What's the difference between cunner and scunner?



  • (n.) A small edible fish of the Atlantic coast (Ctenolabrus adspersus); -- called also chogset, burgall, blue perch, and bait stealer.
  • (n.) A small shellfish; the limpet or patella.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) There was significant seasonal variation in metHb levels for three of the five species, the highest values occurring during the winter months; cunners (Tautogolabrus adspersus) 15.6% in winter and 10.1% in the summer, shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) 20.0% in the winter and 8.19% in the summer, longhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus) 17.3-21.6% in the winter and 8.12% in the summer.
  • (2) Since the latter finding was questionable because of short immunization times, and data from more than a single fish species were desirable, both the cunner and an anadromous fish, the striped bass (Morone saxatilis), were examined for antibody responses against the bacterium Bacillus cereus in Freund's complete adjuvant during a 6- to 8-wk time period.



  • (v. t.) To cause to loathe, or feel disgust at.
  • (v. i.) To have a feeling of loathing or disgust; hence, to have dislike, prejudice, or reluctance.
  • (n.) A feeling of disgust or loathing; a strong prejudice; abhorrence; as, to take a scunner against some one.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) "I've become increasingly scunnered," he said, "as I listen to the SNP talk about the communities I grew up in and telling them that everybody will be better off when in truth the opposite is the case".
  • (2) "Scunnered" is one of those words that the chattering classes use only when they want to get down and dirty with the people.
  • (3) Photograph: Murdo Macleod for the Guardian Despite Aitken’s references to Labour’s anti-independence stance three years ago, McAveety says there is a palpable sense that the city’s voters are irritated – “scunnered” – by Sturgeon’s renewed focus on an independence referendum, even among yes voters.

Words possibly related to "cunner"

Words possibly related to "scunner"