What's the difference between delphinus and summer?



  • (n.) A genus of Cetacea, including the dolphin. See Dolphin, 1.
  • (n.) The Dolphin, a constellation near the equator and east of Aquila.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The primary structure of this myoglobin proved identical with that from the Atlantic bottlenosed dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, but showed four substitutions with respect to the sequence reported for the Black Sea dolphin which has also been given the designation Delphinus delphis.
  • (2) Gross compositional data for milk samples of Tursiops truncatus, Sousa plumbea and Delphinus delphis are presented and compared with existing cetacean milk values.
  • (3) Pure-tone whistles (2403) by four individual dolphins (Delphinus delphis bairdi) were analyzed for duration and the elapse of time before either response by another animal or a repeat whistle by the same animal.
  • (4) The TBEX 2014 conference, which is due to take place in Cancun, Mexico, in September and is attended by travel bloggers, writers and industry experts, had been criticised for offering attendees the opportunity to go on two tours at the Delphinus Dolphinarium.
  • (5) Seventeen specimens representing nine cetacean genera (Delphinus, Stenella, Tursiops, Grampus, Delphinapterus, Globicephala, Kogia, Mesoplodon, and Phocoena) were studied post mortem.
  • (6) Skeletal lesions observed during necropsy of a wild mature male dolphin (Delphinus delphis) were consistent with fibrous osteodystrophy when examined microscopically.
  • (7) The whole brain of a porpoise (Delphinus delphis) comprised 23.1 wt% of phospholipids on a dry weight basis.
  • (8) This protein differs from that of the sperm whale, Physeter catodon, at 12 positions, from that of the common porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, and the Black Sea dolphin, Delphinus delphis, at 14 positions, and from that of the Amazon River dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, at 7 positions.
  • (9) The carcass of a subadult female Delphinus was placed in a hyperbaric chamber and subjected to two simulated dives each equivalent to 69.7 m. In one dive the thorax was in its natural state, and in the other 100 ml of water had been injected into each pleural cavity.
  • (10) Larynges of 24 odontocetes representing ten genera (Delphinus, Stenella, Lagenorhynchus, Tursiops, Grampus, Delphinapterus, Globicephala, Kogia, Mesoplodon, and Phocoena) were studied post mortem.
  • (11) This myoglobin differs from that of the sperm whale, Physter catodon, at 15 positions, from that of the California gray whale, Eschrichtius gibbosus, at 14 positions, from that of the common porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, at 6 positions, and from the myoglobin of the Black Sea dolphin, Delphinus delphis and the Amazon River dolphin, Inia goeffrensis, at 5 and 7 positions, respecitvely.
  • (12) The complete amino acid sequence of the major component myoglobin from Pacific common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, was determined by the automatic Edman degradation of several large peptides obtained by specific cleavages of the protein.
  • (13) This myoglobin differs from that of the dwarf sperm whale, Kogia simus, at 16 positions, and the common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, at 14 positions, from that of the common porpoise, Phocaena phocaena, and the bottlenosed dolphin, Tursiops truncatus at 13 positions, from that of the Amazon River dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, at 10 positions, and from that of California gray whale, Eschrichtius gibbosus, at 3 positions- All of the substitutions observed in this sequence fit easily into the three-dimensional structure of the sperm whale myoglobin.
  • (14) Vaginal calculi have been described from the common (Delphinus delphis), Pacific white-sided (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) and spotted (Stenella attenuata) dolphins.
  • (15) Delphinus milk is unusual in that it has a higher P than Ca content.
  • (16) Using CAT scans of a first trimester northern right whale dolphin (Lissodelphis borealis) and of a near term Delphinus delphis, we discuss the potential origin and development of vaginal calculi through analysis of ossification in embryonic delphinids.
  • (17) This protein differs from that of the common porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, at seven positions, from that of the common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, at 11 positions, and from that of the sperm whale, Physeter catodon, at 15 positions.
  • (18) Photoleter anterouterus Fischthal & Nasir, 1974, from Pelecanus occidentalis Linnaeus and Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Gmelin from Florida, USA and the ventro-genital complexes of Photeleter gastrophilus (Kossack, 1910) from Delphinus delphis Linnaeus from Queensland, Australia and of Phocitrema fusiforme Goto & Ozaki, 1930 from Alopex lagopus (Linnaeus) and Phoca vitulina Linnaeus from Alaska are redescribed.
  • (19) Specific features of the structure of the vestibular complex of Cetaceans correlating with specific features of the structural functional organization of these representatives of aquatic mammals were detected in a cytoarchitectonic investigation of the topography and strucutral organization of nuclei of the vestibular complex performed in Delphinus delphis and compared with the organization of the corresponding structures of the brain of man and chimpanzee.
  • (20) The present work discusses the ontogenetic basis of these characters in terms of the ontogeny of the structure and textural bone compactness (TBC) of the humeral diaphysis in a growth series of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis).



  • (v.) One who sums; one who casts up an account.
  • (n.) A large stone or beam placed horizontally on columns, piers, posts, or the like, serving for various uses. Specifically: (a) The lintel of a door or window. (b) The commencement of a cross vault. (c) A central floor timber, as a girder, or a piece reaching from a wall to a girder. Called also summertree.
  • (n.) The season of the year in which the sun shines most directly upon any region; the warmest period of the year.
  • (v. i.) To pass the summer; to spend the warm season; as, to summer in Switzerland.
  • (v. t.) To keep or carry through the summer; to feed during the summer; as, to summer stock.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) There was also acknowledgement for two long-term servants to the men’s game who will both leave the Premier League for Major League Soccer this summer.
  • (2) United believe it is more likely the right-back can be bought in the summer but are exploring what would represent the considerable coup of acquiring the 26-year-old immediately.
  • (3) In London, diesel emissions are now so bad that on several days earlier this summer, children, older people and vulnerable adults were warned not to venture outside .
  • (4) Some retailers said April's downpours led to pent-up demand which was unleashed at the first sign of summer, with shoppers rushing to update their summer wardrobes.
  • (5) Join a Twitter book club It all started last summer, when 12,000 people took to Twitter to discuss Neil Gaiman's American Gods .
  • (6) As Heseltine himself argued, after the success of last summer's Olympics, "our aim must be to become a nation of cities possessed of London's confidence and elan" .
  • (7) This includes cutting corporation tax to 20%, the lowest in the G20, and improving our visa arrangements with a new mobile visa service up and running in Beijing and Shanghai and a new 24-hour visa service on offer from next summer.
  • (8) The fact that the security service was in possession of and retained the copy tape until the early summer of 1985 and did not bring it to the attention of Mr Stalker is wholly reprehensible,” he wrote.
  • (9) In Experiment 1 (summer), hens regained body weight more rapidly, returned to production faster, and had larger egg weights (Weeks 1 to 4) when fed the 16 or 13% CP molt diets than when fed the 10% CP molt diet.
  • (10) Two epidemics of meningoencephalitis caused by echovirus type 7 and coxsackievirus type B 5 in the summer and autumn of 1973 in Umeå in Northern Sweden were compared.
  • (11) We are also running our graduate internship scheme this summer.
  • (12) Read more Grabban, who moved to Carrow Road from Bournemouth in 2014 for around £3m, has been a target for Eddie Howe for some time and the manager had three bids for him turned down in the summer.
  • (13) Summers was not a popular choice among many of the World Bank's developing country members.
  • (14) High degress of multinucleation were observed least frequenctly in the summer both in patients with and without known malignancy.
  • (15) Son was signed from Hamburg for €10m that summer to replace Schürrle.
  • (16) All the summer deals in graphical, Etch-a-sketch form .
  • (17) A foretaste of discontent came when Florian Thauvin, the underachieving £13m winger signed from Marseille last summer , was serenaded with chants of ‘You’re not fit to wear the shirt” from away fans during Saturday’s FA Cup defeat at Watford .
  • (18) McNear was in New York that summer after her junior year and for nearly two months they were lovers in Manhattan.
  • (19) The loss of summer sea ice has led to unusual warming of the Arctic atmosphere, that in turn impacts weather patterns in the northern hemisphere , that can result in persistent extreme weather such as droughts, heatwaves and flooding," she said.
  • (20) The last time I saw Ruqayah was in the summer of 2014, in a chain cafe in Cairo’s largest shopping mall.

Words possibly related to "delphinus"