(n.) A mistress of a family, who is a lady; a woman in authority; especially, a lady.
(n.) The mistress of a family in common life, or the mistress of a common school; as, a dame's school.
(n.) A woman in general, esp. an elderly woman.
(n.) A mother; -- applied to human beings and quadrupeds.
Example Sentences:
(1) The announcement of Dame Helen Ghosh's departure from the top job at the Home Office the morning after the Olympics is likely to leave Whitehall looking "maler and paler".
(2) There was also an OBE for Daily Mirror advice columnist and broadcaster, Dr Miriam Stoppard , while Dr Claire Bertschinger , whose appearance in Michael Buerk's 1984 reports from Ethiopia inspired Bob Geldof to organise Live Aid, was made a dame for services to nursing and international humanitarian aid.
(3) Over the last few days a former member of parliament's intelligence and security committee, Lord King, a former director of GCHQ, Sir David Omand, and a former director general of MI5, Dame Stella Rimington, have questioned whether the agencies need to be more transparent and accept more rigorous scrutiny of their work.
(4) The Fellowship combines the academic rigour of an MBA with the reflective and ideological framework of a wellness retreat in Bali; without the sun and spa treatments, but with the added element of the formidable Dame Mary Marsh, a great example of a woman leading as a former headteacher, charity chief executive, NED and leadership development campaigner.
(5) Applications of [D-Ala2,Met5]enkephalinamide (DAME), [D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin (DADL), Leu5 enkephalin, Met5 enkephalin, Dynorphin 1-9 and normorphine produced dose-dependent depressions of the dorsal root potential.
(6) Twitter has hired the former Pearson chief executive Dame Marjorie Scardino to be the first woman on its board, after critics rounded on its all-male lineup.
(7) It was not clear what would happen to other high-profile publishing executives, not least Dame Gail Rebuck, the chairman and chief executive of Random House.
(8) Dame Julie Mellor has accused the boards of hospitals of adding to patients' pain and letting poor care continue unchallenged by doing too little to spot and stop serious failings.
(9) Sands will be the second woman to edit the agenda-setting programme after Dame Jenny Abramsky, the chair of the Royal Academy of Music.
(10) So as Dame Quentin and the soon to be Sir Peter amble off, who is in for a gong at our next round of knighthoods?
(11) She was made a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in February 2014.
(12) Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical officer, said at the time however that e-cigarettes should only be used a means to help smokers quit.
(13) Not on the basis of things they can't do anything about' Dame Marjorie Scardino, outgoing chief executive of Financial Times owner Pearson 'I think it is probably wrong on balance to force companies to take women on' Karren Brady, West Ham Utd vice chairman, Kerrang!
(14) Grace Coddington, Dame Helen Mirren, Laura Mvula, and Karen Elson, in the pink duster coat that proved so popular for M&S.
(15) Microinjections (1 microliter) of D- Ala2-Met-enkephalinamide (DAME) (3.4-27.2 nM) into normovolemic unanesthetized monkeys reduced SBP by 10-65 mm Hg in a dose-related fashion.
(16) In a statement, the chief medical officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies, said: "Severe winter flu and its complications can make people really ill and can kill, particularly those who are weak and frail which is why we already offer vaccinations to the most at risk groups.
(17) Dame Vivienne said the couple's son, Joe Corre, co-founder of the lingerie brand Agent Provocateur, and Ben Westwood, her son from her first marriage, were with McLaren when he died.
(18) In recent days, a former head of MI5, Dame Stella Rimington, acknowledged her old agency needed to be more transparent.
(19) Wasn’t it for exactly that kind of incompetence she had been made a dame?
(20) Abramovich said little and spoke only in Russian, with the judge, Dame Elizabeth Gloster, and a packed courtroom of barristers, security guards and supporters listening to a translation via headphones.
(n.) A territorial subdivision of Attica (also of modern Greece), corresponding to a township.
(n.) An undifferentiated aggregate of cells or plastids.
Example Sentences:
(1) Mass selection and random mating occurred within each deme.
(2) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Rendering of David L Deming’s Superman statue for Cleveland.
(3) The population in the chicken coop contains a relatively stable nucleus which may be organized in demes with an excess of females over males and limited territorial mobility.
(4) The B's may possess special adaptive properties under ecologically marginal conditions, since in a number of more 'central' demes they occur at much lowere frequencies (7-9%).
(5) The intensity of interdeme selection is reduced by random local extinction and colonization, and when these processes are rapid (with no selective diffusion) the expected fixation rate of spontaneous mutations with a heterozygote disadvantage approaches that in a single isolated deme.
(6) Much has been written about quality guru W. Edward Deming's quality improvement ideas.
(7) Deming (1982b) and others have espoused total system reform to achieve quality improvement--not merely altering the current system, but radically changing it.
(8) The joint evolution of major genes under viability selection and a modifier locus that controls recombination between the major genes, mutation at the major gene, or migration between two demes is studied.
(9) Levels of genetic variability, as indicated by a mean of 1.25 alleles per locus, a mean expected heterozygosity of 0.023, and a proportion of 0.25 of the loci being polymorphic, indicated limited genetic heterogeneity within and among demes.
(10) These demes represent one of the least genetically divergent, reproductively isolated sympatric pair of vertebrate populations that have been identified.
(11) It is shown that, if the migration matrix is symmetric and irreducible, the average number of sites that differ in two alleles chosen from the same deme depends only on an effective size of the whole population and not on either the elements of the migration matrix or the size of each deme separately.
(12) Prevalence of root caries was 23.8% in Deming and 7.3% in Lordsburg; mean number of lesions was 0.69 in Deming and 0.08 in Lordsburg (p less than 0.0001).
(13) The study was conducted among lifelong female residents in Lordsburg (3.5 ppm fluoride) and Deming (0.7 ppm fluoride), NM.
(14) (II) Treatment with the compounds with an unsaturateddelta1,2-furobenzofuranring system, such as AcO-stg, demethyl-diacetyl-stg (deMe-diAc-stg), and aflatoxin B1, resulted in nucleolar segregation and fragmentation of primary culture cells.
(15) The frequencies of mutant alleles at five loci were calculated for a sample of cats from the deme of Tampa, Florida.
(16) pipiens in Egypt was not differentiated into genetically isolated demes but, rather, seemed to consist of a single panmictic population.
(17) There are significant differences in growth rates between fish in the two demes, but no further morphological differentiation h-s been detected.--In light of these findings, the genetic distance between these populations is surprisingly small (Nei's I = 0.975).
(18) The data from comparison studies performed on five methods were analysed both by Deming's regression analysis, with calculation of the correlation coefficient, and by the difference plot.
(19) The present models show that interdeme selection during the spread of a mutation depends more on the capacity of the mutant to invade and become established in other demes than on selective diffusion, unless there is rapid local extinction and colonization.
(20) The average number of sites that differ in alleles drawn from the same and from different demes can provide some information about the degree of population subdivision, as is illustrated by using the data of Kreitman and Aquadé (1986, Proc.