What's the difference between demonstrate and gas?



  • (v. t.) To point out; to show; to exhibit; to make evident.
  • (v. t.) To show, or make evident, by reasoning or proof; to prove by deduction; to establish so as to exclude the possibility of doubt or denial.
  • (v. t.) To exhibit and explain (a dissection or other anatomical preparation).

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The Na+ ionophore, gramicidin, had a small but significant inhibitory effect on Na(+)-dependent KG uptake, demonstrating that KG uptake was not the result of an intravesicular positive Na+ diffusion potential.
  • (2) Patient plasma samples demonstrated evidence of marked complement activation, with 3-fold elevations of C3a desArg concentrations by the 8th day of therapy.
  • (3) The influence of the various concepts for the induction of lateral structure formation in lipid membranes on integral functional units like ionophores is demonstrated by analysing the single channel current fluctuations of gramicidin in bimolecular lipid membranes.
  • (4) Of the patients 73% demonstrated clinically normal sensibility test results within 23 days after operation.
  • (5) Lucy and Ed will combine coverage of hard and breaking news with a commitment to investigative journalism, which their track record so clearly demonstrates”.
  • (6) These immunocytochemical studies clearly demonstrated that cells encountered within the fibrous intimal thickening in the vein graft were inevitably smooth muscle cell in origin.
  • (7) Competition with the labelled 10B12 MAb for binding to the purified antigen was demonstrated in sera of tumor-bearing and immune rats.
  • (8) Using monoclonal antibodies directed against the plasma membrane of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, we demonstrated previously that a glycoprotein with an Mr = 23,000 (gp23) had a non-polarized cell surface distribution and was observed on both the apical and basolateral membranes (Ojakian, G. K., Romain, R. E., and Herz, R. E. (1987) Am.
  • (9) These results demonstrate that increased availability of galactose, a high-affinity substrate for the enzyme, leads to increased aldose reductase messenger RNA, which suggests a role for aldose reductase in sugar metabolism in the lens.
  • (10) Intravesical BCG is clearly superior to oral BCG, and controlled studies have demonstrated that percutaneous administration is not necessary.
  • (11) We have previously shown that serotonin is present in secretory granules of frog adrenochromaffin cells; concurrently, we have demonstrated that serotonin is a potent stimulator of corticosterone and aldosterone secretion by adrenocortical cells.
  • (12) Microionophoretically applied excitatory amino acids induced firing of extracellularly recorded single units in a tissue slice preparation of the mouse cochlear nucleus, and the similarly applied antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (2APV) was demonstrated to be a selective N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist.
  • (13) The results demonstrated that K2PtCl4 was bound to a greater degree than CDDP in this system with 3-5 and 1-2 platinum atoms respectively, bound per transferrin molecule.
  • (14) These studies, in addition to demonstrating that the placenta contains TRH deamidase activity, suggest that losses of fetal TRH through the placenta are not large.
  • (15) Light microscopic studies of pancreata from mice sacrificed at this time demonstrated insulitis and beta cell necrosis.
  • (16) Western blot analysis of these mitochondria using an antibody against carnitine palmitoyltransferase II purified from beef heart demonstrates a 68-kDa protein, which under ischemic conditions apparently is decreased by 2 kDa.
  • (17) Acquired drug resistance to INH, RMP, and EMB can be demonstrated in M. kansasii, and SMX in combination with other agents chosen on the basis of MIC determinations are effective in the treatment of disease caused by RMP-resistant M. kansasii.
  • (18) In 1 of the 3, anterior capsular detachment was also demonstrated radiographically and confirmed surgically.
  • (19) This result demonstrates that branching enzyme belongs to a family of the amylolytic enzymes.
  • (20) Histological studies of nerves 2 years following irradiation demonstrated loss of axons and myelin, with a corresponding increase in endoneurial, perineurial, and epineurial connective tissue.



  • (n.) An aeriform fluid; -- a term used at first by chemists as synonymous with air, but since restricted to fluids supposed to be permanently elastic, as oxygen, hydrogen, etc., in distinction from vapors, as steam, which become liquid on a reduction of temperature. In present usage, since all of the supposed permanent gases have been liquified by cold and pressure, the term has resumed nearly its original signification, and is applied to any substance in the elastic or aeriform state.
  • (n.) A complex mixture of gases, of which the most important constituents are marsh gas, olefiant gas, and hydrogen, artificially produced by the destructive distillation of gas coal, or sometimes of peat, wood, oil, resin, etc. It gives a brilliant light when burned, and is the common gas used for illuminating purposes.
  • (n.) Laughing gas.
  • (n.) Any irrespirable aeriform fluid.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, volumes, and temperatures of expired gas were measured from the tracheal and esophageal tubes.
  • (2) Steady-state values of cell, glucose, and cellulase concentration oxygen tension, and outlet gas oxygen partial pressure were recorded.
  • (3) Blood samples were analysed by mass spectroscopy and gas chromatography.
  • (4) Optimum rates of acetylene reduction in short-term assays occurred at 20% O2 (0.2 atm (1 atm = 101.325 kPa] in the gas phase.
  • (5) Glycosyl ceramide concentration was determined by gas-liquid chromatography of the trimethylsilyl ethers of the methyl glycosides.
  • (6) Early recognition is facilitated by monitoring of arterial blood gas levels for hypoxemia.
  • (7) "There is … a risk that the political, trade, and gas frictions with Russia could lead to strong deterioration in economic relations between the two countries, with a significant drop in Ukraine's exports to and imports from Russia.
  • (8) He said Germany was Russia’s most important economic partner, and pointed out that 35% of German gas originated in Russia.
  • (9) Ether extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and various chlorinated and non-chlorinated compounds were detected, e.g.
  • (10) Blood gas variables produced from a computed in vivo oxygen dissociation curve, PaeO2, P95 and C(a-x)O2, were introduced in the University Hospital of Wales in 1986.
  • (11) It is a specific clinical picture with extensive soft tissue gas and swelling of the forearm.
  • (12) A neodymium YAG (Nd:YAG) laser was evaluated in a dog ulcer model used in the same manner as is recommended for bleeding patients (power 55 W, divergence angle 4 degrees, with CO2 gas-jet assistance).
  • (13) The flow of a specified concentration of test gas exits from the mixing board, enters a distributing tube, and is then distributed equally to 12 chamber tubes housing one mouse each.
  • (14) The corresponding hydrides, mono-n-butyltin hydride, di-n-butyltin hydride, tri-n-butyltin hydride, monophenyltin hydride, diphenyltin hydride triphenyltin hydride, are detected by electron-capture gas chromatography after clean-up by silica gel column chromatography.
  • (15) Airway closure (CV), functional residual capacity (FRC) and the distribution of inspired gas (nitrogen washout delay percentage, NWOD %) and arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) was measured by standard electrodes in eight extremely obese patients before and after weight loss (mean weights 142 and 94 kg, respectively) following intestinal shunt operation.
  • (16) They were like some great show, the gas squeezing up from the depths of the oil well to be consumed in flame against the intense black horizon, like some great dragon.
  • (17) The existence of 5alpha-androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol in the androstanediol fraction could be demonstrated by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
  • (18) A pilot study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of gas in the puerperal endometrial cavity and to determine whether this finding has any relationship to the mode of delivery or to the development of puerperal endometritis.
  • (19) Inner Ear Decompression Sickness (IEDCS)--manifested by tinnitus, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and hearing loss--is usually associated with deep air or mixed gas dives, and accompanied by other CNS symptoms of decompression sickness (DCS).
  • (20) Subjects underwent measurement of lung volumes, arterial blood gas analysis and an incremental bicycle exercise test.

Words possibly related to "gas"