What's the difference between dealth and wealth?



  • (n.) Share dealt.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The genealogic inquiry dealth with 46 members of 5 generations.
  • (2) We have dealth with hemodynamic assessment, renal insufficiency, pulmonary monitoring and stress ulceration.
  • (3) The authors conclude that there is no proper correlation between the way the perineum was dealth with surgically and the quality of sexual activity experienced early after delivery.
  • (4) This is symmetrical with the dealth of an existing human life, which occurs when its organs and systems have permanently ceased to function as a whole.
  • (5) The indicatons of the different therapeutical methods are dealth with.
  • (6) Two problems have been dealth with: a) are rats able by self-learning to form purposive associations, involving elements of reasoning object activity and b) at what age period are they most capable of purposive tool activity.
  • (7) The treatment of the most common infections in pregnancy is dealth with in detail.
  • (8) Possibilities and indications for reconstruction of the femoro-popliteal and femoro-crural region are dealth with.
  • (9) This supplements the publication on "A standardized questionnaire for behavior typical of encephalopathy" (Meyer-Probst, 1978) which dealth with content validation and provisional calibration.
  • (10) Implantation of 3beta-A sulphate, but not of the 3alpha epimer, into the basal medial hypothalamus resulted in the dealth of all animals within 24 h.
  • (11) It is dealth with the general principles of treatment in these acute pictures of disease, which 1. consist in a basic treatment--maintenance of vital functions--and 2. in an elimination of the damaging noxe--elimination of the exogenic poison and removal of the surgical basic diseases and tiding over of the temporary deficiency of the renal function.
  • (12) Changes in the type and quantity of cigarettes smoked in the United Kingdom from 1956 to 1971 are compared with changes in the dealth-rates due to lung cancer and coronary heart-disease (C.H.D.)
  • (13) By means of a detailed historical analysis of the socioeconomic and political climate which gave rise to the campagning for the demise of public execution in England, the Author gives evidence that such abolition cannot be seen as a linear descendant of a long line of criminal law reforms but rather as a successful manoeuvre to ensure the continuance of the use of the dealth penalty in order to reaffirm the power of the elite which represented itself as the moral guardian of society.
  • (14) Dose schedules of 1 mug or more, followed by salmonella infection, resulted in significant increases in mortality and decreases in the time from infection to dealth.
  • (15) This problem is insufficiently and inaccurately dealth with in the International classification of mammary gland tumors (WHO).
  • (16) A quality assurance trial which dealth with tuberculin testing and isoniazid prophylaxis for tuberculosis infection among hospitalized patients was undertaken at a short-term, general hospital of the Indian Health Service.
  • (17) The sagittal reclined roentgenogram is dealth with separately, by means of which the "table-drawer" symptom may be produced.
  • (18) Here the importance of urea in the normal and diseased skin and its various dermopharmacologic properties is dealth with.
  • (19) Stabile fixation of the prosthesis is one of the major problems to be dealth with.
  • (20) The traumatic neurosis of the parents and especially of the mother is catastrophic for the child; it is therefore necessary to understand why and how its works, how it can be avoided or dealth with.



  • (n.) Weal; welfare; prosperity; good.
  • (n.) Large possessions; a comparative abundance of things which are objects of human desire; esp., abundance of worldly estate; affluence; opulence; riches.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This suggests his wealth exceeds the total worth of 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney, who was attacked for his wealth throughout the campaign.
  • (2) On the other hand, the expectation that authority will be bestowed by market forces following a miraculous ‘‘transfer of wealth’’ does suggest an alternative route to normal democratic processes: theocracy via plutocracy.
  • (3) Dinner is the usual “international” menu that few will bother with given the wealth of choice nearby.
  • (4) We have the nuclear-related wealth, which captures the highly skilled and the affluent and the upwardly mobile.
  • (5) If that's something to boast about, then living off inherited wealth must be something to be ashamed of.
  • (6) The current president of the supreme court, Lord Phillips, who steps down at the end of September, welcomed his successor, praising his "wealth of judicial experience" and "ability to lead a collegiate court".
  • (7) Sir Ken Morrison, supermarkets Jersey trusts protect the billion-pound wealth of the 83-year-old Bradford-born Morrisons supermarket founder and a large number of his family members.
  • (8) But through the takeover of land, exploitation of minerals and privatisation of resources, west Africa’s wealth is leaving in shiploads, just as it always has done.
  • (9) The sanctions that could be levied in the aftermath of the Geneva meeting were expected to focus on Putin's close associates, including oligarchs who control much of Russia's wealth, as well as businesses and other entities they control.
  • (10) The wealth of new information on BBM transport of Pi which has accumulated in recent years gives an indication of the importance and intellectual challenge that the mechanism of this process poses to investigators.
  • (11) According to the latest World Wealth Report from Merrill Lynch, there are now 10.1 million people worth more than $1m (£507,000), excluding the value of their homes.
  • (12) According to the latest available ABS data, which is for 2013-14, 72% of investment property assets are owned by, and 52% of investment property debt is owed by, households in the top 20% (ie the richest one-fifth) of the household wealth distribution.
  • (13) I believe in wealth creation and company profits, and for the government to play its part, and we have been working closely with business to shape that agenda.” Specifically, Miliband pointed out David Cameron, during his chairmanship of the G8 in 2013, had promised to make a crackdown on tax evasion one of his central goals.
  • (14) Good mental health brings with it a whole lot of goodies in Santa’s stocking, because after all, physical fitness and wealth are meaningless without it.
  • (15) The Tony Abbott lecturing the American president on taxation fairness is, of course, the one who as Australian prime minister is presiding over policies of taxation amnesty for the richest Australians who have themselves offshored their hidden wealth, capping their taxable liability to merely the last four years.
  • (16) A world of hidden wealth: why we are shining a light offshore Read more However, the Nahmad lawyers have also insisted that because the painting is not in New York and the IAC is based in Panama, the court case should not be allowed to proceed in the US.
  • (17) When the Occupy movement suggested a distinction between the 1% and the 99% in society, this was based on the distribution of wealth, going right to the root of social inequalities: the 1% are the multimillionaires.
  • (18) Part of the new wealth has been driven by the rise in commodity prices.
  • (19) The federal government wanted all this wealth for itself."
  • (20) Michael Yoshikami, the founder of Destination Wealth Management, said Citigroup had a long way to go.

Words possibly related to "dealth"