(n.) A small closet in a room, with shelves to receive cups, dishes, food, etc.; hence, any small closet.
(v. t.) To collect, as into a cupboard; to hoard.
Example Sentences:
(1) Anwar, who was not Sanam's father, admitted to police after his arrest that he put the girl in the cupboard as punishment and said Navsarka punished her in the same way.
(2) Of course, that would have liberated me from the airing cupboard, but it wouldn't have solved the present situation.
(3) Counsell says: “If that is done, there is the possibility to increase palm oil production without causing the environmental damage that we’ve seen in Borneo, while bringing much needed developmental improvements to the communities in those regions.” Watch the palm oil debate interactive: From rainforest to your cupboard: the real story of palm oil - interactive The palm oil debate is funded by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil.
(4) Just as well, perhaps; Sweden has quite a number of skeletons in her historical cupboard, as of course do we.
(5) When she fell to the ground, officers circled her, beating and kicking her limp body, banging her head against a near-by cupboard, leaving her finally in a pool of blood.
(6) The whole process of using thin bags and then hiding them inside another thin bag inside another at the back of a dark cupboard is, for the perpetrator, degrading.
(7) Food banks are proliferating; the bedroom tax combined with council tax and benefit cuts leave more people each month with empty cupboards and crippling bills.
(8) Then it’ll reach out to a person and the person will say: “Oh, that’s a jar of oil, and that belongs in the cupboard next to the jar of vinegar.” And the robot will say: “Got it!” And now every single one of them knows.
(9) As the spirit on which such sexy drinks as mojitos and daquiris are based, it is a standard buy for most home drinks cupboards.
(10) The messy cupboards and cluttered shelves were like an actual subconscious I could purge of its guilt and pain.
(11) In a cupboard, tins of tomato soup, dried pasta, tea bags, tinned pineapple and stuffing mix.
(12) The owner hauled out said blender and then, from the back of the cupboard, a beaten up old colander with a stray piece of noodle still stuck to the rim.
(13) He had turned his modest flat into couchsurfing Grand Central – a Polish couple in one room, two Chinese in another, a pair of Latvians in a tent on the balcony, and me in a converted cupboard.
(14) The marching boots were thrown to the back of the cupboard and you went into a major sulk.
(15) We left with a wind-up frog that seemed entrancingly lifelike in the shop floor demo, but at home just trundled dully up and down the bathtub until it caught black mould and was banished to the airing cupboard.
(16) I think they’ll lock themselves in a cupboard on election night next year.” Out on the stump in the Castle ward one sunny September afternoon, not all voters want to hear Sherriff promise to solve their cost of living crises.
(17) The former MP, advocate of the left and anti-war campaigner, who died last week, aged 88, also placed a plaque in a cupboard of the crypt in memory of suffragette Emily Wilding Davison.
(18) Living in a fashion cupboard is extremely depressing, not just because it's tiny and windowless, but because you're surrounded by things you will never be able to afford – though, after a while, everything starts to look like Primark tat.
(19) First, they don't last (last year, I found a five-year-old one in the back of the cupboard which was hard as a rock), so no investment possibilities here.
(20) As [consumers] become sensitised to the issues,” says Morley, “then they will, they should, convert the manufacturers to providing them with sustainable palm oil products.” Read more stories like this: From rainforest to your cupboard: the real story of palm oil - interactive 10 things you need to know about sustainable palm oil Palm oil: the secret in your shopping basket - have your say The palm oil debate is funded by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil.
(n.) A smooth, flat surface, like the side of a board; a thin, flat, smooth piece of anything; a slab.
(n.) A thin, flat piece of wood, stone, metal, or other material, on which anything is cut, traced, written, or painted; a tablet
(n.) a memorandum book.
(n.) Any smooth, flat surface upon which an inscription, a drawing, or the like, may be produced.
(n.) Hence, in a great variety of applications: A condensed statement which may be comprehended by the eye in a single view; a methodical or systematic synopsis; the presentation of many items or particulars in one group; a scheme; a schedule.
(n.) A view of the contents of a work; a statement of the principal topics discussed; an index; a syllabus; a synopsis; as, a table of contents.
(n.) A list of substances and their properties; especially, a list of the elementary substances with their atomic weights, densities, symbols, etc.
(n.) Any collection and arrangement in a condensed form of many particulars or values, for ready reference, as of weights, measures, currency, specific gravities, etc.; also, a series of numbers following some law, and expressing particular values corresponding to certain other numbers on which they depend, and by means of which they are taken out for use in computations; as, tables of logarithms, sines, tangents, squares, cubes, etc.; annuity tables; interest tables; astronomical tables, etc.
(n.) The arrangement or disposition of the lines which appear on the inside of the hand.
(n.) An article of furniture, consisting of a flat slab, board, or the like, having a smooth surface, fixed horizontally on legs, and used for a great variety of purposes, as in eating, writing, or working.
(n.) Hence, food placed on a table to be partaken of; fare; entertainment; as, to set a good table.
(n.) The company assembled round a table.
(n.) One of the two, external and internal, layers of compact bone, separated by diploe, in the walls of the cranium.
(n.) A stringcourse which includes an offset; esp., a band of stone, or the like, set where an offset is required, so as to make it decorative. See Water table.
(n.) The board on the opposite sides of which backgammon and draughts are played.
(n.) One of the divisions of a backgammon board; as, to play into the right-hand table.
(n.) The games of backgammon and of draughts.
(n.) A circular plate of crown glass.
(n.) The upper flat surface of a diamond or other precious stone, the sides of which are cut in angles.
(n.) A plane surface, supposed to be transparent and perpendicular to the horizon; -- called also perspective plane.
(n.) The part of a machine tool on which the work rests and is fastened.
(v. t.) To form into a table or catalogue; to tabulate; as, to table fines.
(v. t.) To delineate, as on a table; to represent, as in a picture.
(v. t.) To supply with food; to feed.
(v. t.) To insert, as one piece of timber into another, by alternate scores or projections from the middle, to prevent slipping; to scarf.
(v. t.) To lay or place on a table, as money.
(v. t.) In parliamentary usage, to lay on the table; to postpone, by a formal vote, the consideration of (a bill, motion, or the like) till called for, or indefinitely.
(v. t.) To enter upon the docket; as, to table charges against some one.
(v. t.) To make board hems in the skirts and bottoms of (sails) in order to strengthen them in the part attached to the boltrope.
(v. i.) To live at the table of another; to board; to eat.
Example Sentences:
(1) We have amended and added to Fabian's tables giving a functional assessment of individual masticatory muscles.
(2) As far as acrophase table is concerned for all enzymes and fractions the acrophase occurred during the night.
(3) When you have been out for a month you need to prepare properly before you come back.” Pellegrini will make his own assessment of Kompany’s fitness before deciding whether to play him in the Bournemouth game, which he is careful to stress may not be the foregone conclusion the league table might suggest.
(4) It is a moment to be grateful for what remains of Labour's hard left: an amendment to scrap the cap was at least tabled by John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbyn but stood no chance.
(5) Tables provide data for Denmark in reference to: 1) number of legal abortions and the abortion rates for 1940-1977; 2) distribution of abortions by season, 1972-1977; 3) abortion rates by maternal age, 1971-1977; 4) oral contraceptive and IUD sales for 1977-1978; and 5) number of births and estimated number of abortions and conceptions, 1960-1975.
(6) One is that the issue of whether the World Cup should go ahead in Russia and Qatar still firmly remains on the table.
(7) But what about phenomena such as table tipping and Ouija boards?
(8) In the univariate life-table analysis, recurrence-free survival was significantly related to age, pTNM category, tumour size, presence of certain growth patterns, tumour necrosis, tumour infiltration in surrounding thyroid tissue and thyroid gland capsule, lymph node metastases, presence of extra-nodal tumour growth and number of positive lymph nodes, whereas only tumour diameter, thyroid gland capsular infiltration and presence of extra-nodal tumour growth remained as significant prognostic factors in the multivariate analysis.
(9) Extrapolation of gestational age from early crown-rump lengths (CRLs) has been difficult because previously established tables of CRL versus gestational age have contained few measurements at less than seven to eight weeks from the first day of the last menses.
(10) Table I shows the effect of increasing concentrations of propolis in tryptose-agar (TA).
(11) The first one is a region with iodine insufficiency; the second one is a region where the people use table salt in excess.
(12) These findings suggest that development of standard ECG tables in which SMR and sex have been taken into account might enhance interpretation during adolescence.
(13) He campaigned for a no vote and won handsomely, backed by more than 61%, before performing a striking U-turn on Thursday night, re-tabling the same austerity terms he had campaigned to defeat and which the voters rejected.
(14) A table of the lengths of statistically significant intervals for various sampling interval lengths, numbers of subjects, and autocorrelation parameters is presented.
(15) It’s a bright, simple space with wooden tables and high stalls and offers tastings and beer-making workshops.
(16) The results are summarized in Table I, indicating that the ratio of formation of the cis product (2) increases as a solvent becomes more polar.
(17) The properties of these tumour-associated "antigens" in the membrane of rat sarcomata are summarized below: [Table: see text]
(18) The inner table of the skull over the lesion was eroded.
(19) She said a referendum was off the table for this general election but, pressed on whether it would be in the SNP manifesto for 2016, she responded: “We will write that manifesto when we get there.
(20) The increase of the spleen weight after infection was significantly smaller in the immunized groups (Table 2).