(n.) One of the canine teeth; -- so called from having but one point or cusp on the crown. See Tooth.
Example Sentences:
(1) This brief report describes an extracted maxillary permanent cuspid tooth that is longer than any previously reported human tooth.
(2) Two documented cases involving avulsions of an incisor and a cuspid are reported.
(3) In addition, the dental age of all the permanent cuspids as seen by the eruption and tooth development suggested that the cuspids are comparable to those seen in a 13 to 14 year-old-boy.
(4) After reestablishment of a cuspid protected guidance and of a sufficient free way space and reduction of parafunctions the sensitivity estimated by means of a dental probe could be removed permanent on a number of teeth after two weeks already.
(5) A case with a firm asymptomatic nodule of 1 cm diameter on the gingiva between the left upper cuspid and first bicuspid is presented.
(6) The analysis of the scannograms obtained demonstrates that the valves of the thoracic ducts are mainly bicuspid, have a typical infundibular form, their cuspides are fused, forming a mesentery-like fold on the duct wall.
(7) The varying inclinations of the dominant laterotrusion facets in cuspid-protected or group-guided occlusion has no bearing on the angle of the mediotrusive paths relative to the horizontal plane.
(8) Occlusal interference was placed on the mandibular first molar or cuspid of the habitual chewing side in seven normal subjects.
(9) (4) In comparison of the strength of teeth positioned at various angles, the strength was decreased by slanting either labially or lingually for all the replication models except the maxillary and mandibular cuspid models.
(10) A sample of patients with palatally displaced cuspids and a sample of subjects with normally erupted maxillary cuspids were examined as far as arch dimention and tooth size are concerned.
(11) Each varnish was applied to 10 extracted human cuspid teeth.
(12) The smaller types may even be used in cuspid teeth, since they are no bigger than the American precision attachments.
(13) A case report showing the eruption of the left maxillary and mandibular permanent cuspids in a six-year-old boy, is presented.
(14) After 10 years, cuspid Ca content was higher than cervical.
(15) A case history is presented with a large periapical lesion and a perforating resorption defect on a cuspid.
(16) 13 cases of transmigration of impacted mandibular cuspids are presented, 3 of which occurred in pairs, raising the total number of teeth to 16.
(17) His aortic regurgitation was caused by perforation of non-coronary cuspid due to accident.
(18) To study the biologic response, three commercial calcium phosphate implant materials (Calcitite, Periograf, Synthograft) were implanted in cuspid root "windows" in four beagle dogs.
(19) At the age of 10 to 14 cuspid P content was reduced.
(20) Both of the root apex and apical foramen of the central incisors and cuspids were displaced distolabially from the tooth axis.
(n.) A supposition; a proposition or principle which is supposed or taken for granted, in order to draw a conclusion or inference for proof of the point in question; something not proved, but assumed for the purpose of argument, or to account for a fact or an occurrence; as, the hypothesis that head winds detain an overdue steamer.
(n.) A tentative theory or supposition provisionally adopted to explain certain facts, and to guide in the investigation of others; hence, frequently called a working hypothesis.
Example Sentences:
(1) The hypothesis that proteins are critical targets in free radical mediated cytolysis was tested using U937 mononuclear phagocytes as targets and iron together with hydrogen peroxide to generate radicals.
(2) The generally accepted hypothesis is a coronary spasm but a direct cardiotoxicity of 5-FU cannot be.
(3) The results of our microscopic model confirm that the continuum hypothesis used in our previous macroscopic model is reasonable.
(4) The authors empirically studied the self-medication hypothesis of drug abuse by examining drug effects and motivation for drug use in 494 hospitalized drug abusers.
(5) Evidence is presented in support of the hypothesis that fresh bat guano serves as a means of pathogenic fungi dissemination in caves.
(6) The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that the decreased Epi response following ET was due to 1) depletion of adrenal Epi content such that adrenomedullary stimulation would not release Epi, 2) decreased Epi release with direct stimulation, i.e., desensitization of release, or 3) decreased afferent signals generated by ET itself.
(7) Implications of the theory for hypothesis testing, theory construction, and scales of measurement are considered.
(8) The 14-fold increase in prolonged apnea frequency immediately following regurgitation supports the hypothesis for a causal relationship between apnea and regurgitation.
(9) The hypothesis that experimentally determined survival times of Treponema pallidum in stored donor blood could be related to the number of treponemes initially present in the treponeme-blood mixtures was investigated by inoculating rabbits with three graded doses of treponemes suspended in donor blood and stored at 4 degrees C for various periods of time.
(10) Following the hypothesis that infertile patients may present emotional conflicts with regard to the wish of having a child, psychodynamic interviews were carried out with 116 infertile couples concomitantly with their first consultation at the Sterility Department.
(11) Results were inconsistent with both the feature detector fatigue and response bias hypothesis.
(12) This hypothesis is supported by our recent report that immunoreactive human PRL (ir-hPRL) is produced by and required for the continuous growth of sfRamos, a Burkitt tumor serum-free cell line.
(13) This hypothesis is difficult to substantiate with direct measurements using human subjects.
(14) We tested the hypothesis that furosemide interferes with energy generation in the cochlea, and determined its effect on CO2 formation from glucose and glyceroaldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) activity by examining biochemical and histochemical changes in the cochlea, the kidney, and the liver.
(15) Our data support the hypothesis that evoked and epileptiform magnetic fields result from intradendritic currents oriented perpendicular to the cortical surface.
(16) This observation seriously challenges the hypothesis that SCE cancellation results as a consequence of persistence of the lesions induced by these agents.
(17) The hypothesis that the standard acoustic startle habituation paradigm contains the elements of Pavlovian fear conditioning was tested.
(18) In this study we tested the hypothesis that regardless of concentration pattern and exposure rate the same exposure dose of O3 will induce the same spirometric response.
(19) We put forward the hypothesis that the agglutinability in acriflavine, together with the PAGE profile type II, may be associated with particular structures responsible for virulence.
(20) After an introductory note on primary preventive intervention of breast cancer during adulthood, the author defends and extends a hypothesis that relates most of the known risk factors for this disease to the development of preneoplastic lesions in the breast.