(1) The qualification for carrying on the isonicotinic acid hydrazide monotherapy in the tuberculosis cutis luposa and verrucosa is proved on the basis of bacteriological, pathologo-anatomical and clinical peculiarities of these forms of tuberculosis of the skin.
(2) Experiments were conducted comparing the relative contribution of internal and external cold stimuli in the initiation of horripilation (cutis anserina or "goose flesh") in men and women.
(3) Ten patients are presented who demonstrate a newly recognized association of macrocephaly with unusual angiomatosis and limb asymmetry in three somewhat similar cutaneous vascular disorders: Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome, the combination of Sturge-Weber anomaly with Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome, and cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita.
(4) Type I depends basically on malformation of the skin and retinaculum cutis.
(5) Polymorphonuclear granulocytes can be demonstrated in great numbers in any part of the involved cutis when there is an insect bite in history.
(6) Lymphadenosis cutis benigna with germinal center cell differentiation was clearly distinguishable from other B cell pseudolymphomas, which are considered to comprise mainly peripheral B lymphocytes.
(7) Pauline Kael, when reviewing the film, said, "Jane Fonda has been a charming, witty, nudie cutie in recent years, and now gets a chance at an archetypal character.
(8) The skin lesions were thus considered to be an unusual type of leukaemia cutis.
(9) However, quantitation of the elastin mRNA abundance by slot blot hybridizations revealed markedly reduced levels in all cutis laxa cell strains.
(10) Cutis laxa is a heterogeneous disease of elastic fibres, divided into three congenital and two acquired forms.
(11) Two cases of cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita are described in association with nevus flammeus and congenital glaucoma.
(12) Tissues in which concentrations were measured included cortical bone, spongy bone, muscle, fascia, cutis and subcutis.
(13) Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia, follicular B cell pseudolymphoma or lymphadenosis benigna cutis and lymphocytic infiltration of Jessner-Kanof are a group of benign lymphoid hyperplastic disorders which usually involve the skin of the face or head and neck.
(14) Osteoma cutis is a common sign of Albright hereditary osteodystrophy in infancy and childhood, and its significance should not be overlooked, even in the normocalcemic patient.
(15) This report deals with the description of a typical case of hyalinosis cutis et mucosae Urbach-Wiethe and with the clinical and histological differential diagnosis to erythropoetic protoporphyria.
(16) A form of aplasia cutis congenita occurs in association with placental infarcts or the in utero death of a twin fetus.
(17) This cell type constitutes the majority of cells in dermatofibroma or histiocytoma cutis resp.
(18) We report the first case of acral localized acquired cutis laxa.
(19) Giant cerebriform intradermal nevus (GCIN) is a form of cutis verticis gyrata and may be associated with a number of systemic diseases.
(20) However, because of the lack of typical Reed-Sternberg cells and due to the presence of polymorphic cells with fine chromatin, regular nuclear borders and inconspicuous nucleoli, these cases were diagnosed cytologically as a benign lymphoproliferative disorder, pseudolymphoma cutis.
(v. t.) The outer, nonsensitive layer of the skin; cuticle; scarfskin. See Dermis.
(v. t.) The outermost layer of the cells, which covers both surfaces of leaves, and also the surface of stems, when they are first formed. As stems grow old this layer is lost, and never replaced.
Example Sentences:
(1) The observed staining indicated that the epithelium of the external auditory meatus has a pattern of keratin expression typical of epidermis in general and the epithelium of the middle ear resembles simple columnar epithelia.
(2) A comparison between TPA and cytokeratins was also made by immunoblotting which revealed immunoreactivity of antibodies to TPA with cytokeratin polypeptides of different species (man, mouse) and organs (epidermis, liver), particularly with the cytokeratin component 8 of human liver and the related component A of mouse liver.
(3) The enzyme profile of the epidermis was investigated in relation to depth.
(4) It increased linearly in both the epidermis and dermis, reaching nearly 100% 24 hr following its injection on Day 8.
(5) UVB irradiation augmented the beta-adrenergic adenylate cyclase response of pig skin epidermis in vitro.
(6) The kinetics of both the solube and particulate enzymes from epidermis of some elderly patients with either diabetes or ischaemia showed some differences from the kinetics of enzymes from healthy epidermis from younger individuals.
(7) These results indicate that uninvolved psoriatic epidermis has an increased capacity to metabolize free AA into 12-lipoxygenase products.
(8) Besides the rough, wrinkled, and brown or black surface of the fingertips, microwrinkles of the epidermis occur on the skin ridges, which have so far not been described.
(9) At an ultrastructural level, 15-1 immunogold-labeling in the epidermis was confined to the surface of cells exhibiting Birbeck granules.
(10) The synthesis of uPA as a precursor with reduced enzymatic activity as well as decreased affinity for inhibitors is likely to be a mechanism by which normal epidermis regulates plasminogen activation in vivo.
(11) The bone marrow derivation of dThy-1+EC is now well established: dThy-1+EC carry Ly-5 determinants whose expression is restricted to cells of the hemopoietic differentiation pathway, and studies using Thy-1-disparate radiation bone marrow chimeras have revealed the presence of donor-type Thy-1+ cells within the epidermis; by immunoelectron microscopy, these cells represent dThy-1+EC.
(12) Exposure of neutrophils to AS resulted in deactivation to AS but not to Escherichial coli or Staphylococcus epidermis culture filtrate.
(13) The delta-PKC-like kinase of mouse epidermis (p82-kinase) was down-regulated after topical application of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) to mouse skin.
(14) The purpose of this report is to present the kinetics of reduction of epidermal mass following the production of the epidermal hyperplasia as the epidermis returns to its normal thickness during the period of regression.
(15) Immunoreactivity was restricted to the periderm and intermediate layers of fetal epidermis at 55 d of gestation, when the first wave of wool follicles are initiated.
(16) In hatched larvae around developmental stage 46, strong expression of 2NI-36 was observed in several tissues including the vascular endothelium, the pigmented epithelium and the inner layer of skin epidermis.
(17) Our results show that two major types of terminally differentiating keratinocytes can be distinguished in human epidermis, i.e.
(18) This results suggest the presence of structural abnormalities in epidermis of EB simplex.
(19) By contrast, epidermal Langerhans cell (LC) HLA-DR and T6 expressions in normal epidermis were greatly reduced by an identical dose of UVB.
(20) This calcium-binding protein was not in skin epidermis, but was confined to the dermal layer.