(n.) The act of coupling or joining; union; conjunction.
(n.) The coming together of male and female in the act of generation; sexual union; coition.
Example Sentences:
(1) Using allozymes as the genetic probe, data are presented which show that wild Drosophila buzzatii females and males engaged in copulation mate at random.
(2) The inhibition is desappears if placed under copulation conditions during a full cycle.
(3) Circular cuts which surgically isolated the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH) from the remainder of the brain did not prevent copulation 4 to 24 h later, but did block reflex ovulation.
(4) Eight rats of the PCPA group and only two of the vehicle, started to copulate.
(5) Incubation of normal pig lymphocytes in serum samples collected from 10 sows immediately before, and at daily intervals after mating with a vasectomized boar significantly elevated the rosette inhibition titre (RIT) of a standard antilymphocyte serum in 6 animals on the first but not on the 2nd and 3rd day after copulation.
(6) Duration of copulation in mixed combinations of D. athabasca is determined by the male.
(7) In Rhodotorula, peroxisomes are characterized by the same "bean" configuration and paired arrangement imitating "copulation" as mitocondria.
(8) On average, copulation lasted 27.2 s and was completed in flight.
(9) The surface membrane enzyme activity disappears from the zygote shortly after copulation and at the same time lysosome-like bodies start to appear in the cytoplasm.
(10) There was no seasonal fluctuation in copulative activity.
(11) Since courtship song increases a females' receptivity to copulation, the frequency of mating within a short observation period was used as a measure of the ability of mutant females to distinguish between singing males and males that were unable to sing.
(12) Copulations with other adults males also occurred during all cycle phases, but were most frequent peri-ovulatory.
(13) Copulation occurred more often on the occasion of the first attempt by the male.
(14) In the second experiment, intact females copulated twice with a male: once when they were able to hear and once when they were temporarily deafened with a medical ear mold.
(15) The gene products are secreted into the male duct and transferred to the female copulant during copulation.
(16) Pregnant C3H mice were exposed to teratogenic doses of cyclophosphamide (CPA), on the 11th day after copulation.
(17) Thiazide-type diuretics also produce erectile dysfunction in rats and interfere with normal copulation.
(18) Morphine administered rats showed a loss of weight, hypertrophy of the adrenals, decreased weight of accessory sex organs, low sperm count, and decreased copulation rate.
(19) La Crosse virus was detected in the bursa of females after induced copulation, and disseminated infection was shown to occur occasionally.
(20) Mangabeys spend 47% of activity observations feeding, 27% moving, and the remainder of the activity observations is accounted for by grooming, playing, vocalizing, copulating, etc.
(n.) The act of sending in or of putting in; insertion.
(n.) The act of letting go in; admission.
(n.) An intermeddling with the affairs of another, either on legal grounds or without authority.
Example Sentences:
(1) Local application of 8-OH-DPAT (0-5 micrograms) into the median raphe nucleus, facilitated male rat sexual behavior, as evidenced by a decrease in number of intromissions preceding ejaculation and in time to ejaculation.
(2) The hymen was not penetrated as a result of intromission and therefore the site of ejaculation would have been in the urogenital canal of the 4 primigravid elephants.
(3) On the other hand, the values of the instantaneous frequency, duration, and rhythmicity of the copulatory thrusting movements performed during mounts, intromissions or ejaculations did not differ significantly from the values obtained under saline treatment.
(4) No differences in anxiety were found between the group of animals without sexual activity and the group of animals tested after five intromissions of the first ejaculatory series.
(5) Preliminary investigations indicate that discrete electrolytic lesions to the lateral and posterior parvocellular hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) abolished this ejaculation-associated increase in CSF OT, prolonged mount and intromission latencies and reduced the absolute postejaculatory interval (PEI).
(6) MP-AH lesions reduced or completely eliminated the display of manual contacts of the partner, mounts, intromissions and ejaculations without interfering with masturbation.
(7) When the III between short intromissions from a rested male was experimentally increased to 100 s by use of a halter and lead device, the duration of lordosis was significantly less than that displayed by females paired with control males (8-s III) and virtually the same as that displayed by females paired with males that produced only long intromissions.
(8) In normal mating, house mice vary dramatically in the number and duration of intromissions that precede ejaculation.
(9) Impairment of male sexual behavior was indicated by an increase in ejaculation latency, in the number of mounts and a decrease in the number of ejaculations up to 30 min after the first intromission.
(10) Surprisingly, intromissive performance was significantly better in intact breeding males than in castrates given even the highest dosage of TP.
(11) All currently available devices provide a penile shaft rigid enough for intromission, but because all devices occupy only the corpora cavernosa, the erect penis will not be as long or as great in circumference as the patient's physiologic erections once were.
(12) Only two mounts and no intromissions were observed in 6 rats during the test period.
(13) The lowest dose of apomorphine (0.2 microgram) infused into the ventricle reduced the number of ejaculations, slowed the rate of intromitting and decreased the percentage of mounts on which the male gained vaginal intromission.
(14) One should keep in mind that the goal is to have a stallion behave in a disciplined manner, allowing for his expression of libido and effective mounting, intromission, and ejaculation.
(15) Pre- and postnatal nicotine treatment did not affect the overall sexual performance of the male rats, although the number of mounts and intromissions during a second series decreased.
(16) The probability of autogrooming was higher, and the duration longer, after mounts that ended mount bouts and after intromissions, than after mounts that were incorporated within a mount bout.
(17) Prior to any drug treatment, middle-aged males (13 months of age) exhibited prolonged latencies to ejaculation and intervals between intromissions when compared to young male rats (3 months of age).
(18) In males with intact noradrenaline, 5-MeODMT facilitated sexual behavior by reducing the number of intromissions required for ejaculation; inhibitory actions were also noted, since 5-MeODMT prolonged intromission and ejaculation latencies.
(19) Sexual activity of each mouse (number of ejaculations and intromissions) was estimated under competitive conditions between the ages of 120 and 150 days in eleven repetitions.
(20) Numbers of mounts, intromissions, ejaculations, postejaculatory songs, and the intromission and ejaculatory patterns were like those of control rats, although the decorticate rats had fewer mount bouts and showed abnormalities in the execution of movements.