What's the difference between contemplate and scrutinize?



  • (v. t.) To look at on all sides or in all its bearings; to view or consider with continued attention; to regard with deliberate care; to meditate on; to study.
  • (v. t.) To consider or have in view, as contingent or probable; to look forward to; to purpose; to intend.
  • (v. i.) To consider or think studiously; to ponder; to reflect; to muse; to meditate.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) If Cory Bernardi wasn’t currently in a period of radio silence as he contemplates his immediate political future he’d be all over this too, mining the Trumpocalypse – or in our domestic context, mining the fertile political fault line where Coalition support intersects with One Nation support.
  • (2) I did not - do not - quite understand how some are able to contemplate his anti-semitism with indifference.
  • (3) The algorithms involved are simple and a microprocessor-based automatic PCG analysis system using the proposed technique is being contemplated.
  • (4) It should also be contemplated, as an alternative to elective cesarean section for a transverse lie or breech presentation of the second fetus.
  • (5) It won’t happen suddenly, but the most likely outcome for European social democracy is the one being secretly contemplated on the Labour backbenches: a fusion with liberalised conservatism.
  • (6) Photograph: Martin Argles for the Guardian A journey that started five years ago with a promise to bring Labour together – to avoid the civil strife that traditionally followed election defeat – risks ending where it began: contemplating electoral wilderness.
  • (7) The EU could not contemplate Turkey joining at some point in the future with free movement in its current form.
  • (8) Women with hereditary telangiectasia contemplating pregnancy should be screened for the presence of PAVM to anticipate complications.
  • (9) More than once, I have seen him stop in front of a slide with a graph on it, and become so engaged in contemplation of a particular data point that he grew oblivious of the audience.
  • (10) That is an awkward, indeed risky, time to be contemplating takeoff.
  • (11) Any action to restrict travel would force The Trump Organisation to immediately end these and all future investments we are currently contemplating in the United Kingdom.
  • (12) When my floor was dirty, I rose early, and, setting all my furniture out of doors on the grass, bed and bedstead making but one budget, dashed water on the floor, and sprinkled white sand from the pond on it, and then with a broom scrubbed it clean and white... Further - and this is a stroke of his sensitive, pawky genius - he contemplates his momentarily displaced furniture and the nuance of enchanting strangeness: It was pleasant to see my whole household effects out on the grass, making a little pile like a gypsy's pack, and my three-legged table, from which I did not remove the books and pen and ink, standing amid the pines and hickories ...
  • (13) Adult subjects (N = 866) were classified into five stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, action, maintenance, and relapse.
  • (14) Surgical treatment was carried out without the aid of cardiopulmonary by-pass, although this had been contemplated.
  • (15) As Johanna Konta contemplates the next stage of her wide-reaching tennis journey and a possible place in the fourth round of the US Open, she recalls in a quiet moment how it all started, and how she might never have played the game at all but for the fact there were tennis courts next to her school.
  • (16) I was left to contemplate my crime: I had not applied for permission (which I knew I would be refused) to visit this village.
  • (17) Lillian, a pensioner who has lived in Enschede most of her life, was also contemplating a vote for the SP.
  • (18) Meanwhile defence minister David Johnston says the intelligence cooperation between the Five Eyes partners – the UK, US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada – has achieved too much to “ even contemplate a backward step ”.
  • (19) An interesting contribution to the debate about the rules the intelligence services might use was made by the former head of GCHQ, Sir David Omand , who recently drafted a checklist of criteria that anyone in his former trade contemplating invasions of privacy should ask themselves.
  • (20) The association of a heart defect with ventricular hypertrophy, or the coexistence of several associated accessory pathways prevents such correlation and makes it imperative to carry out intracavitary investigation and epicardial mapping to localise the accessory pathway if surgery is contemplated.



  • (v. t.) To examine closely; to inspect or observe with critical attention; to regard narrowly; as, to scrutinize the measures of administration; to scrutinize the conduct or motives of individuals.
  • (v. i.) To make scrutiny.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Peter Schweizer – whose book scrutinizing donations to the Clinton Foundation has earned sharp rebukes from Hillary Clinton’s campaign and liberally aligned groups – confirmed on Thursday plans to investigate Bush’s past financial dealings.
  • (2) He scrutinizes the credentials of these candidates and discusses the problem of using autoantibodies to identify causative antigens in a T-cell-mediated disease.
  • (3) The general late sequelae and the functional and aesthetic repercussions of circatrization were scrutinized and compared with the method of treatment and the postoperative course.
  • (4) The FECGs were recorded on magnetic tape and later analysed by scrutinizing each QRS complex prior to the trigger of a rate meter.
  • (5) The protein sequence searching program Scrutineer has been modified to search for targets from a file.
  • (6) The radiologic and clinical records were scrutinized to determine the actual effect of the radiologic examination on management of the patient.
  • (7) The primary care physician should recognize that: the natural history of this disease is variable and unpredictable; symptomatic disease in the elderly patient may be easily overlooked; and therefore, older patients who have vague and varied nonspecific neuromuscular, GI, and constitutional complaints or acquired behavior disturbances should be carefully scrutinized.
  • (8) The authors scrutinize in details the structural scheme of organization of patient's search-and-rescue work and suggest, that main principles of planning and management of search-and-rescue operations in aviation could be applied in a decision of problems, which arise in medical assistance to the victims of the natural disasters and accidents.
  • (9) Eighteen studies (13 equivocal, 5 misinterpretations) were scrutinized to determine the limitations of venous duplex scanning compared to phlebography and are the focus of this analysis.
  • (10) Studies of culture-specific disorders, service utilization and patient population studies, psychiatric epidemiological studies, and studies designed to test the validity of certain diagnostic instruments are scrutinized for evidence of the nature of the role of indigenous cultures in the manifestations of psychiatric disorders among these populations.
  • (11) In addition, Scrutineer still accepts targets typed in interactively but can now write them out in the format required as input.
  • (12) To scrutinize the fidelity of this stoichiometric form of chromatin reconstitution, we use circular dichroism, nuclease digestion, thermal denaturation and the sensitive electric birefringence method.
  • (13) The procedural skills of internists have been scrutinized recently because of concern for quality of care and because of economic and liability issues.
  • (14) In 100 consecutive deaths from a coronary care unit, the coronary arteries were examined microscopically in longitudinal sections (serial and semi-serial) so that the entire extramural part of each artery was scrutinized.
  • (15) The inclusions are typically near vacuoles and a minimum of three vacuolated fibres must be scrutinized to detect them with confidence.
  • (16) It is suggested that all known methods of integrated worm control should be scrutinized and the most promising methods be tested under practical farming conditions in the country to reduce our dependence on anthelmintic compounds for worm control.
  • (17) Physicians have been advised to scrutinize these patients carefully with a variety of diagnostic tests and to treat their conditions vigorously if bacteremia is seriously considered or proved.
  • (18) Hospital records were scrutinized and 179 of 180 (99 per cent) were included in the evaluation.
  • (19) Scrutinized statistical analysis revealed not only the well-known predictive value of the number of myeloblasts, but also a significant prognostic impact for the percentages of polymorpho-nuclear granulocytes, eosinophils and basophils.
  • (20) Pacemaker therapy, though widely accepted, currently is being scrutinized to determine its impact on cost as well as quality.