What's the difference between curium and neptunium?
Example Sentences:
(n.) A new metallic element, of doubtful genuineness and uncertain indentification, said to exist in certain minerals, as columbite.
Example Sentences:
(1) No homology could be detected between prosthecate bacteria of the genera Rhodomicrobium, Prosthecomicrobium, Ancalomicrobium, or Caulobacter, and Hyphomicrobium strain EA-617 or H. neptunium LE-670.
(2) Diets depleted of or enriched with hydroxy acids did not modify retention of neptunium but increased urinary excretion with increasing hydroxy acid content.
(3) These results indicate that bud formation is coupled to chromosome replication in H. neptunium.
(4) Absorption and retention of neptunium were determined in baboons after intragastric administration of neptunium nitrate solutions at pH 1.
(5) Iodine-131, ruthenium-103, and neptunium-239 are present as contaminants in the eluate of 99Mo-99mTc generators loaded with 99Mo prepared by thermal-neutron irradiation of enriched 98Mo.
(6) Very little or no homology was detected between the amino acid-utilizing strain Hyphomicrobium neptunium and other Hyphomicrobium strains, although significant homology was observed with the two Hyphomonas strains examined.
(7) The relationship between chromosome replication and morphogenesis in the budding bacterium Hyphomicrobium neptunium has been investigated.
(8) On chronic supply to the body of a mixture of nuclear division products lanthanum-140, barium-140, tellurium-132, neodymium-147, neptunium-239, zirconium-95, niobium-95, iodine-131, cerium-141, -144, cesium-134, -137, and ruthenium-103 are detectable in liver tissue within the first months.
(9) Data obtained in baboons when low masses of neptunium were administered suggest that the f1 factor used by ICRP should be decreased.
(10) The technique, which utilizes calculated neutron fluence-to-kerma conversion factors, is based upon the combination of measurements with calibrated neptunium-237 and uranium-238 pulse fission chambers to obtain a response which matches the variation of kerma with neutron energy.
(11) But in bone there are indications that, due to microscopic differences in the distribution of the alpha-particle radiation dose, the efficiency of bone cancer induction may increase in the order americium-241 less than plutonium-239 less than neptunium-237.
(12) Neptunium-237 absorption, however, was not increased by citrate; probably because its oxidation state was reduced from 237Np(V) to 237Np(IV) by the medium and by the GI content.
(13) The binding capacity of transferrin for neptunium in vivo was found to decline when the iron level in blood serum was increased.
(14) After injection in the rat of soluble neptunium salt, the distribution of this element was studied at the subcellular level by electron microscopy and electron probe microanalysis.
(15) Isolation of the mucopeptide by use of sodium dodecyl sulfate was successful only with cell walls of H. neptunium, thus revealing a difference between the walls of the two strains.
(16) The available data indicate that as for plutonium, thorium, americium and curium, the iron transport protein, transferrin, may be the main carrier protein for neptunium in mammalian blood serum.
(17) Electron probe X-ray analysis of this cluster have shown that they contain neptunium associated with phosphorus.
(18) In the nuclear fuel cycle the transuranic radionuclides plutonium-239, americium-241 and neptunium-237 would probably present the most serious hazard to human health if released into the environment.
(19) Chemical analysis of cell walls obtained from Hyphomicrobium B-522 and from a morphologically and nutritionally distinct organism, Hyphomicrobium neptunium (ATCC 15444), showed that the organisms have a similar cell wall composition, which is typical of gram-negative bacteria.
(20) These results suggest that H2S was oxidized to sulfur and sulfite ion by two types of sulfide oxidase and sulfur oxidase in H. neptunium ATCC 15444, and that the sulfite ion changed rapidly to thiosulfate through a non-enzymatic reaction with sulfur.