(v. t.) To tell or name one by one, or by groups, for the purpose of ascertaining the whole number of units in a collection; to number; to enumerate; to compute; to reckon.
(v. t.) To place to an account; to ascribe or impute; to consider or esteem as belonging.
(v. t.) To esteem; to account; to reckon; to think, judge, or consider.
(v. i.) To number or be counted; to possess value or carry weight; hence, to increase or add to the strength or influence of some party or interest; as, every vote counts; accidents count for nothing.
(v. i.) To reckon; to rely; to depend; -- with on or upon.
(v. i.) To take account or note; -- with
(v. i.) To plead orally; to argue a matter in court; to recite a count.
(v. t.) The act of numbering; reckoning; also, the number ascertained by counting.
(v. t.) An object of interest or account; value; estimation.
(v. t.) A formal statement of the plaintiff's case in court; in a more technical and correct sense, a particular allegation or charge in a declaration or indictment, separately setting forth the cause of action or prosecution.
(n.) A nobleman on the continent of Europe, equal in rank to an English earl.
Example Sentences:
(1) Furthermore, all of the sera from seven other patients with shock reactions following the topical application of chlorhexidine preparation also showed high RAST counts.
(2) The concentrations of the drugs used in in vivo experiments did not affect the WBC counts in the peripheral blood of healthy mice.
(3) These data indicate that CSF levels are not inversely related to the blood neutrophil count in chronic idiopathic neutropenia and suggest that CSF is not a hormone regulating the blood neutrophil count in a manner analogous to the erythropoietin regulation of circulating erythrocyte levels.
(4) The reproducibility of the killing-curve method suggests that at least two different concentrations should be used and that a decrease in viable counts below 2 log10 after 24 hours does not exclude a synergistic action.
(5) Mean AgNOR counts were 5.83 (Group I), 7.68 (Group II), and 15.42 (Group III).
(6) Females were killed at various times after the onset of mating or artificial insemination, oviducts were fixed and sectioned serially, and spermatozoa were counted individually as to their location in the oviduct.
(7) The mean acne scores, derived from grading and counting lesions and comedones, fell from 63.3 to 6 in the Diane 50 and from 64.2 to 4.5 in the Triphasil group.
(8) Radioactivity attained in different tissues at different times after a single intraperitoneal injection of 3H-gentamicin into male rats was determined using scintillation counting.
(9) The relative effect of the intramammary infections and of different factors related to the cow (parity, stage of lactation, milk yield) on the individual cell counts, were studied for 30 months on the 62 black-and-white Holstein cows of an experimental herd.
(10) A relationship has been obtained experimentally to permit conversion of the counts to respirable mass concentrations.
(11) Cell recovery data for the hamster, rat, guinea pig, and rabbit were related to body size with the hamster having the lowest count and the rabbit the highest count.
(12) Males were then sacrificed and organ weights, testicular spermatid counts, and cauda epididymal sperm count and sperm morphology were obtained.
(13) Radiation exposure resulted in further significant decrease of T-cell count (but not B cells) in the elderly.
(14) These agents have been well-tolerated and generally produce a high incidence of sustained improvements in neutrophil counts and marrow morphology, although hemoglobin and platelet counts have generally not been altered.
(15) The effect of oral clonidine on prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, blood fibrinogen, fibrinolytic activity and platelet count was investigated in 25 hypertensive and 7 normal subjects.
(16) Our findings suggest that many traditional biological features used to estimate prognosis in ALL can be discarded in favor of clinical features (leukocyte count, age, and race) and cytogenetics (ploidy) for planning of future clinical trials.
(17) After approximately 20 in vitro passages, Chinese hamster kidney (CHK) cell cultures transformed upon exposure to different strains of SV 40 can show a diploid modal chromosome number of 22 with chromosome counts exclusively or essentially in the diploid range (20-25).
(18) Another, discussing public attitudes towards the police, said: "I've lost count of [the number of] people who said: 'It's only cos you've got a uniform … if you didn't have the uniform on, I'd come and fuck you and this, that and the other … I hope your wife dies of cancer and your kids die of cancer.'"
(19) The counts of EAC-receptor carrying neutrophils were two times lower in the patients with erosive ulcerative lichen planus as against those with the typical form of the disease.
(20) This, Brown jokes, counts as good weather for Scotland.
(n.) A leader; a chief; a prince.
(n.) In England, one of the highest order of nobility after princes and princesses of the royal blood and the four archbishops of England and Ireland.
(n.) In some European countries, a sovereign prince, without the title of king.
(v. i.) To play the duke.
Example Sentences:
(1) If Charles Spencer, 3rd Duke of Marlborough, who bought the island in 1738, were to return today he would doubtless recognise the scene, though he might be surprised that his small private buildings have grown into a sizable hotel.
(2) Pint from £2.90 The Duke Of York With its smart greige interior, flagstone floor and extensive food menu (not tried), this newcomer feels like a gastropub.
(3) "It seems that this is just a few experts who are pushing it through parliament … without anyone thinking through the likely consequences for our country," said Duke Tagoe of the Food Sovereignty campaign group.
(4) The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge stood among the graves on 4 August last year in a moving ceremony to mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of war.
(5) The degree of staining for ras 11 was significantly related to the grade of differentiation and increased from Dukes stage A to C. Strong staining for ras 11 predicted a significantly shorter recurrence-free interval (p less than 0.001).
(6) The Duke of Gloucester will go to the British Virgin Islands and Malta, while the Falkland Islands – where Prince William will be serving briefly as a helicopter pilot in the spring – will receive an official visit from the Duke of Kent, who will also go to Uganda.
(7) The p53 content correlated with 17p loss (P < 0.002), hyperdiploid DNA content (P < 0.001) and tumour site (P < 0.03), but not Dukes' stage (P = 0.15).
(8) Proliferative fraction--defined as the percentage of cells in S + G2 and M phases of the cell cycle--was significantly related to ploidy and to Dukes' stage.
(9) Criteria for randomization were fulfilled in 494 of 861 patients with Dukes' B and C tumors, when the trial was closed.
(10) Support for Scalise, the third highest-ranking House Republican and one of the most senior conservatives in Washington, was noticeably absent on Monday despite his attempt to distance himself from Duke.
(11) Prince Harry and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have enlisted a rapper, a Royal Marine and a Labour spin doctor to try to push stigma about discussing mental health beyond what they believe is a “tipping point” and into public acceptability.
(12) The former Massachusetts governor, like many Republicans, expected the Trump campaign to implode last summer, after he insulted Mexicans and said Arizona senator and 2008 Republican nominee John McCain was not a “war hero” because “I like people who weren’t captured.” This year, days after Trump did not immediately disavow an expression of support from David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, Romney said one of his sons was driving him to an airport when he asked: “When the grandkids ask ‘What did you do to stop Donald Trump ?’ what are you going to say?’” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Romney launches extensive attack on Trump: ‘A genius he is not’ That, Romney said, was the final push.
(13) The frequencies of Dukes C and proximal colon cancer was significantly higher in women.
(14) Formerly Communications secretary to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Henry of Wales.
(15) Overall, there were no differences between FFS and HMO cases for duration of symptoms before diagnosis, training of physician who diagnosed the tumor, anatomic location of the tumor, type of primary treatment, Dukes' stage at final diagnosis, or survival.
(16) The prognostic factors included resection or nonresection, the year of resection, macroscopic type, histologic differentiation, venous and lymphatic invasion, Dukes' stage, serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level and peripheral T lymphocyte count.
(17) Trends in practice patterns at Duke University Medical Center were assessed in patient groups comparable to those enrolled in the three major randomized trials of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).
(18) Two former Mexican presidents compare Donald Trump to Hitler Read more Trump then repeated that he knew nothing about Duke and did not think he had ever met him.
(19) None of the analysed criteria: size and number of liver metastases, delay after diagnosis of the primary cancer, Duke's stage, could differentiate long survivors from patients who did not benefit much from liver surgery due to early recurrence.
(20) However, when margins are greater than 5 cm, this does not guarantee freedom from local recurrence of Dukes' C lesions.