(n.) A cluster or group of fixed stars, or dvision of the heavens, designated in most cases by the name of some animal, or of some mythologial personage, within whose imaginary outline, as traced upon the heavens, the group is included.
(n.) An assemblage of splendors or excellences.
(n.) Fortune; fate; destiny.
Example Sentences:
(1) A constellation of histologic lesions was identified in brain (diffuse meningoencephalitis with bilaterally symmetrical thalamic necrosis), liver (pericholangiohepatitis), lung (pneumonitis), and spleen (lymphoid hyperplasia); this tetrad is apparently unique to this model system.
(2) They presented their clinical observations on 4 brothers from the 'G Family' who shared a constellation of findings with a generalised tendency to midline defects.
(3) Intoxication produces a constellation of symptoms, with paresthesias and generalized muscle weakness being common complaints.
(4) The majority of them were able to perceive a connection between their worsened skin condition and the acute psychosocial constellation during their brief stay at home.
(5) First, the uremic syndrome may be viewed as a constellation of abnormalities which can be subgrouped by association so that azotemia may be correlated with neuropathic disease and hypertension with weight gain or body size, for example.
(6) It is argued that for Resistance veterans only the intrusive reminiscences of the stressful events discriminate this constellation of symptoms from subjects with an anxious-depressive symptomatology.
(7) If in cases of discussed paternity in the child ahp was revealed and the Hp constellation of the mother: putative father was: Hp 1--1 X 1--1 or 2--2 X 2--2--provided that the paternity with the testing of other blood-group systems could not be excluded--it's necessary to try to identify the true Hp type of the child--since it might give the possibility for exclusion of paternity.
(8) These signal changes appear to make a specific constellation of findings for the diagnosis of vertebral hemangioma with MR imaging.
(9) Furthermore, there were no type differences in the frequency or severity of the symptom constellation reported during a competitive and highly challenging period of time.
(10) A constellation of morphologic abnormalities from all 3 cell lines produces a unique appearance.
(11) Mothers' opinions of their child's temperament constellation differed considerably from those resulting from the questionnaire analysis for the STWU and Difficult constellations.
(12) Its object was to define the angles and measurements within the bony lacrimal structures and to establish possible connections between the development of the postsaccal stenosis and certain bony constellations of the lacrimal system.
(13) As biological discharge phenomena evolve into vague psychological awareness, such an infant does not attain a sense of well-being, but rather attains a sense of "not-well-being" (Joffe and Sandler, 1965) which remains continuous or can be triggered--kindled--by any reactivating constellation, and the object is experienced as a source of unpleasure.
(14) The only contraindication to emergency portacaval shunt is the combined presence of ascites, jaundice, encephalopathy, and severe muscle wasting, a constellation that was incompatible with survival beyond one year.
(15) We describe an epidemic involving the explosive onset and rapid resolution of a constellation of symptoms that sent 17 seventh and eighth grade students and four teachers to the emergency department of a hospital after an apparent toxic gas exposure.
(16) When faced with the constellation of symptoms, including a delayed (two to three weeks) spiking plateau postoperative fever, abnormal results of hepatic function test and lymphocytosis in patients having received blood transfusion, the clinician must give serious consideration to the possibility of CMV infection.
(17) Thus, the helix-helix interaction in long coiled coils is characteristic of a global free energy minimum and not just of the regional constellation of side chains.
(18) There is no specific constellation of lymphocytic markers in peripheral blood which could indicate true thymic hyperplasia.
(19) The superego constellations in guilty, binge, sociopathic, and deteriorated alcoholics are delineated to explain the interaction of a treatment program with these patients.
(20) "There will be challenges as a result of cancelling Constellation, [but] the funding for Nasa is increasing, so we expect to support as many if not more jobs."
(n. pl.) The twelfth sign of the zodiac, marked / in almanacs.
(n. pl.) A zodiacal constellation, including the first point of Aries, which is the vernal equinoctial point; the Fish.
(n. pl.) The class of Vertebrata that includes the fishes. The principal divisions are Elasmobranchii, Ganoidei, and Teleostei.
Example Sentences:
(1) He is Taurus and I'm Pisces; my dad was Pisces and my mum was Taurus.
(2) McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, is suited for the study of the effects of eutrophication on diet-related parasites of Trematomus bernacchii (Boulenger, 1902) (Pisces).
(3) Studies were conducted to explore vitamin A transport in the non-mammalian vertebrates, especially Pisces, Amphibia, and Reptilia, and to isolate and partially characterize piscine retinol-binding protein.
(4) Ectoplasmic specializations (ES) facing spermatids were studied in species representative of four classes of non-mammalian vertebrates (Pisces--bluegill; Amphibia--bullfrog; Reptilia--red eared turtle; Aves--domestic chicken).
(5) Goldfish, Carassius auratus auratus L. (Pisces, Cyprinidae), were trained by different kinds of training procedures under the influence of cycloheximide or puromycin, two inhibitors of the protein biosynthesis.
(6) Immunocytochemical and cytofluorimetric studies were performed in several species of different classes (Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia and Aves), in order to ascertain the presence of ACTH-like molecules in blood cells.
(7) The PISCES study is not the first to inject stem cells as such into patients' brains; the distinction is that it is using neural stem cells.
(8) Fracture of the epidural lead (Pisces Quad 3487) is documented in four out of eight patients with an implanted Itrel pacing system for treatment of peripheral vascular disease.
(9) Serum or plasma from 25 species of verebrates, from the mammalian orders Primates, Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla, Carnivora, and Rodentia and from the classes Aves, Amphibia, and Pisces, were assayed.
(10) The acute toxicity of some pesticides used in Tunisia is determined for the species Aphanius fasciatus (Pisces - Cyprinodontidae).
(11) IgM-like immunoglobulin fractions have been isolated by combinations of precipitation procedures and gel-filtration from the serum of three vertebrate species, representative of the classes of Pisces (Cyprinus carpio L.), Amphibia (Rana ridibunda Pall.)
(12) Proteins having similar MWs and isoelectric points as the human or monkey (primates) proteins were not observed in cultured cells of the following species: aves, bat, dog, dolphin, goat, hamster, mink, mouse, pisces, potoroo, rabbit and rat.
(13) Maturation in Xiphophorus maculatus (Pisces; Poeciliidae) is under control of the sex-linked P gene.
(14) The morphogenesis of the "hypertrophied" mormyrid cerebellum was investigated in Pollimyrus (Pisces).
(15) Only the most negativistic sign of Pisces was significantly associated with suicide ideation.
(16) The chromosomes of five species of Pisces, viz common carp, chub, tench, grass carp and catfish, were investigated.
(17) However, the short-time constants in Pisces were larger (therefore providing a slower response) than those in other vertebrates, and were similar to that of the turtle and the mud puppy.
(18) Morphometric measurements were made from serial sections of the vestibular system in four classes of vertebrates: Reptilia, Aves, Amphibia, and Pisces.
(19) There was no help from PLIT-fusion but pain decreased substantially by spinal cord stimulation with a PISCES-system.
(20) The sex-determining mechanism of swordtails (Xiphophorus, Poeciliidae, Pisces) is poorly understood, because many laboratory strains of these species are characterized by biased sex ratios in either the male or female direction.