What's the difference between cycloid and hypotrochoid?



  • (n.) A curve generated by a point in the plane of a circle when the circle is rolled along a straight line, keeping always in the same plane.
  • (a.) Of or pertaining to the Cycloidei.
  • (n.) One of the Cycloidei.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Furthermore, they seem to suggest that most cases of cycloid psychosis are not variants of either schizophrenia or major affective disorders.
  • (2) A subsample of untreated cycloid psychoses satisfying the requirements for major affective disorder according to DSM-III was compared with a subsample of cycloid psychoses getting other DSM-III diagnoses.
  • (3) It seems also reasonable to include the ideational apraxia within the symptoms to be sought in those cycloid psychotic states including confusional psychosis.
  • (4) For this reason we consider that the concept of the cycloid psychoses is appropriate for the characterization of a large proportion of childbed psychoses.
  • (5) The most striking difference between cycloids and affectives was the lack of manic episodes during the follow-up period in the former group.
  • (6) Of the parents of the systematic schizophrenics 2.3% were ill, of the parents of the unsystematic schizophrenics 11.6%, of the parents of the cycloid psychotics 5.0%.
  • (7) They observed that the individual variations of this ratio are of the same magnitude in "cycloid psychosis" and in chronic schizophrenia.
  • (8) Cases with PPP onset within 3 weeks of delivery (mostly affective or cycloid psychoses) evidenced more frequent tension-anxiety and excitement at interviews during pregnancy than did diagnostically comparable cases not developing PPPs.
  • (9) The cycloid test system is easy and fast to use, and the estimate is truely unbiased.
  • (10) Marital fertility was within the expected interval in cycloid probands.
  • (11) Across the entire first year, the Cycloid and Schizophrenic mothers deviated most frequently from controls, while the Affectives' interaction was more negative than controls' for the first time at the 1-year observation.
  • (12) Happiness-ecstacy and global altruism were exclusively recorded in cycloid psychosis.
  • (13) Besides, the transferrin serum values are decreased in cycloid psychoses (p less than 0.001).
  • (14) The course and outcome of cycloid psychotic disorder was explored by means of a prospective three-year follow-up of a sample of patients fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for the disorder provided by Perris & Brockington, compared to patients with a diagnosis of affective or schizoaffective disorder.
  • (15) Several prognostically favorable factors found in the Bonn Study are identical to criteria used to classify schizo-affective, schizophreniform and cycloid psychoses, e.g., acute onset, endogenomorph-depressive symptoms, and psychoreactivity.
  • (16) No such differences could be statistically verified; no symptom profile specifically indicating cycloid psychosis could be found.
  • (17) Frequencies of HLA antigens, blood groups, serum groups and red cell enzyme types in patients with cycloid psychosis were compared with those in patients with bipolar psychosis and in normal controls.
  • (18) With the systematic schizophrenics the average period spent in hospital amounted to 16.9 years, with the unsystematic schizophrenics 13.8 years, with the cycloid psychotics 8.2 years.
  • (19) The circle of the marked personality types according to the analyzed indices are limited both from representatives of the normal population and representatives of other personality types ("model", "deficient", cycloids).
  • (20) A subcohort of 64 patients, satisfying at least 5 items of the rating protocol, was then analysed by Q-factor analysis to test whether nuclear cases of cycloid psychosis differ from symptomatically related syndromes.



  • (n.) A curve, traced by a point in the radius, or radius produced, of a circle which rolls upon the concave side of a fixed circle. See Hypocycloid, Epicycloid, and Trochoid.

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "hypotrochoid"