What's the difference between cony and pika?



  • (n.) A rabbit, esp., the European rabbit (Lepus cuniculus)
  • (n.) The chief hare.
  • (n.) A simpleton.
  • (n.) An important edible West Indian fish (Epinephelus apua); the hind of Bermuda.
  • (n.) A local name of the burbot.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Clinton met with Jane Dougherty, sister of Mary Sherlach, who was slain at the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012; Tom Sullivan and Matthew Jenks, the father and brother-in-law, respectively, of Alex Sullivan, who was killed in the 2012 movie theater shootings in Aurora, Colorado; and Coni Sanders, daughter of Dave Sanders, killed in the 1999 Columbine High School shootings in Colorado.
  • (2) Recent events are also reviewed, including the investigation into the use of performance-enhancing drugs by Australian sportsmen and women (the Black Enquiry), by the Canadians (the Dubin Enquiry) and by the British (the Coni Enquiry and the Jacobs Enquiry).
  • (3) Complete imaging studies also showed that all lumbar SCMs had low-lying coni and at least one additional tethering lesion besides the split cords, whereas only 1 of 7 cervical and high thoracic SCMs had a low conus and a second tethering lesion.
  • (4) On the opposite, in ungulates, a well-known band runs across the right ventricular chamber from the septum close to the musculus papillaris coni arteriosi up to the anterior wall close to the anterior papillary muscle.
  • (5) However, the ductuli in the coni vasculosi are more sinuous than in the initial zone and they anastomose; pairs join together to form ultimately a single, common ductulus efferens.
  • (6) The strong synthetic promoter conI and its derivatives were observed to interfere with expression of the aadA gene, which confers spectinomycin resistance upon its host.
  • (7) Escherichia coli K-12 F- mutants defective in conjugation with an I-type donor (ConI-) were isolated and characterized.
  • (8) The LV OT in this case drains under both (aortic and pulmonary) coni.
  • (9) Through an examination of the subepicardial part of the heart in the guinea pig it was characterized a duality concerning to the origin and branching of the 2 coronary arteries which are represented by 4, and not by 2, aortic branches: the R. circumflexus sinister and the R. interventricularis paraconalis to the left coronary artery; the A. coronaria dextra and the R. coni arteriosi to the right coronary artery.
  • (10) Janet Conie gives us an over-view of the impact of recent technological advances on the art and science of neurosurgery.
  • (11) This can’t go on like this, I’m tired of it,” Giovanni Malago, president of the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) told Italian media.
  • (12) Mutants specific for F-type E. coli donor cells (ConF-) and mutants specific deficient in conjugation with I-type donor cells (ConI-) were isolated.
  • (13) The possibility that the GF rat lacks sufficient precursor of MMA was tested by feeding GF, XGF and CONY rats diets low or high in MMA precursors and examining urinary excretion of MMA and formiminoglutamic acid at intervals.
  • (14) There were 160 coni histologically analysed in which carcinoma in situ (CIS) or carcinoma cum invasione minimali (CIM) were diagnosed.
  • (15) The cord is anatomically differentiated into a proximal cylindrical region, the initial zone, and an ampulla, the coni vasculosi.
  • (16) Both ConF- and ConI- mutants were blocked in stable mating pair formation.
  • (17) By microscopical examination of abradates, operation material and coni schistosoma eggs could be detected in 29.2 per cent of all cases.



  • (n.) Any one of several species of rodents of the genus Lagomys, resembling small tailless rabbits. They inhabit the high mountains of Asia and America. Called also calling hare, and crying hare. See Chief hare.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In contrast, while gastric ulcers in the rat formed within a short time, they were histopathologically less severe than those in the pika.
  • (2) Therefore, the antagonism of phenoperidine action by morphine appeared not to occur at the opiate receptor site; the mechanism of the pika's natural tolerance to morphine may reside in molecular events that normally preceed (metabolism?)
  • (3) Compared with the rat, the pika showed differences in the appearance and degree of gastric ulcers formed by the injection of serotonin and reserpine.
  • (4) However, the pika is responsive to synthetic opiates such as etorphine, pentazocine and phenoperidine.
  • (5) It now appears that the nucleus is organized into distinct domains which include not only the nucleolus, but also previously unidentified regions such as the PIKAs.
  • (6) At the infection with the typical strain of the altai subspecies rare transmissions of the agent to Pallas' pika can take place as well as its long preservation in fleas.
  • (7) An immunohistochemical study of the anterior pituitary gland of the female Afghan pika was carried out to distinguish the ultrastructural features of GH, PRL, ACTH, TSH and LH cells.
  • (8) Pharmacokinetic analysis demonstrated that morphine enters the pika's brain as readily as it does the rat's.
  • (9) The skin of the pika (Ochotona rufescens rufescens) was found to be remarkably sensitive to the primary irritation of sodium hydroxide, as compared with the skin of the rabbit.
  • (10) The fleas of this species are capable to transmit not only the plague agent of the strains typical of this nidus but also non-typical ones which differ in some biological properties and are avirulent for most carriers but Pallas's pika.
  • (11) In the two species, following morphine administration, another unidentified component appears very soon (5 min) in pika blood plasma and much later (60 min) in rabbit blood plasma.
  • (12) Pulmonary adiaspiromycosis due to Emmonsia crescens was diagnosed in three of six Franklin's ground squirrels (Spermophilus franklini) captured in Rochester, central Alberts, Canada in the summer of 1971, and in one of 240 pikas (Ochotona princeps) collected in southwestern Alberta in 1969.
  • (13) The activities of the enzymes, SDH, MDH, LDH, beta HBDH, alpha GPDH, ALD, G6PDH and GPR, in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the pika were similar to those of the rabbit.
  • (14) The percentages found in the pika and the rabbit were essentially identical at determination.
  • (15) myiasis in pikas (Ochotona princeps) are reported from Oregon and Montana.
  • (16) The morphology of this region changes dramatically during the cell cycle and we have given it the name PIKA (for polymorphic interphase karyosomal association) based on preliminary evidence that the PIKA proteins may be associated with chromatin.
  • (17) Experimental gastric ulcer formation was performed in the pika and compared with that in the rat.
  • (18) Most of those in the pika contained a few moderately dense granules.
  • (19) The acinar cells of the pika consisted of light cells containing basophilic granules of low density, while in the volcano rabbit the acinar cells consisted of light and dark cells containing acidophilic granules of moderate density.
  • (20) Experiments on Daurian pikas confirmed that, in comparison with the PHA and AN tests, RIA ensured fourfold effectiveness in the detection of antigen F1.

Words possibly related to "pika"