(v. t.) To separate the parts of with, or as with, a sharp instrument; to make an incision in; to gash; to sever; to divide.
(v. t.) To sever and cause to fall for the purpose of gathering; to hew; to mow or reap.
(v. t.) To sever and remove by cutting; to cut off; to dock; as, to cut the hair; to cut the nails.
(v. t.) To castrate or geld; as, to cut a horse.
(v. t.) To form or shape by cutting; to make by incision, hewing, etc.; to carve; to hew out.
(v. t.) To wound or hurt deeply the sensibilities of; to pierce; to lacerate; as, sarcasm cuts to the quick.
(v. t.) To intersect; to cross; as, one line cuts another at right angles.
(v. t.) To refuse to recognize; to ignore; as, to cut a person in the street; to cut one's acquaintance.
(v. t.) To absent one's self from; as, to cut an appointment, a recitation. etc.
(v. i.) To do the work of an edged tool; to serve in dividing or gashing; as, a knife cuts well.
(v. i.) To admit of incision or severance; to yield to a cutting instrument.
(v. i.) To perform the operation of dividing, severing, incising, intersecting, etc.; to use a cutting instrument.
(v. i.) To make a stroke with a whip.
(v. i.) To interfere, as a horse.
(v. i.) To move or make off quickly.
(v. i.) To divide a pack of cards into two portion to decide the deal or trump, or to change the order of the cards to be dealt.
(n.) An opening made with an edged instrument; a cleft; a gash; a slash; a wound made by cutting; as, a sword cut.
(n.) A stroke or blow or cutting motion with an edged instrument; a stroke or blow with a whip.
(n.) That which wounds the feelings, as a harsh remark or criticism, or a sarcasm; personal discourtesy, as neglecting to recognize an acquaintance when meeting him; a slight.
(n.) A notch, passage, or channel made by cutting or digging; a furrow; a groove; as, a cut for a railroad.
(n.) The surface left by a cut; as, a smooth or clear cut.
(n.) A portion severed or cut off; a division; as, a cut of beef; a cut of timber.
(n.) An engraved block or plate; the impression from such an engraving; as, a book illustrated with fine cuts.
(n.) The act of dividing a pack cards.
(n.) The right to divide; as, whose cut is it?
(n.) Manner in which a thing is cut or formed; shape; style; fashion; as, the cut of a garment.
(n.) A common work horse; a gelding.
(n.) The failure of a college officer or student to be present at any appointed exercise.
(n.) A skein of yarn.
(a.) Gashed or divided, as by a cutting instrument.
(a.) Formed or shaped as by cutting; carved.
(a.) Overcome by liquor; tipsy.
Example Sentences:
(1) A subsample of patients scoring over the recommended threshold (five or above) on the general health questionnaire were interviewed by the psychiatrist to compare the case detection of the general practitioner, an independent psychiatric assessment and the 28-item general health questionnaire at two different cut-off scores.
(2) McDonald said cutting better deals with suppliers and improving efficiency as well as raising some prices had only partly offset the impact of sterling’s fall against the dollar.
(3) The playing fields on which all those players began their journeys have been underfunded for years and are now facing a renewed crisis because of cuts to local authority budgets.
(4) Finally, the automatized measurement system cuts the time spent by a factor of more than five.
(5) We could do with similar action to cut out botnets and spam, but there aren't any big-money lobbyists coming to Mandelson pleading loss of business through those.
(6) It comes as the museum is transforming itself in the wake of major cuts in its government funding and looking more towards private-sector funding, a move that has caused some unease about its future direction.
(7) Chromatolysis and swelling of the cell bodies of cut axons are more prolonged than after optic nerve section and resolve in more central regions of retina first.
(8) Guardian Australia reported last week that morale at the national laboratory had fallen dramatically, with one in three staff “seriously considering” leaving their jobs in the wake of the cuts.
(9) It is proposed that this "zipper-like" mechanism represents the normal cutting process of the septum during cell separation.
(10) Limitations include the facts that the tracer inventory requires a minimal survival period, can only be done postmortem, and has low resolution for cuts of the vagal hepatic branch.
(11) White lesions (NRL) against a gray background on cut section of brain increase in size with increasing time of arrest.
(12) She was clearly elected on a pledge not to cut school funding and that’s exactly what is happening,” Corbyn said.
(13) We are in the middle of the third year of huge cuts in acute hospitals' budgets," said Porter.
(14) This includes cutting corporation tax to 20%, the lowest in the G20, and improving our visa arrangements with a new mobile visa service up and running in Beijing and Shanghai and a new 24-hour visa service on offer from next summer.
(15) Leaders of Tory local government are preparing radical proposals for minimum 10% cuts in public spending in the search for savings.
(16) Size comparison of the newly discovered Msp I fragment with a restriction map of the apolipoprotein A-I gene revealed that most likely the cutting site at the 5'-end of the normally seen 673 bp fragment is lost giving rise to the observed 719 bp Msp I fragment.
(17) The drugs were moderately potent inhibitors of both E. electricus and C. elegans acetylcholinesterase but at concentrations too high to account for their abilities to contract cut worms.
(18) Although various micronutrients (vitamins and trace elements) have also been found to have either a positive or negative association, findings were more clear-cut for the different food items contributing the micronutrients than for the specific micronutrients themselves.
(19) On taking office Lansley admitted this was not a deep enough cut.
(20) "If you are not prepared to learn English, your benefits will be cut," he said.
(n.) An instrument consisting of a thin blade, usually of steel and having a sharp edge for cutting, fastened to a handle, but of many different forms and names for different uses; as, table knife, drawing knife, putty knife, pallet knife, pocketknife, penknife, chopping knife, etc..
(n.) A sword or dagger.
(v. t.) To prune with the knife.
(v. t.) To cut or stab with a knife.
Example Sentences:
(1) "I pulled the microphone in front of my seat, not a knife.
(2) Leicester looked a little sorry for themselves and, with their concentration down, United twisted the knife.
(3) Frontal afferents to the medial basal hypothalamus of the rat were interrupted by a Halász knife, and 4 weeks later the brains were processed for immunostaining of CRF-fibers.
(4) Earlier this year the Guardian launched Beyond the Blade , a long-term project looking at young people who are victims of knife crime.
(5) When we reached our summit, or whatever spot was deemed by my father to be of adequately punishing distance from the car to deserve lunch, Dad would invariably find he had forgotten his Swiss army knife (looking back, I begin to doubt he ever had one) and instead would cut cheese into slices with the edge of his credit card.
(6) More conservative approaches have been used in young women requesting preservation of their childbearing ability, including CO2 laser excision, knife excision, cryotherapy, and electrocauterization.
(7) One day, a man she had interviewed held a knife to her throat, holding her captive for 10 days and only releasing her when the French embassy came looking for her.
(8) In the wake of a second fatal police shooting in the St Louis area after the death of Michael Brown , concerned citizens are asking why officers had to kill Kajieme Powell, a 25-year-old man who was holding a knife and “behaving erratically.” They want to know why officers don’t shoot someone like Powell in the leg or the arm, rather than aiming for vital organs, or why they don’t just use a less lethal weapon, like a Taser.
(9) At home, he’s besieged by leadership speculation of sufficient intensity to see his conservative allies resort to public verbal knife-fights.
(10) When it's serving time, use a good serrated knife to saw cleanly through the rhubarb.
(11) I don’t remember what happened afterward.” By morning, Israeli newspapers had published the official version of Anas al-Atrash’s death: A 23-year-old Palestinian had run from his car and rushed at a checkpoint soldier with a knife.
(12) A disproportionate number of those who are victims and perpetrators of knife crime are African-Caribbean.
(13) It also said that night that the suspect had been unarmed — an assertion that was revealed to be false the next day when officials acknowledged Gonzalez had a knife with him when he was apprehended.
(14) Hogan-Howe waded into the row, saying gang members heard simple messages such as that there was a minimum five-year jail sentence for possession of a gun, but had no idea about the equivalent sentence for carrying a knife.
(15) With it sank my suitcase of clothes and my striped prisoner uniform, including my hat, coat, shirt and a knife.
(16) Albeit an unloveable, slightly scary Ron Burgundy in a 'I may now be a low level Tesco manager in a cheap suit but I still remember how to handle a stanley knife' kind of way," reckons Robert Lowery, who is forgetting that Jim White has a phone.
(17) He didn't even mind the National Front turning up and sieg-heiling during gigs, which seems enormously sporting of him, given his raft of horrifying stories about experiencing racism in 60s and 70s Britain, and the scars he still bears as the result of a racially motivated 1980 knife attack.
(18) Lysine vasopressin and a long-acting analogue N alpha-triglycyl-lysine vasopressin were compared in a prospective randomized double-blind study including 71 women undergoing cold knife conization of the uterine cervix.
(19) There was a 24% rise in knife crime in London in the 12 months ending in March.
(20) Once, the inquest heard, he threatened Luke’s football coach, telling him: “I have a knife with your name on it.” When Anderson killed Luke there were four warrants out for his arrest including one related to his possession of child sex abuse images.