What's the difference between damn and goddamn?



  • (v. t.) To condemn; to declare guilty; to doom; to adjudge to punishment; to sentence; to censure.
  • (v. t.) To doom to punishment in the future world; to consign to perdition; to curse.
  • (v. t.) To condemn as bad or displeasing, by open expression, as by denuciation, hissing, hooting, etc.
  • (v. i.) To invoke damnation; to curse.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Former detectives had dug out damning evidence of abuse, as well as testimony from officers recommending prosecution, sources said.
  • (2) Keep it in the ground campaign Though they draw on completely different archives, leaked documents, and interviews with ex-employees, they reach the same damning conclusion: Exxon knew all that there was to know about climate change decades ago, and instead of alerting the rest of us denied the science and obstructed the politics of global warming.
  • (3) 4.28am GMT This is the portion of the night where we all say "Oh damn I forgot that person died."
  • (4) Damn that Beltran, what a clutch postseason performer.
  • (5) Whatever the level of the fine, the judge's remarks are damning."
  • (6) Respectable Europeans may damn the nationalist parties that have risen up against mass immigration as “far right”.
  • (7) Mortgage lenders are failing to follow rules designed to help people avoid repossession, according to a damning report published today.
  • (8) In a single letter in February 2005, Charles urged a badger cull to prevent the spread of bovine tuberculosis – damning opponents to the cull as “intellectually dishonest”; lobbied for his preferred person to be appointed to crack down on the mistreatment of farmers by supermarkets; proposed his own aide to brief Downing Street on the design of new hospitals; and urged Blair to tackle an EU directive limiting the use of herbal alternative medicines in the UK.
  • (9) She recently collaborated on two damning reports into punitive house burnings and extra-judicial killings in Chechnya, allegedly carried out by Kadyrov's forces.
  • (10) A $4 supermarket sandwich has to be pretty damn good for two adults to start fighting over it.
  • (11) The government’s flagship free schools programme has been dealt a blow with the announcement that a third school is to close after a damning Ofsted report found that leadership, teaching, pupil behaviour and achievement were all “inadequate”, the lowest possible rating.
  • (12) Claims that the soldiers violated the Geneva conventions were made in the course of damning criticism of the soldiers' conduct and that of the MoD by Patrick O'Connor QC, counsel for the Iraqis.
  • (13) Some on the right believe it's a damning indictment of the welfare state.
  • (14) The culture, media and sport select committee was also damning of the police, saying Scotland Yard should have broadened its original investigation in 2006, and not just focused on Clive Goodman, the NoW's royal reporter.
  • (15) The damning comments by Judge Alistair McCreath both vindicated Contostavlos – who insisted she was entrapped by the reporter into promising to arrange a cocaine deal – and potentially brought down the curtain on the long and controversial career of Mahmood, better known as the "fake sheikh" after one of his common disguises.
  • (16) And, damningly, she had clearly been dosed with Temazapan for many months previously.
  • (17) It may be just as well that Hugh Grant fervently believes a film succeeds on its qualities, not on publicity about its stars, because he did his tabloid reputation as a heartless, feather-brained Lothario immense harm in the process of delivering damning testimony on phone-hacking to the Leveson inquiry on Monday.
  • (18) Its assessment is a damning one on a health service that was struggling with a multitude of problems and at a time of great change.
  • (19) As he described, with something approaching relish, the horrifying effect of a desperate eurozone willing to destroy the British economy, our industry and our society, purely to protect itself, I was reminded of the epic Last Judgement by John Martin, now in the Tate, which depicts the terrifying chaos as the good are separated from the evil damned.
  • (20) If we remain silent, the racists will treat this as tacit endorsement – and history will damn us for it.



Example Sentences:

  • (1) Nobody is sure what dangerous chemical imbalance this would create but the Fiver is convinced we'd all be dust come October or November, the earth scorched, with only three survivors roaming o'er the barren landscape: Govan's answer to King Lear, ranting into a hole in the ground; a mute, wild-eyed pundit, staring without blinking into a hole in the ground; and a tall, irritable figure standing in front of the pair of them, screaming in the style popularised by Klaus Kinski, demanding they take a look at his goddamn trouser arrangement, which he has balanced here on the platform of his hand for easy perusal, or to hell with them, for they are no better than pigs, worthless, spineless pigs.
  • (2) As a broad generalisation, the two sides boil down to “that’s patriarchal nonsense in obvious need of rejection” and “leave her alone, it’s none of your goddamn business”.
  • (3) Bikers for Trump: 'He'll get my vote because he's off his goddamn rocker' Read more Although Cleveland is the most fortified city in America at the moment, with thousands of police, FBI and secret service agents securing the Republican national convention, David – who won’t give me his last name but says he is from Minnesota – worries about “agitators” and “thugs” who make him feel unsafe.
  • (4) How many hours do each of us spend sitting in front of our goddamn computer every single day?” Stewart pointed at an audience member.
  • (5) "OK, OK: I laughed my goddamn head off," he writes, referring to Edward Albee's classic American drama.
  • (6) "Some people go on talk shows and then cry in front of Oprah Winfrey or Barbara Walters and they tell you every goddamn last thing about their life.
  • (7) The head of the FT’s Lex column, Robert Armstrong, said the column would be overhauled with immediate effect and described the sale as a “goddamn bargain”.
  • (8) I'm sure some people see us do that shit and are just like, 'Oh, give me a goddamn break.'"
  • (9) The only person of whom this is not true is La Bella Fonda because, well, she’s Jane goddamn Fonda, fool.
  • (10) Have a goddamn biscuit!’ And yet none of my friends knows that I’ve been bulimic for six years and borderline anorexic for six years, too.
  • (11) How is it even legal for fatty tissue and animal feet to be so goddamn tasty?)
  • (12) All these beast motherfuckers walking around with their hair looking like goddamn girls and we can't wear our hair motherfucking three inches long."
  • (13) We battled the mainstream, we battled our company, we fought every goddamn minute.” 'We battled the mainstream, fought every goddamn minute.
  • (14) Why do you have to fuck with us, goddamn it?” Since taking office in July last year, Duterte, nicknamed “the Punisher” for his lethal approach to policing, has led a bloody drugs war that has killed more than 7,000 people.
  • (15) There are 237 "goddamns", 58 "bastards", and six "fucks" in the book, according to his accusers.
  • (16) It's pretty goddamn easy to construct a feminist argument against Feminine Maintenance – look!
  • (17) In fact, there’s only one scene where someone starts shouting about “goddamn Tory cuts”.
  • (18) It’s a belief that extends to his colleagues, to women he meets on the campaign trail and – on goddamn national television – to his own daughters.
  • (19) Then 20, me watching as the waiter does everything but accept my goddamn money.
  • (20) "Woke up with a bad taste in my mouth, it's a goddamn joke!"

Words possibly related to "goddamn"