(n.) A standard of judging; any approved or established rule or test, by which facts, principles opinions, and conduct are tried in forming a correct judgment respecting them.
Example Sentences:
(1) The results indicated that neuropsychological measures may serve to broaden the concept of intelligence and that a brain-related criterion may contribute to a fuller understanding of its nature.
(2) Recent reports have indicated the usefulness of nuclear grooves (clefts or notches) as an additional criterion for the diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma in fine needle aspirates; most of these studies were carried out on alcohol-fixed material stained with the Papanicolaou stain or with hematoxylin and eosin, which yield good nuclear details.
(3) The Psychiatric Diagnostic Interview, a DSM-III-compatible, criterion-referenced, structured interview, was administered to 565 patients admitted to the Alcoholism and Drug Treatment Units.
(4) The diagnostic criterion was a difference in talar tilt of 6 or more degrees between the injured and uninjured foot on inversion stress radiographs.
(5) Thirty adult male Wister rats were pretrained to criterion on the moving belt test, and then made tolerant to ethanol by daily administration of increasing doses over a period of 3 weeks.
(6) No decisive numerical criterion was found that could be used to separate normal from abnormal copper concentrations because of this continuous array.
(7) A 90% appropriate response criterion was reached for all measures.
(8) Six of 13 mutations investigated were judged to be missense by this criterion.
(9) The optimization criterion is defined as the net calorie gain a consumer accrues per day.
(10) Old age per se was not found to be a relevant exclusion criterion.
(11) The criterion of efficacy was the ability of the vaccines to reduce the extent of pneumonic lesions in vaccinated as against unvaccinated control lambs.
(12) All four predictor variables were found to be related, and it was shown that ratings of figure bizarreness alone adequately predicted the criterion.
(13) The response criterion (80% suppression of PVCs of control for 8 hours) was met after the 300-mg dose in three patients.
(14) The results show that in the majority of victims the response to rape within the first two weeks displays the symptoms of PTSD, although the criterion of duration is not fulfilled.
(15) Convergent validity between the two non-verbal memory tests, discriminant validity against tests of verbal memory, and criterion-related validity in relation to the influence of different treatment modalities, indicate the tests as valid instruments for measuring non-verbal memory.
(16) To test this hypothesis, we applied a widely accepted criterion of denervation-ie, and increase in extrajunctional acetyicholine (ACh) receptor sites--to muscles biopsy specimens from nine patients with myotonic dystrophy and three with amyotrophic lateral scierosis (ALS).
(17) Unfortunately, few reflections concern the definition of this criterion, which often is little discussed in the other divisions of the pure and applied chemistry.
(18) The apparent tolerance of noncompensatory mutations in some stems which are otherwise strongly supported by comparative criteria within D. melanogaster 28S rRNA must be borne in mind when compensatory mutations are used as a criterion in secondary-structure modeling.
(19) Our study confirms that lupus anticoagulant may be present in a significant number of patients with normal routine activated partial thromboplastin time, a test which therefore cannot be used as the sole criterion for identifying patients suspected of having lupus anticoagulant.
(20) In the radial maze task, both VE(-) and VE(+) animals required as many trials to reach the learning criterion as control animals.
(n.) The act of stipulating; a contracting or bargaining; an agreement.
(n.) That which is stipulated, or agreed upon; that which is definitely arranged or contracted; an agreement; a covenant; a contract or bargain; also, any particular article, item, or condition, in a mutual agreement; as, the stipulations of the allied powers to furnish each his contingent of troops.
(n.) A material article of an agreement; an undertaking in the nature of bail taken in the admiralty courts; a bargain.
(n.) The situation, arrangement, and structure of the stipules.
Example Sentences:
(1) In the controlled wound care group, only three ulcers in three patients achieved complete healing; the remaining 24 ulcers in 20 patients failed to achieve even 50% healing in the stipulated 3-month period.
(2) Under the stipulation, cultivators must grow the drug indoors in a secure facility.
(3) An increase amount of proinsulin-like component in the blood serum stipulates possibly a more prolonged period of starvation before the occurrence of hypoglycemia, and a less pronounced picture of hypoglycemia in such patients in comparison with the patients whose tumours were capable of splitting HA similarly to the normal islands of Langerhans.
(4) Despite the stipulation, though, only 55% of trust-funded research papers are open access.
(5) Significantly, the one thing that is making him worry is the Globe's stipulation that no English should be used – something that takes little account of how in India language itself has become globalised, along with so much else.
(6) The attendant reflux gastritis is stipulated by reflux of the intestinal contents into the gastric lumen.
(7) Comparisons with the previous results of the author obtained in other mammal orders, demonstrated quantative changebility--plasticity of corresponding truncal auditory, optical and vesitbular formations in response to ecologically stipulated changes of leading afferentation in different mammals.
(8) The main one being that governments actually stick to their targets which they stipulated in terms of implementing policy to move towards a two degree limit in global warming by 2050,” said Wilkins.
(9) (2) The tendency to seclude on admission suggests failure to follow the legal stipulation that less restrictive measures be employed first.
(10) The procedure to be adopted by the second veterinary-surgeon inspector, however, has not been stipulated.
(11) This phenomenon is probably stipulated by the increase of the transcription activity and formation of 45-pre rRNA, life of RNA.
(12) We have earlier proposed a molecular mechanism for the translocation of hydrophilic proteins across membranes that accounts for the experimental facts and meets the restrictions that we stipulate for such a mechanism.
(13) In the theory of psychopathology (e.g., implicit in DSM-III), general descriptors of the person (i.e., demographic and cultural) play a comparatively minor role in the stipulation of the manifestations of psychiatric illness.
(14) The current rules governing eurozone bailouts stipulate that a government has to request help and that the money may only be channelled via governments – increasing the national debt burden.
(15) The Law stipulates that each manager of an establishment with 50 or more workers is requested to appoint an OHP from among qualified physicians.
(16) In the UK, the law stipulates that people should use only "reasonable force" as appropriate to the situation, and to prevent a dangerous situation from escalating.
(17) A rental contract can stipulate that tenants ask a landlord before switching energy supplier, but it can't refuse permission to switch.
(18) The curative effects were up to the standards stipulated by the National Federation of Disabled Persons.
(19) Let us stipulate at the start that whether or not to build the pipeline is a decision with profound physical consequences.
(20) Buchanan said reserve margins for generation capacity were set to fall from 14% to just 5% within three years, though he played down the threat of power cuts to consumers: households are less likely to be affected by capacity shortages than energy-intensive businesses, many of which have contracts that stipulate their supply can be cut at times of peak demand to free up generating capacity elsewhere.