(v. t.) Sheltered; not open or exposed; retired; protected; as, a covert nook.
(v. t.) Under cover, authority or protection; as, a feme covert, a married woman who is considered as being under the protection and control of her husband.
(a.) A place that covers and protects; a shelter; a defense.
(a.) One of the special feathers covering the bases of the quills of the wings and tail of a bird. See Illust. of Bird.
Example Sentences:
(1) Roshan was the latest victim in what is widely seen as a covert war against the Islamic republic's nuclear programme.
(2) Subsequent studies have demonstrated covert face recognition using behavioural tasks.
(3) His reports alleged active, sustained and covert collusion to subvert the election which, if confirmed, could constitute treason.
(4) The bill, intended to increase and update intelligence agency powers, would create a new framework for covert operations involving conduct that would otherwise breach criminal law.
(5) Somehow, despite all this, the Obama administration thinks it can “destroy” Isis, though, as the Post noted , the US government has not been able to destroy al-Qaida or any terrorist group in the last decade “through two wars, thousands of drone strikes and hundreds of covert operations around the world.” The only question now is how far this Forever War against Isis goes.
(6) Boko Haram spies spread the rumour that she refused to covert from Christianity to Islam.
(7) In general, the two studies show that qualitative characteristics of completely covert generations influence their impact on estimates of the frequency of external events.
(8) The drug subculture, the addict's family, and a methadone clinic all covertly elicit and reinforce this transformation maintained by the myth that the addict's is "out of control".
(9) A series of experiments were conducted on three severe prosopagnosic patients in an attempt to understand better this phenomenon known as covert face recognition, the conditions for its occurrence, and its functional locus.
(10) "Instead of actually fighting a conventional war, western powers and their allies appear to be relying on covert war tactics to try to delay and degrade Iran's nuclear advancement," Theodore Karasik, a security expert at the Dubai-based Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis told Associated Press.
(11) The repurposing of the devices of unwitting users in foreign jurisdictions for covert attacks in the interests of one country’s national priorities is a dangerous precedent – contrary to international norms, and in violation of widespread domestic laws prohibiting the unauthorised use of computing and networked systems,” they conclude.
(12) Investigations mostly failed to show overt or covert face recognition, but NR performed at an above-chance level in selecting the familiar face on a task requiring a forced-choice between a familiar and an unfamiliar face.
(13) The covert self-evaluations were assumed to represent at internalization of early experiences of predominantly positive or negative social reinforcement from adult socializing agents.
(14) Richy Thompson, director of public affairs and policy at the British Humanist Association, welcomed the study, but said covert online access to abortion pills wasn’t enough.
(15) At the same time, by achieving a state of misery through following her mother's orders, she exposed her as ridiculous, and thus covertly discharged considerable aggression.
(16) Covert and overt depression was as frequent in the hysterectomized group as in the control group.
(17) The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) said at Smith's tribunal that it believed some of the information held by the covert organisation and accessible to companies that subscribed to the service "could only have been supplied by the police or the security services".
(18) We now report that enhancement of calcium current in the peptidergic bag cell neurons of Aplysia by protein kinase C occurs through a different mechanism, the recruitment of a previously covert class of calcium channel.
(19) After all, the most basic freedom of all is the freedom to walk the streets unharmed and to sleep safe in our beds at night.” Parliament will soon debate the government’s first national security legislation bill to expand the powers of intelligence agencies and criminalise disclosure by any person of covert “special intelligence agencies”.
(20) It recommended that all radio communications taking place during undercover firearms operations should be recorded and covert armed response vehicles should be fitted with in-car data-recording systems.
(a.) Not visible or apparent; hidden; springs of action.
Example Sentences:
(1) These transcriptional experiments provide in vitro confirmation for the latent rho-dependent termination site model of transcriptional polarity.
(2) The role of surgery in triggering the reactivation of latent HSV-1, and the differences in rates of viral shedding between American and Japanese are discussed.
(3) The present findings imply that patients in whom an apparent cure has been brought about by conservative treatment may harbor latent malignancy.
(4) Evidence is presented that suggests that a major active component of human uterine angiogenesis factor is an activator of latent matrix metalloproteinases, of low M(r), called endothelial-cell-stimulating angiogenesis factor and that this factor is present in substantial quantities in a number of embryonic tissues.
(5) These observations suggest that the function of BMG is to evoke mesenchymal cell differentiation into prechondroblasts during the latent or migratory morphogenetic phase while the effect of the culture medium is to provide the bionutritional requirements for synthesis of hyaline cartilage matrix by chondrocytes during the patent phase of development.
(6) Factors affecting survival are the level of the lesion, the age of the patient, and the latent period of the injury.
(7) F1 cynomolgus monkeys bred in captivity and thought to be "SPF" had latent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection although less frequently than in wild-born monkeys.
(8) The expression of such secondary and tertiary syphilis is commonly masked and distorted by the long-term effects of subcurative doses of antibiotics; in fact, late latent and tertiary syphilis produce symptoms and immunosuppression similar to the profile of AIDS.
(9) The observed effects required a latent period of at least 8 h and were slowly reversible.
(10) Although there is no reliable symptom or sign during the latent period, abdominal pain occurs almost uniformly and Kehr's sign is quite common.
(11) The existence of a latent viral infection state in these seronegative subjects indicates the unreliability of standard serological analysis in people who have been in regular contact with infected patients.
(12) These observations support the concept that latent infection of sensory ganglia may be the source of virus in recurrent herpetic disease in man.
(13) Certain self-proteins, especially those located on cell surfaces, also induce tolerance among B cells, thus reducing the danger of activating latent epitopes.
(14) Latent enzyme was not complexed with alpha2 macroglobulin, the prinicpal proteinase inhibitor in serum, and could be activated by trypsin in the presence of alpha2 macroglobulin if sufficient proteinase was added to saturate inhibitor.
(15) More importantly, this study reports the first detection of LAT in RNA extracted from 9% of corneas from latently infected rabbits (n = 22) by the polymerase chain reaction.
(16) These peptides therefore seemed to possess latent ACTH-like activity.
(17) These observations have important implications for understanding some of the effects of ionizing radiation on cells, most notably the induction of both latent virus and cell differentiation.
(18) To evaluate the effect of ceftriaxone in treating latent syphilis or asymptomatic neurosyphilis in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
(19) The results are consistent with the previously postulated location of active autolysin at the areas of new wall synthesis and the random location of latent autolysin in LOG walls.
(20) The shortest latent period of cataract development was three years and the youngest subject was only 22 years old.