(n.) The time of light, or interval between one night and the next; the time between sunrise and sunset, or from dawn to darkness; hence, the light; sunshine.
(n.) The period of the earth's revolution on its axis. -- ordinarily divided into twenty-four hours. It is measured by the interval between two successive transits of a celestial body over the same meridian, and takes a specific name from that of the body. Thus, if this is the sun, the day (the interval between two successive transits of the sun's center over the same meridian) is called a solar day; if it is a star, a sidereal day; if it is the moon, a lunar day. See Civil day, Sidereal day, below.
(n.) Those hours, or the daily recurring period, allotted by usage or law for work.
(n.) A specified time or period; time, considered with reference to the existence or prominence of a person or thing; age; time.
(n.) (Preceded by the) Some day in particular, as some day of contest, some anniversary, etc.
Example Sentences:
(1) On both days, blood was collected by jugular venepuncture at 10.30 h, and then again 2, 4, 6 and 24 h later.
(2) Direct fetal digitalization led to a reduction in umbilical artery resistance, a decline in the abdominal circumference from 20.3 to 17.8 cm, and resolution of the ascites within 72 h. Despite this dramatic response to therapy, fetal death occurred on day 5 of treatment.
(3) Furthermore, it had early diagnostic (seven days) as well as prognostic value, as revealed by response to therapy and decrease in COA titer.
(4) Patient plasma samples demonstrated evidence of marked complement activation, with 3-fold elevations of C3a desArg concentrations by the 8th day of therapy.
(5) Of the patients 73% demonstrated clinically normal sensibility test results within 23 days after operation.
(6) Clinical signs of disease developed as early as 15 days after transition to the experimental diets and included impaired vision, decreased response to external stimuli, and abnormal gait.
(7) These organic compounds were found to be stable on the sorbent tubes for at least seven days.
(8) Villagers, including one man who has been left disabled and the relatives of six men who were killed, are suing ABG in the UK high court, represented by British law firm Leigh Day, alleging that Tanzanian police officers shot unarmed locals.
(9) within 12 h of birth followed by similar injections every day for 10 consecutive days and then every second day for a further 8 weeks, with mycoplasma broth medium (tolerogen), to induce immune tolerance.
(10) "This is the third event in the last few days following An-26 and SU-25 planes being brought down.
(11) It was shown in experiments on four dogs by the conditioned method that the period of recovery of conditioned activity after one hour ether anaesthesia tested 7 to 7.5 days.
(12) We considered the days of the disease and the persistence of symptoms since the admission as peculiar parameters between the two groups.
(13) Spontaneous locomotor activity was lower in naloxone-infused rats on day 3 only.
(14) Serial sections of mouse foetal liver, during the 9th and 16th days of gestation, were studied.
(15) Whereas strain Ga-1 was practically avirulent for mice, strain KL-1 produced death by 21 days in 50% of the mice inoculated.
(16) Would people feel differently about it if, for instance, it happened on Boxing Day or Christmas Eve?
(17) The patients should have received treatment for at least seven days and they should not be "ill".
(18) However, some contactless transactions are processed offline so may not appear on a customer’s account until after the block has been applied.” It says payments that had been made offline on the day of cancellation may be applied to accounts and would be refunded when the customer identified them; payments made on days after the cancellation will not be taken from an account.
(19) After 55 days of unrestricted food availability the body weight of the neonatally deprived rats was approximately 15% lower than that of the controls.
(20) Our results indicate that increasing the delay for more than 8 days following irradiation and TCD syngeneic BMT leads to a rapid loss of the ability to achieve alloengraftment by non-TCD allogeneic bone marrow.
(v. t.) To surpass in wisdom, esp. in cunning; to defeat or overreach by superior craft.
(n.) The faculty of acquiring wisdom by observation and experience, or the wisdom so acquired; -- opposed to inwit.
Example Sentences:
(1) Alex Song was the provider, and Van Persie improvised to outwit John Ruddy with a deliciously delicate touch.
(2) Plans to pursue a second appeal against HMRC come despite MPs on the Public Accounts Committee citing the pub group's scheme as one example of "an illegitimate game to outwit the taxpayer".
(3) The Napoli midfielder Marek Hamsik gave Slovakia the lead after 24 minutes, outwitting his marker to slot home left-footed.
(4) Rosenthal himself was busy by then on a script for The System, a Granada anthology series dedicated to the theme of management, or the outwitting of it.
(5) So was the sense that she had outwitted the oil industry.
(6) An untold truth is that we use a tiny fraction of each computer's capacity: you could say we're already outwitted by them.
(7) Fortunately for the Guardian, the paper was able to retain barristers who outwitted the government’s lawyers.
(8) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Diane James’ acceptance speech from 16 September In her acceptance speech, she promised to bring a new professionalism to the party, saying: “We are going to confound our critics, we are going to outwit our opponents, we are going to build on our election success that we have achieved to date and do more.” But questions were raised about her commitment to the post after she declined to take part in hustings debates around the country with rival candidates.
(9) And finally, the carnage in Paris revived the reflex to slam doors, build walls and trust no one.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Angela Merkel consoles teenage refugee brought to tears Merkel was described as a political climber, a practitioner of “the politics of baby steps”, either outlasting or outwitting rivals.
(10) Vincent Kompany and Martín Demichelis never truly nullified his nuisance value, outwitted as they were by canny centre-forward play.
(11) But though a brilliant tactician who ran rings around his peers and rivals in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, confounded the Serbian opposition and outwitted an endless array of international mediators, Milosevic was a lousy strategist.
(12) They showed footage of Cruise as a soldier who dies and must relive events over and over until he cracks a way to outwit pesky aliens hell-bent on destroying earth.
(13) The Twitter hashtag #KarametWatan ("dignity of the nation") has been used with stunning effect to organise protests and outwit the government.
(14) Even as he found himself discussing how England might look to outwit an opposing lineout whose locks are 6ft 2in and 6ft 3in tall respectively, though, he will be uncomfortably aware his side could rack up a century of points and still depart the tournament with tails between legs.
(15) The series opener of Sherlock – watched live by almost 10 million people – updated Arthur Conan Doyle's A Scandal in Bohemia , the short story in which Holmes is, unusually, outwitted by an acute American adventuress in possession of a compromising picture of the Bohemian king.
(16) Outwitted in that first international by the veteran Irish centre-forward Dave Walsh, of Aston Villa, Charles's massive physique, 6ft 2ins and 15 stone, availed him little that day.
(17) We – civil society – have been co-opted into economic and institutional processes in which we are being outwitted and out-manoeuvred.
(18) He can’t take it that we’ve out-tactic-ed him and outwitted him.
(19) For Merkel, Juncker is also a liability, a fellow Christian Democrat she has been outwitted into reluctantly supporting for the top job in Brussels later this year.
(20) For the riots were not the work of mostly disaffected teenagers but a "feral" , "uneducated" "underclass" who somehow managed to outwit the police for the best part of a week using new technology.