(1) Analysis of official registers reveals the 38 companies in the first wave of the initiative – more than two-thirds of which are based overseas – have collectively had 698 face-to-face meetings with ministers under the current government, prompting accusations of an over-cosy relationship between corporations and ministers.
(2) You can be very cosy with someone but, at the end of the day, it’s about the bottom line.
(3) 2D NMR techniques such as mono and hetero-COSY, NOESY, COLOC as well as 1H-NMR line broadening effect were utilized for structure elucidation.
(4) The classical two-dimensional COSY, HOHAHA, and NOESY experiments benefit from both good resolution and high sensitivity, allowing the detection of long-range dipolar connectivities.
(5) All backbone and side-chain proton resonances of FB (60 amino acid residues), except the amide proton resonance of Ala2, were assigned by the sequential assignment procedures by using double-quantum-filtered correlated spectroscopy (DQF-COSY), homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn spectroscopy (HOHAHA), and nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY).
(6) Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the nationalist Liberal Democrat party, which enjoys a cosy relationship with the Kremlin, said he suggested beginning a campaign designed to help Berezovsky return to Russia when the two men met "by chance" in January at a hotel near the Red Sea.
(7) He was "cosy" – a favourite Trumpington word of praise – and they just gelled.
(8) As it has elevated "hygge" (cosiness) into a way of life, Copenhagen has elevated the humble bicycle into a cultural icon, a pillar of its image.
(9) We applied multiple relayed COSY and 2D homonuclear Hartman-Hahn spectroscopy to globoside, a glycolipid purified from human red blood cells.
(10) Analyses of the through-bond and through-space connectivities in the alpha H-NH fingerprint regions of the correlated spectroscopy (COSY) and nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) spectra lead to the assignment of resonances to specific amino acid residues in the polypeptide.
(11) Its structure was elucidated by IR, UV, FAB-MS, and various NMR spectra (including NOE, BBD, INEPT, SR, COSY, NOESY etc.
(12) 155, 311-319], individual spin systems were identified by J-correlated spectroscopy (COSY) supplemented, where necessary, by relayed coherence transfer spectroscopy (RELAY).
(13) The spin systems of the 79 amino acids were identified by DQF-COSY and HOHAHA spectra in H2O and D2O.
(14) In addition, two-dimensional 1H[1H] J-correlated spectroscopy (COSY) experiments as well as theoretical ring-current calculations have confirmed the spectral assignments obtained by the one-dimensional NOE experiments.
(15) When all four fractions consisting of A, B fractions, factor I, and SV40 infected CosI cytoplasm were mixed together, the system was reconstituted, meaning that initiation and subsequent elongation were completed to generate the full sized daughter molecules.
(16) Honor & Folly ( honorandfolly.com , one bedroom $165 a night, both bedrooms $215, plus a sofabed for children) is a home away from home with a fully stocked kitchen and a cosy living area decorated with vintage and locally crafted furniture.
(17) Both David Cameron and Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, also posed with a copy of the Sun, but many Labour supporters have pointed out the inconsistency between Miliband's tough stance on the need for a public inquiry into phone hacking with cosying up to the newspaper.
(18) The current labour system in this country, with its cosy series of meetings in which all the people concerned know and understand each other, is over.
(19) Two-dimensional scalar correlated spectroscopy (COSY), two-dimensional dipolar correlated spectroscopy (NOESY) and two-dimensional relayed coherance transfer spectroscopy (RCT) experiments were recorded, allowing most resonances arising from the aromatic and methyl-containing residues to be assigned in the spectrum.
(20) The structure determination was based upon spectroscopic analysis (UV, IR, CD, MS, 1HNMR, 13CNMR, COSY) and derivative preparation.
(a.) Clever; sharp; shrewd; ingenious; cunning.
Example Sentences:
(1) "In a sea of bubblegum-cute popsters, Sistar stand out for their cool and sexy image," says Scobie.
(2) There's a cute one comparing feelings to children: you don't want to let them drive, but equally you don't want to stuff them in the boot.
(3) You can use absolutely anything - an unwanted T-shirt, some old curtains, something you picked up in a charity shop ... Garish 70s-style prints you probably wouldn't dream of wearing work surprisingly well in soft toys: they are cute, they can pull it off.
(4) The road to gaining nearly 1.2 billion monthly active users has seen the mums, dads, aunts and uncles of the generation who pioneered Facebook join it too, spamming their walls with inspirational quotes and images of cute animals, and (shock, horror) commenting on their kids' photos.
(5) When he smiles, he looks as cute and gummy as a newborn.
(6) And we didn’t want a bloody female one – at least the last guy was cute.
(7) You're so cute, look at you in your little jumper!"
(8) Our compilation of near misses on the road may be a little hair-raising but, as a bonus, we offer a lucky cyclist who is hit by a car but lands on a mattress There is no shortage of cute pets this week, with a cat who is into escapology and a dog who loves rolling on the bed when he thinks his owner isn't around .
(9) Does appreciation for cuteness come naturally, or does it reveal something about our society?
(10) Another great feature of the panda, at least as far as Chairman Mao Zedong and his followers were concerned, was that the rest of the world, particularly the west, had become obsessed by its excruciatingly cute looks and behaviour.
(11) Laurinda runs Casa do Norte (from £30 a night) – a cute, romantic cottage to kick back in – and manages a handful of other turismos rurales.
(12) Lorenz’s paper is the blueprint of cute studies, but it did not produce a positive reaction among the scientific community.
(13) Despite their cute appearance, the animals have been known to bite the fingers off of tourists who have gone into the cages .
(14) This is Iron Man as Conan: he may be a genius on Earth but when he meets advanced alien civilisations, they just see him as a cute little barbarian."
(15) Snap – they're my photos 8 Extreme Mountain Unicycling This is wheely dangerous, said a spokesman … 9 How to win Chess in 4 moves Pawn movie 10 Dog Jumps Over A River Cute – you'll want to stream this video Source: Viral Video Chart .
(16) The beach is half a block a way, and you even get a cute, hand-drawn map to guide you around the sand-street town.
(17) People genuinely like them because they're funny, interesting, cute or just generally interesting.
(18) We're in a time where it is cute to be provocative and alternative and distinct.
(19) But it's obvious from the start that there are no deferential nods to Egyptian, classical, modernist or postmodernist modes, no reassuring "quotes" like the over-cute pilasters that adorn the extension to London's National Gallery by Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown.
(20) For Kaori Kitakata, a devotee since she was introduced to the genre by Korean friends, K-pop is a change from the overtly cute mien cultivated by popular Japanese girlbands such as Morning Musume .