What's the difference between crystal and molecule?



  • (n.) The regular form which a substance tends to assume in solidifying, through the inherent power of cohesive attraction. It is bounded by plane surfaces, symmetrically arranged, and each species of crystal has fixed axial ratios. See Crystallization.
  • (n.) The material of quartz, in crystallization transparent or nearly so, and either colorless or slightly tinged with gray, or the like; -- called also rock crystal. Ornamental vessels are made of it. Cf. Smoky quartz, Pebble; also Brazilian pebble, under Brazilian.
  • (n.) A species of glass, more perfect in its composition and manufacture than common glass, and often cut into ornamental forms. See Flint glass.
  • (n.) The glass over the dial of a watch case.
  • (n.) Anything resembling crystal, as clear water, etc.
  • (a.) Consisting of, or like, crystal; clear; transparent; lucid; pellucid; crystalline.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Such a signal must be due to a small ferromagnetic crystal formed when the nerve is subjected to pressure, such as that due to mechanical injury.
  • (2) A comprehensive review of the roentgenographic features of calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition disease (pseudogout) is presented.
  • (3) CW Nd:YAG light transmitted by fiber optic cable and sapphire crystal was applied transsclerally to the ciliary body of pigmented and albino rabbits.
  • (4) The crystal structure of the biological stain, "acridine orange," has been determined.
  • (5) Urinalysis revealed a low pH, increased ketones and bilirubin excretion, dark yellowish change in color, the appearance of "leaflet-shaped" crystals and increased red blood cells and epithelial cells in the urinary sediment, increased water intake, decreased specific gravity and decreased sodium, potassium and chloride in the urine.
  • (6) Early in the regression process, cholesterol esters are reduced at least partly by hydrolysis to yield cholesterol, some of which may crystallize and inhibit rapid regression.
  • (7) Here we determine the position of bound ADP diffused into the recA crystal.
  • (8) The virus material in these crystals had been subjected to treatment with EDTA at pH 8.0 before crystallization at pH 6.5.
  • (9) Results obtained show that chlorophyll is more active than other inhibitors studied and suggest a higher surface adsorption intensity on the primary sources of the crystal surface.
  • (10) The "Mg(2+)-Sarkosyl crystals" (M band) technique distinguishes between membrane-bound and free intracellular DNA.
  • (11) The molecular structure of the hexagonal crystal form of porcine pepsin (EC, an aspartic proteinase from the gastric mucosa, has been determined by molecular replacement using the fungal enzyme, penicillopepsin (EC, as the search model.
  • (12) In vitro experiments show that these macromolecules are able to interact with specific faces of different crystals, influencing both nucleation and crystal growth.
  • (13) 2 Each of the drugs significantly increased leucocyte cyclic AMP content within 3 h of the injection of crystals.
  • (14) For Kevin Phillips, just like Wilfried Zaha, this might have been his final act as a Crystal Palace player.
  • (15) In ancillary studies, multiple cycles of direct dissolution of UCB crystals revealed a progressive decrease in aqueous solubility of UCB as fine crystals were removed; this effect was minimal in CHCl3.
  • (16) Six dogs were instrumented with electromagnetic flow probes and subendocardial ultrasonic crystals.
  • (17) The crystallization of the lipase was successfully carried out.
  • (18) The values of the energy level distributions in crystals obtained from the measurements and analysis reported here are compared with those obtained by a different method for the same protein complex in frozen solution.
  • (19) The crystal structure of proteolytically modified human ACT has been solved at 2.7-A resolution (Baumann et al., 1991).
  • (20) These observations support our hypothesis that calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition in joints is regulated by the physical chemical gel state of the connective tissue matrix.



  • (n.) One of the very small invisible particles of which all matter is supposed to consist.
  • (n.) The smallest part of any substance which possesses the characteristic properties and qualities of that substance, and which can exist alone in a free state.
  • (n.) A group of atoms so united and combined by chemical affinity that they form a complete, integrated whole, being the smallest portion of any particular compound that can exist in a free state; as, a molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Cf. Atom.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A series of human cDNA clones of various sizes and relative localizations to the mRNA molecule were isolated by using the human p53-H14 (2.35-kilobase) cDNA probe which we previously cloned.
  • (2) Glucocorticoids have numerous effects some of which are permissive; steroids are thus important not only for what they do, but also for what they permit or enable other hormones and signal molecules to do.
  • (3) The results demonstrated that K2PtCl4 was bound to a greater degree than CDDP in this system with 3-5 and 1-2 platinum atoms respectively, bound per transferrin molecule.
  • (4) Complementarity determining regions (CDR) are conserved to different extents, with the first CDR region in all family members being among the most conserved segments of the molecule.
  • (5) Even with hepatic lipase, phospholipid hydrolysis could not deplete VLDL and IDL of sufficient phospholipid molecules to account for the loss of surface phospholipid that accompanies triacylglycerol hydrolysis and decreasing core volume as LDL is formed (or for conversion of HDL2 to HDL3).
  • (6) However, the presence of these two molecules was restored if testosterone was supplemented immediately after orchiectomy.
  • (7) In the second approach, attachment sites of DTPA groups were directed away from the active region of the molecule by having fragment E1,2 bound in complex, with its active sites protected during the derivatization.
  • (8) PMNs could be primed for PMA-triggered oxidative burst by muramyl peptide molecules (MDP) and two of its adjuvant active nonpyrogenic derivatives.
  • (9) These same molecules may be equally responsible for the pathologic characteristics of the immune response seen, for example, in inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • (10) A cDNA library prepared from human placenta has been screened for sequences coding for factor XIIIa, the enzymatically active subunit of the factor XIII complex that stabilizes blood clots through crosslinking of fibrin molecules.
  • (11) T cell costimulation by molecules on the antigen presenting cell (APC) is required for optimal T cell proliferation.
  • (12) The lipid A moiety was shown to be responsible for this novel biological activity of the LPS molecule.
  • (13) Both systems indicated that the Kupffer cell modified endotoxin by enriching the lipid content of the molecule and shortening the length of the O-antigen.
  • (14) Photoreactions induced in that proper sensitizer molecules absorb UV-light or visible light.
  • (15) At 100 microM-ACh the apparent open time became shorter probably due to channel blockade by ACh molecules.
  • (16) Flow cytofluorometric analysis of the strain distribution of the molecules defined by the mAb revealed that two of the antibodies (I-22 and III-5) were directed against nonpolymorphic determinants of Thy-1, whereas V-8 mAb reacted only with Thy-1.2+ lymphocytes.
  • (17) At a fixed concentration of nucleotide the effectiveness of elution was proportional to the charge on the eluting molecule.
  • (18) The relative rates of reduction of several spin-labeled molecules that partition differently across the hy-drophobic-interface of inner membranes from rat liver mitochondria were investigated.
  • (19) The seve polypeptide chains investigated had generalyy similar properties; all contained two residues per molecule of tryptophan and N-acetylserine was the common N-terminal amino acid residue.
  • (20) Much information has accumulated on the isolation and characterization of a heterogeneous group of molecules that inhibit one or more of the bioactivities of interleukin 1.