What's the difference between dead and dying?



  • (a.) Deprived of life; -- opposed to alive and living; reduced to that state of a being in which the organs of motion and life have irrevocably ceased to perform their functions; as, a dead tree; a dead man.
  • (a.) Destitute of life; inanimate; as, dead matter.
  • (a.) Resembling death in appearance or quality; without show of life; deathlike; as, a dead sleep.
  • (a.) Still as death; motionless; inactive; useless; as, dead calm; a dead load or weight.
  • (a.) So constructed as not to transmit sound; soundless; as, a dead floor.
  • (a.) Unproductive; bringing no gain; unprofitable; as, dead capital; dead stock in trade.
  • (a.) Lacking spirit; dull; lusterless; cheerless; as, dead eye; dead fire; dead color, etc.
  • (a.) Monotonous or unvaried; as, a dead level or pain; a dead wall.
  • (a.) Sure as death; unerring; fixed; complete; as, a dead shot; a dead certainty.
  • (a.) Bringing death; deadly.
  • (a.) Wanting in religious spirit and vitality; as, dead faith; dead works.
  • (a.) Flat; without gloss; -- said of painting which has been applied purposely to have this effect.
  • (a.) Not brilliant; not rich; thus, brown is a dead color, as compared with crimson.
  • (a.) Cut off from the rights of a citizen; deprived of the power of enjoying the rights of property; as, one banished or becoming a monk is civilly dead.
  • (a.) Not imparting motion or power; as, the dead spindle of a lathe, etc. See Spindle.
  • (adv.) To a degree resembling death; to the last degree; completely; wholly.
  • (n.) The most quiet or deathlike time; the period of profoundest repose, inertness, or gloom; as, the dead of winter.
  • (n.) One who is dead; -- commonly used collectively.
  • (v. t.) To make dead; to deaden; to deprive of life, force, or vigor.
  • (v. i.) To die; to lose life or force.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The number of dead from the bombing has been put at up to 1,654.
  • (2) As of November, 1988 after a median observation period of 34 months, 174 of the 256 patients (68%) were alive, 11 (4%) dead and 71 (28%) lost to follow-up.
  • (3) Comparisons of ICR locations were made between flexion and extension, between left and right limbs, and between living and dead dogs, using analysis of variance.
  • (4) Transient intermediates were distinguished from dead-end metabolites by the rapid formation and disappearance of the former.
  • (5) A further 23 Syrian Kurds , among them women and children, were shot dead in the nearby village of Barkh Butan, the group said.
  • (6) Pathologic examination demonstrates calcifications in the dead collagen that makes up catgut suture.
  • (7) The results of the study suggest that perhaps tobramycin of cefotaxime-impregnated PMMA beads would produce local levels of antibiotic high enough to sterilize a given dead space for a period of 28 days.
  • (8) One of the most recent was in June last year, when a boatload of anglers came across a dead 23ft squid off Port Salerno on the state's Atlantic coast.
  • (9) The move was confirmed by a Lib Dem aide, who said Tory claims to be green were "already a lame duck and are now dead in the water".
  • (10) No names of the dead or injured have been published.
  • (11) Both of these bills include restrictions on moving terrorists into our country.” The White House quickly confirmed the president would have to sign the legislation but denied this meant that its upcoming plan for closing Guantánamo was, in the words of one reporter, “dead on arrival”.
  • (12) It was found that the increase of AMI patients admitted to our hospital was due to an increase in the hospitalization rate of AMI patients and the establishment of the coronary care unit (CCU) which allowed the admittance of patients who might have been declared dead out-of-hospital in the past.
  • (13) He was fighting to breathe.” The decision on her father’s case came just 10 days after a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, found there was not enough evidence to indict a white police officer for shooting dead an unarmed black teenager called Michael Brown.
  • (14) Nine of these patients are dead; four are alive, with three of these having progressive disease.
  • (15) In 2009, a US army major shot 13 dead in Fort Hood, Texas .
  • (16) Among the dead were two young young officers, Major Mujahid Ali and Captain Usman, whose life stories the media seized upon, helped by the military's public relations machine.
  • (17) The Nigerian government has been heavily criticised for failing to protect civilians in an increasingly violent conflict that left about 10,000 dead last year.
  • (18) Twenty-two per cent of all deaths (10 children who died outside hospital and six who were certified dead on admission) occurred before specialist care was reached.
  • (19) necrobiotic and dead cells, cell debris and phagosomes appear electively fluorescent.
  • (20) Byrom had been scheduled to die by lethal injection last week for hiring a man to shoot dead her abusive husband, Edward, at their home in Iuka in June 1999.



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Die
  • (a.) In the act of dying; destined to death; mortal; perishable; as, dying bodies.
  • (a.) Of or pertaining to dying or death; as, dying bed; dying day; dying words; also, simulating a dying state.
  • (n.) The act of expiring; passage from life to death; loss of life.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The sound of the ambulance frightened us, especially us children, and panic gripped the entire community: people believe that whoever is taken into the ambulance to the hospital will die – you so often don’t see them again.
  • (2) Insensitive variants die more slowly than wild type cells, with 10-20% cell death observed within 24 h after addition of dexamethasone.
  • (3) However, ticks, which failed to finish their feeding and represent a disproportionately great part of the whole parasite's population, die together with them and the parasitic system quickly restores its stability.
  • (4) After resection of the liver 13 patients of 31 died.
  • (5) Of the 594 patients, 23.7% died and 38.7% had documented inhalation injury.
  • (6) All of the nude mice developed paraplegia with or without incontinence at 2 weeks and routinely died of inanition 3 weeks postimplantation.
  • (7) The hospital whose A&E unit has been threatened with closure on safety grounds has admitted that four patients died after errors by staff in the emergency department and other areas.
  • (8) No evidence of BPH was observed in 68.4% of patients who had died of cancer.
  • (9) Four patients died while maintained on PD; three deaths were due to complications of liver failure within the first 4 months of PD and the fourth was due to empyema after 4 years of PD.
  • (10) In the patients who have died or have been classified as slowly progressive the serum 19-9 changes ranged from +13% to +707%.
  • (11) A 45-year-old mother of four, named as Hediye Sen, was killed during clashes in Cizre, while a 70-year-old died of a heart attack during fighting in Silopi, according to hospital sources.
  • (12) Three patients died from non-hepatic causes and another has received liver transplantation.
  • (13) One man has died in storms sweeping across the UK that have brought 100-mile-an-hour winds and led to more than 50 flood warnings being issued with widespread disruption on the road and rail networks in much of southern England and Scotland.
  • (14) Mitoses of nuclei of myocytes of the left ventricle of the heart observed in two elderly people who had died of extensive relapsing infarction are described.
  • (15) Four patients with tumours larger than 2 cm died from metastatic carcinoid.
  • (16) The patient later died from complications of burns.
  • (17) Male guinea pigs received either a single dose of As2O3 10 mg.kg-1 s.c. or repeated doses of 2.5 mg.kg-1 bis in die (b.i.d.)
  • (18) Histopathological studies confirmed that mice fed 933cu-rev died from bilateral renal cortical tubular necrosis consistent with toxic insult, perhaps due to Shiga-like toxins.
  • (19) Thirty had an in situ tumor (mean age: 30 years) and 34 had an invasive adenocarcinoma (mean age: 45 years), 7 of whom died of their cancer.
  • (20) These patients developed mediastinal lymph node metastasis and died 4 and 11 months after surgery, respectively.