What's the difference between cowardice and wimpiness?



  • (n.) Want of courage to face danger; extreme timidity; pusillanimity; base fear of danger or hurt; lack of spirit.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The bestselling Game of Thrones author George RR Martin has offered to screen The Interview in his own independent cinema, in the wake of what he described as “a stunning display of corporate cowardice” from Sony and America’s cinema chains.
  • (2) The failure of Liam Fox, the defence secretary, to even visit Leuchars to explain his decision is viewed as cowardice here, and Scotland's disproportionate share of the cost of the cuts to military spending is seen as choice rather than necessity.
  • (3) The promoters added: “We ask at this time that we all continue to support the city of Manchester and all those families affected by this cowardice and senseless violence.
  • (4) Former Bank of England policymaker David Blanchflower today accused the government of cowardice in planning huge cuts in public spending to tackle the budget deficit.
  • (5) Some might say it is a harsh assessment with which to go public, not least because Di Canio had earlier accused the South Korean of cowardice, suggesting Ji had ducked out of a first-half header when presented with a glorious opportunity to equalise after Sunderland had gone a goal down.
  • (6) His allies charge the prime minister with cowardice for dispatching one of his most zealously reforming ministers.
  • (7) Khodorkovsky's lawyers said that if Putin refused to attend – which seems probable – Russia's paramount leader would be guilty of "public cowardice".
  • (8) It's about cowardice and failure – at best, reconciling yourself to being an average joe.
  • (9) David Cameron has accused him of cowardice, his mandarins are being accused of bias and UK ministers are trying to usurp his role as Scotland's most influential ambassador.
  • (10) The movie expands the scope across the Atlantic, detailing the chaotic run-up to an Iraq-like war with all the bullying, incompetence, cowardice and manipulation that most likely got us into the real one.
  • (11) The problem with news is not a quaint moral cowardice.
  • (12) The moral cowardice of the Irish polity results in those women, often alone and shivery, whom you see on Ryanair flights.
  • (13) Joseph Thomas, policy officer for Interns Anonymous, said: "These documents show cowardice and a lack of determination to do anything.
  • (14) Not only because it is gross cowardice to place the weak and vulnerable in the frontline in this way.
  • (15) In response to a question about voluntary euthanasia, Helen Joyce, the international editor of the Economist which has written editorials in support of the policy, said “political cowardice” was the reason it was not yet legal.
  • (16) Collins argued in her speech that the MPs had failed to speak out about the abuse, carried out mostly by Asian men, because of political correctness, cowardice or selfishness, and were thus guilty of grave misconduct.
  • (17) Be vigilant against it and don’t allow hate to divide us.” Speaking outside the Didsbury mosque, Haffar sought to dispel reports that Abedi had worked at the centre, and said: “We express concern that a small section of the media are manufacturing stories and making unfounded points.” He also expressed his outrage at the attack, calling it a “horrific atrocity” and saying “this act of cowardice has no place in our religion or any other religion”.
  • (18) Cowardice that has continued throughout this trial.
  • (19) Alison Goldsworthy has accused the Liberal Democrats of 'cowardice' and said she intends to take legal action.
  • (20) Cameron trumped Miliband's cowardice by also pledging no revaluation.



Example Sentences:

  • (1) The next morning, while a luxurious breakfast is put on in the five-star Spanish hotel, he tweets that he's gone to a Wimpy in Bermondsey.
  • (2) For secondary schools, the most read title was Kinney’s ninth Wimpy Kid book, while Zoella’s book Girl Online was the most popular.
  • (3) After one particularly mortifying Saturday afternoon when she saw me in the Wimpy with – the horror of it all!
  • (4) I had been used only to the horrible boot-heels and unrefrigerated fizzy drinks available from Wimpy back in Blighty.
  • (5) The "Booktrust Best Book awards with Amazon Kindle", which are voted for by 120,000 schoolchildren from around the UK, were presented earlier this month, with winners including Lucy Cousins – author of the bestselling Maisy books – Jeff Kinney, creator of the Wimpy Kid, and John Green, for the smash-hit teen novel The Fault in our Stars.
  • (6) The cliched view of the Smiths – assisted by Morrissey's own self-mockery and, later, mannerisms – was that they were miserable and wimpy.
  • (7) What they fail to see is that Diana was such a natural star – so innately strange, complex and beautiful – that trips to Alton Towers and Wimpy made her more interesting, not less.
  • (8) Girl Online , the first novel by Zoe Sugg AKA “Zoella” has pushed Jeff Kinney’s newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul off the top of the chart as the fastest selling book of the year.
  • (9) Last year's How to Train Your Dragon, for example, bravely centred on a wimpy geek – a feminised hero who relied on brain rather than brawn, thus winning the affections of a physically superior female.
  • (10) There are very few sanctions the receiving state can use against them, and they all sound a bit wimpy.
  • (11) The most read book at primary level was Roald Dahl’s The Twits, while the most popular was Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul by Jeff Kinney, the ninth in the cartoon-fiction hybrid series.
  • (12) At number five, children's author Jeff Kinney, who first published his Diary of a Wimpy Kid in digital form, puts in a strong show.
  • (13) But not all the country’s political leaders are so diligent – last year there was a scandal after it was discovered that the premier of one province used her government credit card to spend nearly £3,000 on fast food in her first 10 weeks in office at outlets such as KFC and Wimpy.
  • (14) Conventional wisdom has it that a story with predominantly male characters (from Harry Potter to Diary of a Wimpy Kid) will appeal to everyone, whereas a female equivalent will be as off-putting to most young boys as a game of kiss-chase.
  • (15) No matter, the merest sleight of hand puts them in cop outfits for a costume party, when suddenly Ryan notices the high status (to say nothing of the sexual authority and sheer pulling power) that a uniform confers on its wimpy, timorous and undeserving wearer.
  • (16) "Aw mate, that was a good Wimpy," he says on the phone a few days later.
  • (17) It's better than going in Wimpy (1) and getting a burger and chips.

Words possibly related to "wimpiness"