(n.) A crustacean with ten feet or legs, as a crab; one of the Decapoda. Also used adjectively.
Example Sentences:
(1) Clearance of foreign materials from the hemocoel of decapod crustaceans involves several distinct kinds of cells.
(2) Single actin control was found in the fast muscles of decapods, in mysidacea, in a single sipunculid species, and in vertebrate striated muscles.
(3) The luciferin of the bioluminescent decapod shrimp, Oplophorus gracilorostris, was purified and studied with respect to u.v.
(4) In the walking legs of decapod crustaceans, intersegmental reflex actions originate from various joint proprioceptors.
(5) This suggests that the mechanisms of cuticle secretion do not undergo marked changes in activity as they do in decapods; presumably this relative continunity is related to the much shorter molt cycle of cladocerans.
(6) Similar inclusions were not found in the leg axons of a variety of other decapod crustaceans.
(7) Accordingly, the function of this organ is probably the same in decapods and Armadillidium.
(8) Also, in decapod crustaceans a peptidic neurodepressing hormone (NDH) modulates neuroelectrical and behavioural rhythmicity.
(9) In Crustaceans, the free amino acid composition of the hemolymph thus appears, both quantitatively and qualitatively, to be a biochemical character of marine Isopods when compared to Oniscoids Isopods and to Decapods.
(10) Possible implications of these findings for phylogenetic relations of decapod crustaceans and for the evolution of neural circuits are discussed.
(11) The gross anatomy of the hepatopancreas of this species is simpler than that of decapods, but microscopically the cells are similar in both.
(12) While much less genically variable than other invertebrates, Homarus is not atypical when compared with eleven decapod species that average 5.8% heterozygosity.
(13) Neurotransmitters used by the STG motoneurons of stomatopods are compared to those of decapods.
(14) In comparison with the other trypsins from the Crustacean decapods, the shrimp enzymes have four pairs of disulfide bonds, intermediary between the crayfish trypsin (three pairs) and the crab trypsin (five pairs), and are immunochemically different from them.
(15) Myosin control is not found in striated vertebrate muscles and in the fast muscles of crustacean decapods, although regulatory light chains are present.
(16) An overview of studies on the decapod crustacean cardiac ganglion is given emphasizing contributions to questions of general interest in cellular neurophysiology.
(17) Analysis of data obtained from molecular hybridization of 3H-labeled repetitious DNA has been utilized to reconstruct the broad outlines of phylogenetic relationships among decapod Crustacea.
(18) In the crab Carcinus maenas, as in other decapod crustaceans, the extracellular pH varies with temperature so that the relative alkalinity remains approximately constant.
(19) These results confirmed earlier reports by Yonge (1924) and van Weel (1955) on the decapods, Nephrops norvegicus and Atya spinides, respectively.
(20) In particular, the inhibitory axons of the reptantian decapod leg have been reported, in various studies within four different infraorders, to innervate anywhere from one to all seven of the leg's distal muscles and to vary in number from two to four.
(n.) One of a series of flat, fringed, and usually bilobed, appendages, of which several pairs occur on the abdominal somites of many crustaceans. They are used as fins in swimming.
Example Sentences:
(1) Mechanosensory stimulation of an abdominal swimmeret initiates a fictive extension which includes flexion inhibition.
(2) The strongest extension response was produced at 2 Hz which falls within the normal range of swimmeret beating in intact lobsters.
(3) Feathered hair sensilla fringe both rami of the lobster (Homarus americanus) swimmeret.
(4) Proof that PTX acts by binding the GABA receptor was obtained by observing that the addition of GABA or muscimol to preparations pretreated with PTX did not affect either spontaneous or swimmeret evoked activities, or intracellular potential amplitudes.
(5) The sensilla on the male and female second swimmerets are sexually dimorphic.
(6) Evidence from extracellular analyses suggested that single interneurons of the abdominal nerve cord could produce motor outputs in both the swimmeret and the abdominal positioning systems.
(7) Localized tactile stimulation of the swimmeret surface with a mechanical probe usually generated flexion inhibition where the flexor inhibitor (f5) was activated while the small and medium flexor excitors were inhibited.
(8) DL-Octopamine inhibits the swimmeret system, both when the system is spontaneously active and when it has been excited by proctolin.
(9) Physiological experiments in which RPCH was perfused into the ganglia of isolated nerve cords showed that RPCH modulated the swimmeret rhythm.
(10) A study has been made of the interrelations between rhythmical exopodite beating in different larval stages and swimmeret beating in poast-larval stages of the lobster Homarus gammarus.
(11) Female swimmerets contain many long "smooth hairs" (long simple setae) on the coxa and rami.
(12) The membrane potential of interneuron IA oscillated in phase with the swimmeret rhythm, a motor pattern generated in each of these ganglia, because the neuron received postsynaptic potentials in phase with the rhythm.
(13) Differences emerge in the performance of larval exopodites and post-larval swimmerets (table 6b), although the possibility cannot be excluded that the larval exopodite oscillator in some way influences the developing action of the post-larval swimmeret system.
(14) The response properties of both types of hypodermal mechanoreceptors imply that they are activated during the characteristic beating movements of the swimmerets.
(15) The swimmerets in the abdomen of the lobster Homarus americanus are paired external appendages whose back and forth propulsive movements are brought about largely by a group of power and return stroke muscles located in the lateral abdominal cavity.
(16) None of the dual output neurons examined influenced the swimmeret motoneurons directly.
(17) Gas chromatographic analysis of hepatopancreas and swimmeret muscle tissue of dead and dying crabs revealed total DDT residue concentrations as high as 39.0 ppm and 1.43 ppm, respectively.
(18) Phentolamine also blocks inhibition of the swimmeret system by inhibitory command interneurons.
(19) The sensory response to hair displacement was characterized by recording afferent impulses extracellularly from the swimmeret sensory nerve while deflecting sensilla with a rigidly-coupled probe or controlled water movements.
(20) In nerve cords that were spontaneously producing the swimmeret rhythm, RPCH lengthened both the period and the duration of bursts of action potentials, but did not alter the phase relationships between bursts in different segments.