What's the difference between contract and sign?



  • (n.) To draw together or nearer; to reduce to a less compass; to shorten, narrow, or lessen; as, to contract one's sphere of action.
  • (n.) To draw together so as to wrinkle; to knit.
  • (n.) To bring on; to incur; to acquire; as, to contract a habit; to contract a debt; to contract a disease.
  • (n.) To enter into, with mutual obligations; to make a bargain or covenant for.
  • (n.) To betroth; to affiance.
  • (n.) To shorten by omitting a letter or letters or by reducing two or more vowels or syllables to one.
  • (v. i.) To be drawn together so as to be diminished in size or extent; to shrink; to be reduced in compass or in duration; as, iron contracts in cooling; a rope contracts when wet.
  • (v. i.) To make an agreement; to covenant; to agree; to bargain; as, to contract for carrying the mail.
  • (a.) Contracted; as, a contract verb.
  • (a.) Contracted; affianced; betrothed.
  • (n.) The agreement of two or more persons, upon a sufficient consideration or cause, to do, or to abstain from doing, some act; an agreement in which a party undertakes to do, or not to do, a particular thing; a formal bargain; a compact; an interchange of legal rights.
  • (n.) A formal writing which contains the agreement of parties, with the terms and conditions, and which serves as a proof of the obligation.
  • (n.) The act of formally betrothing a man and woman.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) During the performance of propulsive waves of the oesophagus the implanted vagus nerve caused clonic to tetanic contractions of the sternohyoid muscle, thus proving the oesophagomotor genesis of the reinnervating nerve fibres.
  • (2) But RWE admitted it had often only been able to retain customers with expired contracts by offering them new deals with more favourable conditions.
  • (3) Thus adrenaline, via pre- and post-junctional adrenoceptors, may contribute to enhanced vascular smooth muscle contraction, which most likely is sensitized by the elevated intracellular calcium concentration.
  • (4) Further, the maximal increase in force of contraction was measured using papillary muscle strips from some of these patients.
  • (5) When subjects centered themselves actively, or additionally, contracted trunk flexor or extensor muscles to predetermined levels of activity, no increase in trunk positioning accuracy was found.
  • (6) Twitch-tetanus ratios were calculated and found not to be related to unit contraction time.6.
  • (7) Selective removal of endothelium had no effect on BK-induced contraction or the action of the antagonists.
  • (8) The increased muscular strength in due to a rise of calcaemia, improved muscle contraction and probably also due to the mentioned nutritional factors.
  • (9) However, there was not a relationship between the contraction curve of the gallbladder and the bile flow into the duodenum.
  • (10) In in vitro preparations GABA (10(-7) - 10(-3) M) elicited a dose-dependent relaxation; a decrease in the spontaneous contractions was sometimes observed.
  • (11) There was no correlation between disturbed gastric clearance, impaired gall bladder contraction, and prolonged colonic transit time in the patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy nor was there a correlation between any disturbed motor function and age or duration of diabetes.
  • (12) Noradrenaline decreased the phasic contraction amplitude of the circular muscle and exerted a stimulant effect on the tone which suggested an existence of two alpha 1-adrenoceptor subtypes.
  • (13) It may, however, be useful to compare local wall dynamics in the more isometrically-contracting basal segment with those in the middle portion which brings about most of the emptying of the ventricle.
  • (14) Upon depletion of ATP in contraction, the P2 intensity reverted to the original rigor level, accompanied by development of rigor tension.
  • (15) L-NAME abolished B contractions in a dose-dependent fashion.
  • (16) The power spectrum of the EMG was analyzed during isometric contractions of the shoulder muscles.
  • (17) A23187 had only a transient effect on KCl-contracted coronary arteries.
  • (18) When caffeine evokes a contraction, and only then, crayfish muscle fibers become refractory to a second challenge with caffeine for up to 20 min in the standard saline (5 mM K(o)).
  • (19) Dopamine at concentrations over 10(-5)M induced contractions of tracheal muscle strips and repeated exposures resulted in desensitization (tachyphylaxis) of the muscle.
  • (20) In the present study we examined cholecystokinin release and gallbladder contraction after oral administration of a commercial fatty meal (Sorbitract; Dagra, Diemen, The Netherlands) using ultrasonography in eight normal subjects and eight gallstone patients before and after 1 and 4 weeks of treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid (10 mg kg-1.day-1).



  • (n.) That by which anything is made known or represented; that which furnishes evidence; a mark; a token; an indication; a proof.
  • (n.) A remarkable event, considered by the ancients as indicating the will of some deity; a prodigy; an omen.
  • (n.) An event considered by the Jews as indicating the divine will, or as manifesting an interposition of the divine power for some special end; a miracle; a wonder.
  • (n.) Something serving to indicate the existence, or preserve the memory, of a thing; a token; a memorial; a monument.
  • (n.) Any symbol or emblem which prefigures, typifles, or represents, an idea; a type; hence, sometimes, a picture.
  • (n.) A word or a character regarded as the outward manifestation of thought; as, words are the sign of ideas.
  • (n.) A motion, an action, or a gesture by which a thought is expressed, or a command or a wish made known.
  • (n.) Hence, one of the gestures of pantomime, or of a language of a signs such as those used by the North American Indians, or those used by the deaf and dumb.
  • (n.) A military emblem carried on a banner or a standard.
  • (n.) A lettered board, or other conspicuous notice, placed upon or before a building, room, shop, or office to advertise the business there transacted, or the name of the person or firm carrying it on; a publicly displayed token or notice.
  • (n.) The twelfth part of the ecliptic or zodiac.
  • (n.) A character indicating the relation of quantities, or an operation performed upon them; as, the sign + (plus); the sign -- (minus); the sign of division Ö, and the like.
  • (n.) An objective evidence of disease; that is, one appreciable by some one other than the patient.
  • (n.) Any character, as a flat, sharp, dot, etc.
  • (n.) That which, being external, stands for, or signifies, something internal or spiritual; -- a term used in the Church of England in speaking of an ordinance considered with reference to that which it represents.
  • (n.) To represent by a sign; to make known in a typical or emblematic manner, in distinction from speech; to signify.
  • (n.) To make a sign upon; to mark with a sign.
  • (n.) To affix a signature to; to ratify by hand or seal; to subscribe in one's own handwriting.
  • (n.) To assign or convey formally; -- used with away.
  • (n.) To mark; to make distinguishable.
  • (v. i.) To be a sign or omen.
  • (v. i.) To make a sign or signal; to communicate directions or intelligence by signs.
  • (v. i.) To write one's name, esp. as a token of assent, responsibility, or obligation.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Forty-nine patients (with 83 eyes showing signs of the disease) were followed up for between six months and 12 years.
  • (2) It is concluded that during exposure to simulated microgravity early signs of osteoporosis occur in the tibial spongiosa and that changes in the spongy matter of tubular bones and vertebrae are similar and systemic.
  • (3) Clinical signs of disease developed as early as 15 days after transition to the experimental diets and included impaired vision, decreased response to external stimuli, and abnormal gait.
  • (4) The neurologic or digestive signs were present in 12% of the children.
  • (5) The recent rise in manufacturing has been welcomed by George Osborne as a sign that his economic policies are bearing fruit.
  • (6) The omission of Crossrail 2 from the Conservative manifesto , in which other infrastructure projects were listed, was the clearest sign yet that there is little appetite in a Theresa May government for another London-based scheme.
  • (7) In patients with coronary artery disease, electrocardiographic signs of left atrial enlargement (LAE-negative P wave deflection greater than or equal to 1 mm2 in lead V1) are associated with increased left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP).
  • (8) The only sign of life was excavators loading trees on to barges to take to pulp mills.
  • (9) Based on our results, we propose the following hypotheses for the neurochemical mechanisms of motion sickness: (1) the histaminergic neuron system is involved in the signs and symptoms of motion sickness, including vomiting; (2) the acetylcholinergic neuron system is involved in the processes of habituation to motion sickness, including neural store mechanisms; and (3) the catecholaminergic neuron system in the brain stem is not related to the development of motion sickness.
  • (10) Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography failed to demonstrate any bile ducts in the right postero-lateral segments of the liver, the "naked segment sign".
  • (11) There was prompt symptomatic relief and amelioration of signs of nephritis.
  • (12) In the 2nd family, several members had cerebellar signs, chorea, and dementia.
  • (13) There are several common clinical signs which should alert the physician to a possible diagnosis of SLE and which should condition him to look for specific clinical and laboratory findings.
  • (14) It is also a clear sign of our willingness and determination to step up engagement across the whole range of the EU-Turkey relationship to fully reflect the strategic importance of our relations.
  • (15) Some retailers said April's downpours led to pent-up demand which was unleashed at the first sign of summer, with shoppers rushing to update their summer wardrobes.
  • (16) About tow amyloid tumors diagnosed because of oropharyngeous signs, the authors remind the main symptoms at the upper airway and ENT tracts; the local, regional and general treatment will be discussed.
  • (17) In addition, PDBu-treated subjects showed signs of having remembered the location of the platform better than controls when tested 24 h later.
  • (18) No signs of the blood-brain barrier disruption were observed.
  • (19) Never become so enamored of your own smarts that you stop signing up for life’s hard classes.
  • (20) However, coinciding with the height of inflammation and clinical signs at 12 dpi, the GFAP mRNA content dropped to approximately 50% of the level at 11 dpi but rose again at 13 dpi.