What's the difference between counter and opposition?



  • (adv.) A prefix meaning contrary, opposite, in opposition; as, counteract, counterbalance, countercheck. See Counter, adv. & a.
  • (v. t.) One who counts, or reckons up; a calculator; a reckoner.
  • (v. t.) A piece of metal, ivory, wood, or bone, used in reckoning, in keeping account of games, etc.
  • (v. t.) Money; coin; -- used in contempt.
  • (v. t.) A prison; either of two prisons formerly in London.
  • (v. t.) A telltale; a contrivance attached to an engine, printing press, or other machine, for the purpose of counting the revolutions or the pulsations.
  • (v. t.) A table or board on which money is counted and over which business is transacted; a long, narrow table or bench, on which goods are laid for examination by purchasers, or on which they are weighed or measured.
  • (adv.) Contrary; in opposition; in an opposite direction; contrariwise; -- used chiefly with run or go.
  • (adv.) In the wrong way; contrary to the right course; as, a hound that runs counter.
  • (adv.) At or against the front or face.
  • (a.) Contrary; opposite; contrasted; opposed; adverse; antagonistic; as, a counter current; a counter revolution; a counter poison; a counter agent; counter fugue.
  • (adv.) The after part of a vessel's body, from the water line to the stern, -- below and somewhat forward of the stern proper.
  • (adv.) Same as Contra. Formerly used to designate any under part which served for contrast to a principal part, but now used as equivalent to counter tenor.
  • (adv.) The breast, or that part of a horse between the shoulders and under the neck.
  • (adv.) The back leather or heel part of a boot.
  • (n.) An encounter.
  • (v. i.) To return a blow while receiving one, as in boxing.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) We analyzed the amounts and types of glycosphingolipids (GSLs) from peripheral blood lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes isolated by counter-current elutriation.
  • (2) It is widely seen as a counter to China’s economic might in Asia, and the world’s second largest economy is notably absent from the list of signatories.
  • (3) "With the advent of sophisticated data-processing capabilities (including big data), the big number-crunchers can detect, model and counter all manner of online activities just by detecting the behavioural patterns they see in the data and adjusting their tactics accordingly.
  • (4) I believe that truth sets man free.” It was a curious stance for someone who spent many years undercover as a counter-espionage informant, a government propagandist, and unofficial asset of the Central Intelligence Agency.
  • (5) Examination was by means of counter immunoelectrophoresis, radioimmunoassay and electron microscope with negative staining.
  • (6) This study sought to determine if and why barriers to the over-the-counter purchase of syringes in the St. Louis metropolitan area might exist, given that no ordinance prohibits such a sale there.
  • (7) But leading British doctors Sarah Creighton , consultant gynaecologist at the private Portland Hospital, Susan Bewley , consultant obstetrician at St Thomas's and Lih-Mei Liao , clinical psychologist in women's health at University College Hospital then wrote to the journal countering that his clitoral restoration claims were "anatomically impossible".
  • (8) These results provide further data which counter the sometimes extreme advocates of the view that compulsory admission and treatment of patients with psychiatric illness is never acceptable.
  • (9) Republicans embraced it as a counter to federal school initiatives.
  • (10) The effect was countered by prior administration of atropine into the site.
  • (11) Last month following a visit to Islamabad Ben Emmerson QC, the UN's special rapporteur on counter-terrorism and human rights, said he had been given assurances that there was no "tacit consent by Pakistan to the use of drones on its territory".
  • (12) It could be evaluated both by a plaquing technique and by cell enumeration with an electronic particle counter.
  • (13) In 25 patients we evaluated the efficacy of the prone position to counter these technical difficulties and found that the prone position offers visualization superior to the supine, especially in obese and uncooperative patients and those with abundant bowel gas.
  • (14) Alteration in the temperature of the Isoton diluent in a Coulter model S counter over a range of possible laboratory working temperatures produced a change in the mean corpuscular volume using EDTA and dipotassium acid citrate dextrose blood and a commercial control, 4C.
  • (15) The lower values of the histological score and the possibly lower peripheral plasma concentration of testosterone after the arterial by-pass may indicate a physiological importance of the counter current exchange.
  • (16) The effects of maxillary protracting bow appliance were the maxillary forward movement associated with counter-clockwise rotation of the nasal floor and the mandibular backward movement associated with clockwise rotation.
  • (17) We develop an analogy between the steric hindrance among receptors detecting randomly placed haptens and the temporary locking of a Geiger counter that has detected a radioactive decay.
  • (18) The human intercellular adhesion molecules ICAM-1, ICAM-2 and their counter-receptors, the beta 2 or leukointegrins, mediate a variety of homotypic and heterotypic leukocyte and endothelial cell-cell adhesions central to immunocompetence.
  • (19) A simple equilibrium method for detecting and quantifying these interactions is to study the mutual influence of the molecules on their respective counter-current distribution in liquid-liquid biphasic systems.
  • (20) More than 200 American troops are in the country helping to train the army in counter-insurgency, but there are also said to be intelligence and special forces there.



  • (n.) The act of opposing; an attempt to check, restrain, or defeat; resistance.
  • (n.) The state of being placed over against; situation so as to front something else.
  • (n.) Repugnance; contrariety of sentiment, interest, or purpose; antipathy.
  • (n.) That which opposes; an obstacle; specifically, the aggregate of persons or things opposing; hence, in politics and parliamentary practice, the party opposed to the party in power.
  • (n.) The situation of a heavenly body with respect to another when in the part of the heavens directly opposite to it; especially, the position of a planet or satellite when its longitude differs from that of the sun 180¡; -- signified by the symbol /; as, / / /, opposition of Jupiter to the sun.
  • (n.) The relation between two propositions when, having the same subject and predicate, they differ in quantity, or in quality, or in both; or between two propositions which have the same matter but a different form.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) "Zayani reportedly cited the political sensitivity of naturalising Sunni expatriates and wanted to avoid provoking the opposition," the embassy said.
  • (2) A triphasic pattern was evident for the neck moments including a small phase which represented a seating of the headform on the nodding blocks of the uppermost ATD neck segment, and two larger phases of opposite polarity which represented the motion of the head relative to the trunk during the first 350 ms after impact.
  • (3) Eye movements which were either complementary or in opposition to the induced vestibular nystagmus were produced with an optokinetic drum.
  • (4) Enamel was exclusively present opposite well developed dentine.
  • (5) She knows you can’t force the opposition to submit to your point of view.
  • (6) Problems associated with school-based clinics include vehement opposition to sex education, financing, and the sheer magnitude of the adolescents' health needs.
  • (7) Environment groups Environment groups that have strongly backed low-carbon power have barely wavered in their opposition to nuclear in the last decade, although their arguments now are now much about the cost than the danger it might pose.
  • (8) 10 women in the study developed carcinoma in the same or opposite breast within 16-20 years, a rate of incidence 480% greater than among the general population of women of the same age.
  • (9) To understand the reason for the opposite effect of the molar ratio observed at the middle of and at four residues away from the lysine-rich sequence, actual cross-linked residue(s) was (were) determined by subjecting cross-linked product to a protein sequencer.
  • (10) Effective medical or surgical therapy increased DAO activity and decreased CDAI, while clinical recurrence had the opposite effect.
  • (11) Hfr strains B4 and B8 transfer the Escherichia coli chromosome in opposite directions, each transferring lac(+) as the last known marker.
  • (12) Others said it might appeal to Russia, Assad's chief ally, which backs talks between the regime and the opposition.
  • (13) The ruling centre-right coalition government of Angela Merkel was dealt a blow by voters in a critical regional election on Sunday after the centre-left opposition secured a wafer-thin victory, setting the scene for a tension-filled national election in the autumn when everything will be up for grabs.
  • (14) Application of a mirror at the serosal surface opposite to the probe, resulted in an average increase of the output signal by 50% using the large fibre diameter probe, whereas no increase was observed with the small fibre probe.
  • (15) Her speech suggested the kind of Republican who would truly "raise the conversation", and if it seems like settling to want an opposition party to simply not be so utterly vindictive, well, yes, I will settle for that.
  • (16) 2) Left-right PHR coherence spectra had no distinct peaks, indicating that correlations between opposite PHR discharges were now not frequency specific.
  • (17) What we see from those opposite and we see in this chamber every day is the 'born to rule mentality' of those opposite.
  • (18) Of those, 39 were civilians, 34 armed opposition fighters and 35 members of the state security forces, said the UK-based group.
  • (19) Opposition politicians such as Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam and Chee Soon Juan , brought low for daring to disagree.
  • (20) A property may be considered overcrowded if two children above 10 of the opposite sex have to share the same bedroom.