(v. t.) To accompany for protection, either by sea or land; to attend for protection; to escort; as, a frigate convoys a merchantman.
(n.) The act of attending for defense; the state of being so attended; protection; escort.
(n.) A vessel or fleet, or a train or trains of wagons, employed in the transportation of munitions of war, money, subsistence, clothing, etc., and having an armed escort.
(n.) A protection force accompanying ships, etc., on their way from place to place, by sea or land; an escort, for protection or guidance.
(n.) Conveyance; means of transportation.
(n.) A drag or brake applied to the wheels of a carriage, to check their velocity in going down a hill.
Example Sentences:
(1) It was a suicide car bomber targeting a foreign forces convoy along the airport road,” Farid Afzali, chief of the city’s police investigation department, told AFP.
(2) A number of countries and groups have accused Syria and Russia of war crimes in connection with attacks on medical facilities and aid convoys.
(3) For US allies, trying to follow Washington’s lead over the past four months has been akin to trying to drive in convoy behind a car swerving violently at high speed, as the competing factions inside lunge for the steering wheel.
(4) We would be prevented from doing so; we are prevented from doing so.” Describing the situation as agonising, she said: “Whether you are a Syrian NGO [non-governmental organisation] on the frontline in eastern Aleppo being bombed into oblivion, or a UN worker sitting in Damascus or accompanying convoys across conflict lines, we are all really taking risks and being mentally pummelled by some of the positions in which we are put.” The deteriorating situation in Syria and continual bombardment of eastern Aleppo has raised the political stakes to new heights in recent days, with Russia being directly and repeatedly accused of war crimes because of its support for Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad.
(5) The Americans went first, a great convoy of armoured Jeeps snaking out from their fortified embassy under air cover.
(6) But both sides have alleged dozens of violations and aid convoys have been unable to enter rebel-held parts of the northern city of Aleppo – a key opposition demand.
(7) The students went missing on 26 September after a convoy of buses they were travelling on came under fire .
(8) Its loss would be a major blow to Ukraine and would also allow the rebels to receive large cargo planes with supplies in addition to truck convoys from Russia .
(9) Sometimes in Khartoum, you see long convoys of blacked-out 4x4s, full of game hunters from the Gulf, drive through the centre of the city and disappear into the countryside, returning only to snake their way back to the airport.
(10) The UN said on Friday the Syrian government had effectively stopped aid convoys this month and Aleppo was close to running out of fuel, making a successful truce even more urgent.
(11) A convoy of Ukrainian APCs marked the new frontier of the rebel-controlled territory.
(12) Seleznyov also said a convoy of more than 60 military trucks was spotted Saturday heading from Feodosia toward Simferopol, the regional capital.
(13) They say they will allow an aid convoy to go but then still don’t give us the green light.
(14) Yesterday he set out to Tahrir from Heliopolis across the city in a convoy of vehicles, a "car march".
(15) A Foreign Office spokesman said: “We are aware of reports of the death of a British national in Iraq and are looking into them.” Authorities in Iraq said Ahmed died when he drove a truck into a convoy, killing a top Iraqi police officer, Lt Gen Faisal Malik Zamel, who was inspecting forces in the town, and seven other police officers.
(16) The man opened fire on Anja Niedringhaus and Kathy Gannon from the Associated Press in a police headquarters in Khost province, after the women arrived with a convoy of election materials on Friday.
(17) Manning did not cheer, because he was aware that five civilian Iraqis had also been caught up in the bombing, after they had pulled over their car to let the convoy pass.
(18) 5.06pm GMT Associated Press journalists in Crimea have spotted a convoy of nine Russian armored personnel carriers and a truck on a road between the port city of Sevastopol and the regional capital, Sinferopol, the news agency reports: The Russian tricolor flags were painted on the vehicles, which were parked on the side of the road near the town of Bakhchisarai, apparently because one of them had mechanical problems.
(19) Some casualties were accidentally caused by air strikes, but many also are said to involve British troops firing on unarmed drivers or motorcyclists who come "too close" to convoys or patrols.
(20) The so-called Arctic convoys are credited with helping to tip the balance against the Nazis.
(n. & a.) To sail; to float.
(n. & a.) To fly swiftly; to pass over quickly; to hasten; to flit as a light substance.
(n. & a.) To slip on the whelps or the barrel of a capstan or windlass; -- said of a cable or hawser.
(v. t.) To pass over rapidly; to skin the surface of; as, a ship that fleets the gulf.
(v. t.) To hasten over; to cause to pass away lighty, or in mirth and joy.
(v. t.) To draw apart the blocks of; -- said of a tackle.
(v. t.) To cause to slip down the barrel of a capstan or windlass, as a rope or chain.
(v. i.) Swift in motion; moving with velocity; light and quick in going from place to place; nimble.
(v. i.) Light; superficially thin; not penetrating deep, as soil.
(v. i.) A number of vessels in company, especially war vessels; also, the collective naval force of a country, etc.
(v. i.) A flood; a creek or inlet; a bay or estuary; a river; -- obsolete, except as a place name, -- as Fleet Street in London.
(v. i.) A former prison in London, which originally stood near a stream, the Fleet (now filled up).
(v. i.) To take the cream from; to skim.
Example Sentences:
(1) He's finding solace, fleeting and fragmentary, and every springy guitar lick is its own benediction," Chinen wrote.
(2) Fleeting though it may have been (he jetted off to New York this morning and is due in Toronto on Saturday), there was a poignant reason for his appearance: he was here to play a tribute set to Frankie Knuckles, the Godfather of house and one of Morales's closest friends, who died suddenly in March.
(3) If battery and EV prices fall more rapidly over the period, and the price of oil increases more rapidly, replacing the fleet with EVs could be cost-neutral.
(4) As aircraft capable of sustaining high "G" maneuvers enter the U.S. Navy Fleet, the reported incidence of cervical injury to aircrew seems to have increased.
(5) A popular strain of foreign policy thought has long held that the US should be guided primarily by self-interest rather than human rights concerns: hence, since the US wants its Fifth Fleet to remain in Bahrain and believes ( with good reason ) that these dictators will serve US interests far better than if popular will in these countries prevails, it is right to prop up these autocrats.
(6) Her unclothed remains were found six months later by mushroom pickers at Yateley Heath Woods, near Fleet, Hampshire, 25 miles away.
(7) A warship from Russia’s Pacific fleet also accompanied former Russian president Medvedev’s visit to San Francisco in 2010.” Officials from the Russian embassy in Canberra declined to confirm the details when contacted by Guardian Australia on Wednesday.
(8) One of the Conservative party's most influential voices on defence has conceded that Britain can no longer be regarded as a "division-one military power", and raised questions over the sense of replacing the Trident nuclear fleet with a new generation of missile-launching submarines.
(9) But although under the ayatollahs there have been fleeting moments of optimism, there have also been long periods of repression.
(10) And it is certainly before you factor in the service's upgrade (worth around £9bn, and paid for by the public), and the fleet of Pendolino trains (again, largely subsidised by the government).
(11) I couldn’t even imagine it because I have done it so many times.” The incident received only fleeting national coverage, occurring less than a month before the presidential election.
(12) "We have rhetorical pressure, which we are using, and we have the Seventh Fleet, which nobody wants to use, and in between our options are more constrained," he said.
(13) When he talks about his work and his motivation, he exudes an intensity, as if his time with you is also fleeting.
(14) Many of Long’s pieces are fragile and fleeting: a stripe of un-mown grass in an otherwise close cropped lawn at the Henry Moore foundation , a misty circle in Scotland that lasted only until the day warmed up, a stripe of green grass left by plucking daisies, or paintings in wet mud that dry out and crumble.
(15) He seemed to have his finger on an invisible button, hardwired into the brains of the Fleet Street editors, driving them into an apoplectic frenzy of rage each time he chose to push it.
(16) But the task remains to move the country's remaining fossil fuel-dependent sectors to clean technology: Iceland's fishing fleet, cars and buses, which run on oil and petrol, ironically make the country one of the highest per head greenhouse gas emitters in Europe .
(17) 1,4-Dideoxy-1,4-imino-D-mannitol (DIM) was synthesized chemically from benzyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside [Fleet et al (1984) J. Chem.
(18) The agency hopes it can later extend the work to urban rivers outside London, but is pessimistic that parts of the Fleet might one day be released to public view.
(19) The Institute of Cetacean Research, a quasi-governmental body that oversees the hunts, had hoped to use sales from the meat to cover the costs of the whaling fleet's expeditions, she said.
(20) "The council's fleet of company cars have upper limits on the CO2 they produce," says Thorp.