(a.) Relating to, or characterized by, craft or skill; dexterous.
(a.) Possessing dexterity; skilled; skillful.
(a.) Skillful at deceiving others; characterized by craft; cunning; wily.
Example Sentences:
(1) Intricate is the key word, as screwball dialogue plays off layered wordplay, recurring jokes and referential callbacks to build to the sort of laughs that hit you twice: an initial belly laugh followed, a few minutes later, by the crafty laugh of recognition.
(2) In defence of Chelsea’s Diego Costa: a crafty, talented street fighter | Chris Taylor Read more Facebook Twitter Pinterest One of the clashes involving Chelsea’s Diego Costa Laurent Koscielny of Arsenal at Stamford Bridge.
(3) Manchester Craft and Design Centre, 17 Oak Street, Manchester, M4 5JD; Mon-Fri 9am–5pm; 07850 894 752; ministryofcraft.co.uk The Viking Loom Independent but with huge in-store stock, this is an Aladdin's cave of all things crafty.
(4) Or on one he didn't like: "I can admire Bacon's crafty use of paint, though it tends towards gimmickry.
(5) The news that snails have a homing instinct – which crafty gardeners can overcome by moving them more than 20 metres away from their home patch – may come as a surprise to some.
(6) But then the Tory message did none so well either, with a mere 12-seat majority , despite crafty bribery of select demographics, despite a Labour near collapse.
(7) This highly energetic picture isn't for everyone – but if you like your whimsical magical realism done up in an antic, extra-crafty style, this may just win your heart.
(8) No goals, and frankly not too much excitement either, though the Fulham manager, Martin Jol, did his best by setting off the fire alarms with a crafty cigarette before kick-off.
(9) Thor: The Dark World sees Chris Hemsworth's Asgardian prince forced to team up with Tom Hiddleston's crafty Loki to take down an even greater threat, Christopher Eccleston's nefarious Malekith.
(10) But in England, conservatism's story remains bound up with the Conservative party – and here, Cameron is found wanting, while Nigel Farage has enough craftiness and political leeway to make hay.
(11) North Korea has launched a vitriolic attack on the South Korean president, comparing her to "crafty prostitute" in thrall to her "pimp" Barack Obama.
(12) 3D printing has always been at the heart of this colourful, crafty community, empowering the DIY community to design and build their own artwork and products on 3D printers - and helping the technology edge slowly towards the mainstream.
(13) Or perhaps they just think that the oath might be taken in the eyes of God, and they’re worried that they’ll be murdered by an errant lightning bolt the second they pop outside for a crafty fag during double geography.
(14) Even today, there is a lot that can be lost by a reckless closure decision, and a lot preserved by a crafty innovation or the inter-authority co-operation that many are examining.
(15) In a crafty legal move, the conservative justices didn't strike down Section 5 of the law, which creates the system for "preclearance".
(16) He gets in some crafty digs at his medical colleagues.
(17) If I'm home in Kent, I feed my two spaniels, have a cup of tea and defend my digestive biscuits from being snaffled by my crafty dogs.
(18) Manufacturers don’t want shoppers to notice that they are getting less for their money, so they have become particularly crafty at concealing their shrinking products.
(19) Humility, he says, is greatly prized by the Masai and their other defining characteristics are also illuminating: “Very nice people, very jovial, very happy, very welcoming, very kind, very courageous … don’t like anyone who is a little bit crafty,” he says.
(20) He’s a very interesting person, of course, and crafty: he’s sending troops, but not sending them.
(superl.) Inclining to shrew; disposing to curse or scold; hence, vicious; malicious; evil; wicked; mischievous; vexatious; rough; unfair; shrewish.
(superl.) Artful; wily; cunning; arch.
(superl.) Able or clever in practical affairs; sharp in business; astute; sharp-witted; sagacious; keen; as, a shrewd observer; a shrewd design; a shrewd reply.
Example Sentences:
(1) The crucial additional feature of his nature, however, was that the apparently guileless charm was accompanied by a razor-sharp shrewdness.
(2) The brewer does not think the pipeline will pay back in less than 20 years, but it appears to be a shrewd commercial move.
(3) From child migrants to the doctors’ dispute, principled compromise should be the mantra of the shrewd politician.
(4) Wilson, though, quick to adopt new personas, and adapt to new circumstances, adored the attention, and shrewdly exploited his role as local minor celebrity when it came to what he was really interested in - helping Manchester to recreate itself as a major city, with its radical, inventive and progressive traditions intact.
(5) She pursued many reforms with energy, intelligence and political shrewdness.
(6) Raynor, however, had shrewdly appreciated what England's tactically naive Walter Winterbottom had disastrously not; that it was Hidegkuti, in his deep-lying position, who made the Hungarian wheels turn.
(7) Most of his £3bn is based on his shrewd purchase of BHS in 2000.
(8) There were occasional bursts of vivacity: the comment, when the Tory government economised on a booster station for the BBC World Service, that "Nation shall murmur unto nation"; shrewd opposition to entry into the ERM "at an unsustainable rate"; and an early warning to Nigel Lawson, in 1988, of the looming economic crisis.
(9) He remained an admirably efficient analyst of certain plays and human motivation, and a shrewd guide for those in search of something to go to.
(10) He admitted that he has "some big decisions to make" but was too shrewd to act on the spur of the moment, when his mind was still clouded with a disappointment that will linger for a long while yet.
(11) But there is a proviso: the region's youth bulge came hand-in-hand with high-quality education that prepared a generation for the marketplace – as well as shrewd economic policies that widened that marketplace in the first place.
(12) A shrewd former military officer, Sarkisian, 61, has been in charge of the small landlocked nation of 2.9 million since winning a vote in 2008.
(13) Acute came from acus , Latin for needle, later denoting pointed things, so cute at first meant “acute, clever, keen-witted, sharp, shrewd”, according to the 1933 edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, which doesn’t suggest the term could describe visual appearance.
(14) After repeated failures to clear Cairo’s city centre of street vendors … the Cairo governorate issued a shrewd decree,” wrote Abdelrahman, in an article she published last year.
(15) Aided by shrewd trading on capital markets, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs produced strong results this week but Citigroup and Bank of America , both of which have required huge injections of government money for survival, have struggled.
(16) Turnover Crystal Palace Accounts of CPFC 2010 Ltd for the year to 30 June 2015 • Ownership Steve Parish and US investors David Blitzer and Joshua Harris control the holding company; individual stakes not disclosed • Turnover 14th highest in League £102m , up from £90m in 2014 • Income Gate and match-day income £10m; Broadcasting & FA and PL income £80m; Sponsorship & advertising £4m; Commercial £5m; Other income £4m • Wage bill 15th highest in League £68m , up from £46m in 2014 • Wages as proportion of turnover 67% • Profit before tax £8m , following £23m profit in 2014 • Net debt £0 (£18m cash in bank) • Interest payable £0 • Highest-paid director No directors were paid State they are in: Palace finished 10th in 2014-15, maintaining their bounce under the shrewd stewardship of Steve Parish and his three fellow investors, all lifelong fans, who bought the club out of administration in 2010.
(17) Meanwhile, something’s afoot in the wind at Víctor’s old club, as Barcelona are looking at renewing the contracts of Leo Messi and Neymar , having shrewdly spotted they’re both decent.
(18) The recruitment document said, however, that a permanent secretary "balances ministers' or high-level stakeholders' immediate needs or priorities with the long-term aims of their department, being shrewd about what needs to be sacrificed, at what costs and what the implications might be".
(19) For a man who’s often considered a shrewd politician, David Cameron lets his government slide into an extraordinary number of damaging and unnecessary conflicts.
(20) A large man with a rumpled shirt, snowy beard and hair pulled into a ponytail, the commissioner resembles a hippy Santa Claus but is a tough, shrewd operator.