(a.) Passing from person to person, or from hand to hand; circulating through the community; generally received; common; as, a current coin; a current report; current history.
(a.) Commonly estimated or acknowledged.
(a.) Fitted for general acceptance or circulation; authentic; passable.
(a.) A flowing or passing; onward motion. Hence: A body of fluid moving continuously in a certain direction; a stream; esp., the swiftest part of it; as, a current of water or of air; that which resembles a stream in motion; as, a current of electricity.
(a.) General course; ordinary procedure; progressive and connected movement; as, the current of time, of events, of opinion, etc.
Example Sentences:
(1) This selective review emphasizes advances in neurochemistry which provide a context for current and future research on neurological and psychiatric disorders encountered in clinical practice.
(2) The influence of the various concepts for the induction of lateral structure formation in lipid membranes on integral functional units like ionophores is demonstrated by analysing the single channel current fluctuations of gramicidin in bimolecular lipid membranes.
(3) The outward currents are sensitive to TEA and their reversal potentials differ.
(4) With NaCl as the major constituent of the bathing solution (potassium-free pipette and external solutions) the reversal potential (Er) of the noradrenaline-evoked current was about 0 mV.
(5) His son, Karim Makarius, opened the gallery to display some of the legacy bequeathed to him by his father in 2009, as well as the work of other Argentine photographers and artists – currently images by contemporary photographer Facundo de Zuviria are also on show.
(6) M NET is currently installed in referring physician office sites across the state, with additional physician sites identified and program enhancements under development.
(7) Acceptance of less than ideal donors is ill-advised even though rejection of such donors conflicts with the current shortage of organs.
(8) Schneiderlin, valued at an improbable £27m, and the currently injured Jay Rodriguez are wanted by their former manager Mauricio Pochettino at Spurs, but the chairman Ralph Krueger has apparently called a halt to any more outgoings, saying: “They are part of the core that we have decided to keep at Southampton.” He added: “Jay Rodriguez and Morgan Schneiderlin are not for sale and they will be a part of our club as we enter the new season.” The new manager Ronald Koeman has begun rebuilding by bringing in Dusan Tadic and Graziano Pellè from the Dutch league and Krueger said: “We will have players coming in, we will make transfers to strengthen the squad.
(9) Schistosomiasis control currently relies primarily on chemotherapy which is both expensive and temporary.
(10) Currently, photodynamic therapy is under FDA-approved clinical investigational trials in the treatment of tumors of the skin, bronchus, esophagus, bladder, head and neck, and of gynecologic and ocular tumors.
(11) But the sports minister has been clear that too many sports bodies are currently not delivering in bringing new people from all backgrounds to their sport.
(12) The way we are going to pay for that is by making the rules the same for people who go into care homes as for people who get care at their home, and by means-testing the winter fuel payment, which currently isn’t.” Hunt said the plan showed the Conservatives were capable of making difficult choices.
(13) Suggested is a carefully prepared system of cycling videocassettes, to effect the dissemination of current medical information from leading medical centers to medical and paramedical people in the "bush".
(14) Anytime they feel parts of the Basic Law are not up to their current standards of political correctness, they will change it and tell Hong Kong courts to obey.
(15) Atmaca, who belongs to the Gregorian-Armenian church in Istanbul, said that he nevertheless holds the current pontiff in high regard.
(16) We analyzed the amounts and types of glycosphingolipids (GSLs) from peripheral blood lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes isolated by counter-current elutriation.
(17) We are pursuing legal action because there are still so many unanswered questions about the viability of Shenhua’s proposed koala plan and it seems at this point the plan does not guarantee the survival of the estimated 262 koalas currently living where Shenhua wants to put its mine,” said Ranclaud.
(18) Positivity was not correlated with current residence census tract socioeconomic indicators in black or white females.
(19) Migrant voters are almost as numerous as current Ukip supporters but they are widely overlooked and risk being increasingly disaffected by mainstream politics and the fierce rhetoric around immigration caused partly by the rise of Ukip,” said Robert Ford from Manchester University, the report’s co-author.
(20) As increases to the Isa allowance are based on the CPI inflation figure for the year to the previous September, the new data suggests the current Isa limit of £15,240 will remain unchanged next year.
(a.) Of the nature of a type; representing something by a form, model, or resemblance; emblematic; prefigurative.
(a.) Combining or exhibiting the essential characteristics of a group; as, a typical genus.
Example Sentences:
(1) The typical findings have been related to their anatomical localisation and frequency.
(2) The newborn with critical AS typically presents with severe cardiac failure and the infant with moderate failure, whereas children may be asymptomatic.
(3) This paper discusses the typical echocardiographic patterns of a variety of important conditions concerning the mitral valve, the left ventricle, the interatrial and interventricular septum as well as the influence of respiration on the performance of echocardiograms.
(4) These are typically runaway processes in which global temperature rises lead to further releases of CO², which in turn brings about more global warming.
(5) Coronary arteritis has to be considered as a possible etiology of ischemic symptoms also in subjects who appear affected by typical atherosclerotic ischemic heart disease.
(6) Among a family of 8 children, 4 presented typical clinical and biological abnormalities related to mannosidosis.
(7) The penicillin-resistant Enterococcus hirae R40 has a typical profile of membrane-bound penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) except that the 71 kDa PBP5 of low penicillin affinity represents about 50% of all the PBPs present.
(8) The typical appearance of inflammatory and bullous diseases may be changed when they occur on the vulva.
(9) The tilt was reproduced with a typical spread of about 10 degrees.
(10) For related pairs, both the primes (first pictures) and targets (second pictures) varied in rated "typicality" (Rosch, 1975), being either typical or relatively atypical members of their primary superordinate category.
(11) Typically the iron-iron axis (gz) of the binuclear iron-sulfur clusters is in the membrane plane.
(12) Only seven films (or 0.7 percent of the entire cohort) showed nodular or rounded opacities of the type typically seen in uncomplicated silicosis.
(13) Of the 138 patients who were admitted to the study, only seventy-one (51 per cent) could be followed for an average of 3.5 years (a typical return rate of urban trauma centers).
(14) It is therefore necessary, to look at typical clinical manifestations, i.e.
(15) The mechanism by which K+ accumulates in the follicle was insensitive to ouabain, so that a typical Na+, K(+)-ATPase mechanism does not appear to be involved.
(16) In subsequent experiments, both components were found to be significant and additive predictors of face recognition with no residual effect of typicality.
(17) The new trabecular bone closely resembled that typically seen at electrically active implants.
(18) The observed staining indicated that the epithelium of the external auditory meatus has a pattern of keratin expression typical of epidermis in general and the epithelium of the middle ear resembles simple columnar epithelia.
(19) Being the decision-making agent, the rehabilitee must therefore be offered typical situational fragments of a possible educational and vocational future, intended on the one hand to inform him of occupational alternatives and, on the other, to provide initial experience.
(20) In the case of the latter, it show either a more or less typical appearance of radicolography only or, more rarely, a picture which combines opacification of the epidural space with the subarachnoid passage of the contrast medium.