(v. i.) To make a low repeated cry or sound, like the characteristic note of pigeons or doves.
(v. i.) To show affection; to act in a loving way. See under Bill, v. i.
Example Sentences:
(1) Deviations from Michealis-Menten kinetics in the pig-heart citrate synthase (citrate-oxaloacetate-lyase(pro-3S-CH2-COO-leads to acetyl-CoA), EC system have been characterized and analyzed in view of the kinetic theory described in the preceding paper.
(2) We conclude that both proprioceptive feedback and audio-feedback must be involved to yield maximal stimulation of follicular growth by the female's nest-coo display.
(4) The limited solubility of cholesterol in negatively charged phospholipids is found to be independent of the nature of the acyl chain residues, and independent of whether the negative charge resides on both COO- and PO- groups (as in phosphatidylserine) or on PO- only (as in phosphatidic acid).
(5) Like scores of men here, he spends hours in this rooftop retreat with his cooing companions.
(6) All these data suggest that the native polysaccharide possesses ordered secondary structure stabilized by nonionic interactions outweighing the repulsion between adjacent COO- groups.
(7) The antagonist GDEE had 90% of its whole population in folded conformations with a distance of about 3 A degrees between COO-...COO- groups.
(8) This difference in follicular growth suggests that the females' own cooing, not the males' cooing, stimulates the ovarian response.
(9) A NH3+(Ser1)-COO-(Arg4) salt bridge, as well as any form of turn stabilized by hydrogen bonds can be ruled out with certainty.
(10) Enterprise technology veteran Stephanie Buscemi, COO of Salesforce’s cloud business, knows all too well the challenges facing women in her industry.
(11) Together, these pH profiles provide sufficient information to suggest that only the minor zwitterionic species of ornithine, H2N(CH2)3CH(NH3+)COO-, binds the enzyme productively.
(12) Three cases with typical cooing murmurs in degenerated porcine valves at mitral positions were studied.
(13) Analysis of variance showed that (1) the mean spectral energy (MSE) levels of "pain-induced" cries were significantly higher than those of the other two types of cries and that the MSE of all three types of cries was significantly higher than that of cooing; and (2) that the mean spectral energy in any vocalization by 6-month-old infants of either sex was significantly lower than that in any vocalization of younger infants.
(14) The second partial ORF starts 67 bp downstream of cooS and would be capable of encoding 35 amino acids with an ATP-binding site motif.
(15) EDC reactive side groups other than COO- (e.g., tyrosyl-OH or sulfhydryls) can be discarded as candidates for the underlying chemical reaction.
(16) Molecular graphics analysis revealed that the propenoyl side chain of the spin-label exhibits an extended trans conformation and that the ethyl moiety of the ester group deviates significantly from coplanarity with the carboxylate--COO--atoms.
(17) Nest-coo (courtship) vocalization is an estrogen-dependent component of a sequence of behaviors leading to egg-laying in the ring dove (Streptopelia risoria).
(18) The torsion angles of the alpha-methyl group, NH3+ and COO- groups with respect to Cv are in molecules A and B respectively +67.2, +66.8, -174.3, -175.6, and -59.2 and -59.5 degrees.
(19) The distribution of spectral energy among four types of infant vocalizations was compared via computerized spectral analyses of "pain-induced," "fussy," and "hungry" cries and "cooing" of 30 2-6-month-old infants.
(20) The fatty acyl groups of these compounds, unlike those of usual phospholipids, were all saturated and were mixtures of even and odd numbered carbon chains; their [M-CnH2n+1-COOCH2]+ and [M-Cn+1H2n+3COO]+ peaks overlapped.
(adv., & n.) See Mo.
(v. i.) To make the noise of a cow; to low; -- child's word.
(n.) The lowing of a cow.
Example Sentences:
(1) A longitudinal design was employed to test the main and stress-moderating effects of young adolescents' perceived family environment (Family Environment Scales; FES; Moos & Moos, 1981) on their depression, anxiety, and self-esteem.
(2) The collective critical moo-ing that greets the arrival of each new screen instalment of the Twilight series says more about how out of touch the film-reviewing fraternity is with a certain section of the movie-going audience than it does about the films themselves.
(3) The present investigation has examined the experience of 3 groups of nurses, working in spinal injuries, head injuries, and general medicine, using a standardised questionnaire devised by Moos.
(4) How would Moo sell business cards with your personal photos on them if they could be sued into oblivion should those photos turn out to infringe copyright?
(5) Anyone could imitate the twice-baked potatoes at the Peddler , or turn out a veal parmesan like the Villa Capri's, but there was no way a non-Chinese person could make moo shu pork , regardless of his or her training.
(6) Sulfate could be partially replaced by HPO(4) (2-) and HAsO(4) (2-) but not by BO(3) (-), MoO(4) (2-), NO(3) (-), or Cl(-); formate and MoO(4) (2-) inhibited iron oxidation.
(7) Based on differences in size, charge, antigenicity and sarcomere distribution, at least three different isoforms of this protein have been identified (Callaway & Bechtel, 1981; Yamamoto & Moos, 1983; Reinach et al., 1982; Dhoot et al., 1985).
(8) Call me a boring old class war moo, but I've watched several episodes of Made In Chelsea and at no point has Fenella Flumpinton-Ding-Dong's mother pointed her towards prostitution, whinnying, "Go on darling, get your pants off, help us out."
(9) Fifty-one subjects completed a modified version of the Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire daily for 8 weeks.
(10) Student teachers in yearlong mental health consultation groups completed Moos's Group Environment Scale (GES) and three semantic differential ratings of their satisfaction with the group experience.
(11) Facebook Twitter Pinterest The 2007 Pyongyang summit between Kim Jong-il of North Korea and South Korea’s then president, Roh Moo-hyun, was the meeting between the two states’ leaders.
(12) They also completed the Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ) once a month.
(13) Voluntary control of breathing is taught in Moo Duk Tkow in order to maximize force during striking, kicking, and blocking.
(14) The case was brought by Josh Moos and Hannah McClure, who were among a crowd of up to 5,000 held for five hours by police.
(15) The recording tickled him because it sounds nothing like a car, but exactly like the sound of a cow mooing.
(16) Thirty women completed alcohol, marihuana, and tobacco use diaries and Form T of the Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ) every day for three consecutive menstrual cycles.
(17) If women can’t get free legal help when applying for an intervention order, how effective in protecting their safety will those orders be?” “We called on Coag to deliver robust, long-term and adequate resourcing for the national plan, and they didn’t,” chief executive of Domestic Violence New South Wales, Moo Baulch, said.
(18) Patients and staff subgroups differed somewhat in their relative emphases on certain program dimensions but, overall, the program still correlated highly with the therapeutic community cluster described by Moos (Spearman's rho: 0.660-0.809, all p values less than 0.05).
(19) Thirty women completed marihuana use diaries and Form T of the Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ) every day for three consecutive menstrual cycles.
(20) The highest formate dehydrogenase activity was obtained with 2.5 x 10(-4) M Na(2)MoO(4) and 5 x 10(-5) Na(2)SeO(3).