(n.) One who dangles about or after others, especially after women; a trifler.
Example Sentences:
(1) Also, even if a dangler is in no danger of being misinterpreted, enough readers have trained themselves to spot danglers that a writer who leaves it incurs the risk of being judged as slovenly.
(2) Danglers are extremely common, not just in deadline-pressured journalism but in the works of distinguished authors.
(3) A thoughtlessly placed dangler can confuse the reader or slow them down, and occasionally it can lure them into a ludicrous interpretation.
(4) Inserting "we find" or "we see" into the main clause to avoid a dangler can make the sentence stuffy and self-conscious.
(5) (Did you notice the dangler in the sentence before last?)
(6) But some so-called danglers are perfectly acceptable.