance veterans only the intrusive reminiscences of the stressful events discriminate this constellation of symptoms from subjects with an anxious-depressive symptomatology.
(7) If in cases of discussed paternity in the child ahp was revealed and the Hp constellation of the mother: putative father was: Hp 1--1 X 1--1 or 2--2 X 2--2--provided that the paternity with the testing of other blood-group systems could not be excluded--it's necessary to try to identify the true Hp type of the child--since it might give the possibility for exclusion of paternity.
(8) These signal changes appear to make a specific constellation of findings for the diagnosis of vertebral hemangioma with MR imaging.
(9) Furthermore, there were no type differences in the frequency or severity of the symptom constellation reported during a competitive and highly challenging period of time.
(10) A constellation of morphologic abnormalities from all 3 cell lines produces a unique appearance.
(11) Mothers' opinions of their child's temperament constellation differed considerably from those resulting from the questionnaire analysis for the STWU and Difficult constellations.
(12) Its object was to define the angles and measurements within the bony lacrimal structures and to establish possible connections between the development of the postsaccal stenosis and certain bony constellations of the lacrimal system.
(13) As biological discharge phenomena evolve into vague psychological awareness, such an infant does not attain a sense of well-being, but rather attains a sense of "not-well-being" (Joffe and Sandler, 1965) which remains continuous or can be triggered--kindled--by any reactivating constellation, and the object is experienced as a source of unpleasure.
(14) The only contraindication to emergency portacaval shunt is the combined presence of ascites, jaundice, encephalopathy, and severe muscle wasting, a constellation that was incompatible with survival beyond one year.
(15) We describe an epidemic involving the explosive onset and rapid resolution of a constellation of symptoms that sent 17 seventh and eighth grade students and four teachers to the emergency department of a hospital after an apparent toxic gas exposure.
(16) When faced with the constellation of symptoms, including a delayed (two to three weeks) spiking plateau postoperative fever, abnormal results of hepatic function test and lymphocytosis in patients having received blood transfusion, the clinician must give serious consideration to the possibility of CMV infection.
(17) Thus, the helix-helix interaction in long coiled coils is characteristic of a global free energy minimum and not just of the regional constellation of side chains.
(18) There is no specific constellation of lymphocytic markers in peripheral blood which could indicate true thymic hyperplasia.
(19) The superego constellations in guilty, binge, sociopathic, and deteriorated alcoholics are delineated to explain the interaction of a treatment program with these patients.
(20) "There will be challenges as a result of cancelling Constellation, [but] the funding for Nasa is increasing, so we expect to support as many if not more jobs."
(n.) A genus of dipterous insects, including the common house fly, and numerous allied species.
(n.) A small constellation situated between the Southern Cross and the Pole.
Example Sentences:
(1) In house flies, Musca domestica L., eggs fertilized with sperm that have chromosome deficiencies and duplications do not hatch, but develop to a stage where a fully differentiated, prehatch larva is formed.
(2) In the present study, an attempt was made to isolate and identify pathogenic bacteria, fungi and parasites from the housefly Musca domestica collected in the surgical ward of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital and also in a remote residential area located 5 km from the hospital.
(3) We have examined the organization of the repeated and single copy DNA sequences in the genomes of two insects, the honeybee (Apis mellifera) and the housefly (Musca domestica).
(4) Mortality levels of 100% for Culex quinquefasciatus and Musca domestica test insects were recorded under normal operating conditions during routine scheduled passenger flights with disinsection procedures undertaken at "blocks-away" or at "top-of-descent".
(5) The responses of nine strains of Musca domestica to treatment with cyromazine, trichlorphon, methomyl and pyrethrins with piperonyl butoxide were measured.
(6) Microbial solid cultures were given as food to larvae and to adults of Musca domestica to detect insecticide producers.
(7) Infective larvae were stimulated to escape from the mouth-parts of infected M. lusoria and Musca xanthomelas s.s. when these were fed citrated ox blood warmed to 38--40 degrees C. No escape took place when the flies were fed warmed saline or warmed 15% sucrose solution.
(8) A recombinant plasmid, pHMd.24, was constructed which contains an array of a 24 bp sequence from the genome of the Musca domestica.
(9) The percentage of Musca domestica with the infected digestive tract was found to vary with changes in the age composition of the fly population.
(10) Trichostrongylus axei, Habronema muscae, S vulgaris, S edentatus, small strongyles, and Oxyuris equi were efficaciously eliminated in response to all doses of dienbendazole; Gasterophilus spp were not affected by any dose.
(11) About 800 capitate projections exist per Musca axon terminal or about 5 times the number of chemical synapses.
(12) In laboratory trials, Muscovy ducks, Cairina moschata L., removed adult house flies, Musca domestica L., at least 30 times faster than commercial bait cards, coiled fly paper rolls, fly sheets, or fly traps.
(13) The specimens Diptera: Musca dornestica and Ludlia sp.
(14) Bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) was detected in Musca autumnalis De Geer after feeding on virus suspensions in bovine albumin or sucrose.
(15) A nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate dependent glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), belonging to type I of Kamada and Hori's classification, is present on the zymograms of newly emerged males of Musca domestica.
(16) A 1.0% liquid bait formulation of erythrosin B was tested for house fly, Musca domestica L., control in one room of an environmentally controlled caged-layer poultry facility.
(17) Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to examine the variability and inheritance of esterases in five strains of the house fly, Musca domestica L. Individual zymograms exhibited 8 to 15 bands that could be assigned to one of five zones designated as A through E from anode to cathode.
(18) The pattern of inheritance of genes conferring resistance to malathion and genetic consequences of linkage between an autosomal male-determining factor and resistance genes on the second chromosome were investigated in a strain of house fly, Musca domestica L., selected for malathion resistance.
(19) The oxidation of 3,5-di-tert.-butylphenyl N-methylcarbamate (Butacarb) has been studied in the flies Musca domestica and Lucilia sericata, grass grubs Costelytra zealandica and the mouse.
(20) Juss., were similar to those of insect growth regulators against the immature stages of the born fly, Haematobia irritans (L.), the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), and the house fly, Musca domestica L. When an ethanolic extract of ground seed was blended into cow manure, LC50 and LC90's for larval horn flies were 0.096 and 0.133 ppm azadirachtin, respectively.