(v. t.) To make known in a solemn or official manner; to declare; to proclaim (especially an evil).
(v. t.) To proclaim in a threatening manner; to threaten by some outward sign or expression.
(v. t.) To point out as deserving of reprehension or punishment, etc.; to accuse in a threatening manner; to invoke censure upon; to stigmatize.
Example Sentences:
(1) To become president of Afghanistan , Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai changed his wardrobe and modified his name, gave up coffee, embraced a man he once denounced as a “known killer” and even toyed with anger management classes to tame a notorious temper.
(2) President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government has joined MPs, bloggers and local media in denouncing the newly-released Warner Brothers epic, 300, as a calculated attempt to demonise Iran at a time of intensifying US pressure over the country's nuclear programme.
(3) Preliminary the statistical data are reported about human malignant pustule denounced in Italy in different Districts, in Lombardia and in Province of Milan.
(4) By contrast, a Guardian Australia video of Labor's transport spokesman, Anthony Albanese, using a whiteboard to denounce the government's package received more than 60,000 hits.
(5) In a sign of growing divisions among the coalition partners, the deputy prime minister interrupted his attendance at the Rio+20 summit to authorise a briefing by party officials criticising the plans and denouncing Gove.
(6) I wanted to make a big ideological point, and I had but one weapon in my arsenal: a pulpit that I could use to denounce the very thing that had given me a voice.
(7) It is very easy to denounce the atrocities of someone else.
(8) A broad coalition of Egyptian organisations – some Islamist, some secular – plan to join with British NGOs and trade unions in protest at Sisi’s arrival ; letters denouncing Cameron’s invitation have been issued by political figures and academics , and an early-day motion in parliament condemning the visit has been signed by 51 MPs, including Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
(9) I got a hint of the price she has paid for her ambidextrous approach to cultural identify after her last interview was published, when a shocking number of British Pakistani men got in touch to denounce her as a shameful infidel.
(10) China's ambassador to Japan, Cui Tiankai, denounced her as a criminal.
(11) In recent months there have been series of protests against the intensifying campaign, with one Catholic leader denouncing the cross removals as an “evil act” .
(12) Honest journalism and the courageous whistleblowers who denounce human rights violations or attempts against state sovereignty deserve to be protected.
(13) Rather than immediately denouncing everything we see, why not listen to the full arguments from a variety of sources and form an opinion based on facts and information rather than ignorance and emotive reflex?
(14) Depictions of them by the likes of the Daily Mail as destitute Roma, desperate to leave shacks in the shanty towns of Sofia, are denounced as discriminatory and ill-informed.
(15) Finally, after reporting 14 incidents with no reply he sent a recorded delivery letter to the agency denouncing a "health scandal".
(16) Moreover, the state-controlled Chinese media have in a series of broadcasts denounced a number of detained “suspects” as members of a crime syndicate engaging in “rights-defence-style troublemaking”, and paraded some of those detained “confessing” to wrongdoing before they have even been publicly indicted.
(17) They helped to persuade him to order the release of all victims still in exile and to make the "secret speech" in 1956 in which he denounced Stalin's crimes.
(18) Still, in interviews with home-state reporters Monday, Ryan denounced the idea of any Republican launching a third-party or independent candidacy to challenge Trump, telling the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel it “would be a disaster for our party”.
(19) "We have denounced them to the police, but the police say they need evidence, such as pictures, but imagine taking pictures when they were jihadis, they would have cut your throat.
(20) Sony Pictures has denounced a “brazen” cyberattack it said netted a “large amount” of confidential information, including movies as well as personnel and business files.
(v. t.) Same as Indorse.
(n.) A subordinary, resembling the pale, but of one fourth its width (according to some writers, one eighth).
Example Sentences:
(1) To confront this evil – and defeat it, standing together for our values, for our security, for our prosperity.” Merkel gave a strong endorsement of Cameron’s reform strategy, saying that Britain’s demands were “not just understandable, but worthy of support”.
(2) Federal endorsement of the HMO concept has resulted in broad understanding of a number of concepts unknown in fee-for-service medicine.
(3) Within a treatment program, the use of various kinds of assessment methods and treatment modalities did not appear to be closely associated with the endorsement of abstinence vs nonabstinence treatment goals.
(4) This demonstrates a considerable range in surgeons' attitudes to day surgery despite its formal endorsement by professional bodies, and identifies what are perceived as the organizational and clinical barriers to its wider introduction.
(5) By using a quasi-A-B-A experimental design for the six abortion items that appeared in the Edmonton Area Survey for the years 1984, 1987, and 1988, we found that the order of presentation of the items affected dramatically the endorsement of the abortion items.
(6) Of our sample, 31 per cent endorsed use of sex selection technology, with the small subsample of nonwhites more accepting of utilization than were whites.
(7) April 12, 2016 Gardner, who previously supported Marco Rubio’s presidential bid, has yet to endorse any of the remaining three candidates.
(8) It’s a damp squib, a bit of a nothing result,” a leading energy analyst said of a report that is widely expected to endorse provisional findings released in March , and recommend price controls on prepayment meters and setting up a customer database to help rival suppliers target customers stuck on expensive default tariffs.
(9) The head of the TUC, Frances O'Grady, said she supported the aims of the foundation, but was wary of endorsing changes that allowed retailers to squeeze under the wire without raising the pay of the lowest-paid workers.
(10) Their endorsement would be a significant coup for Farage’s party as it seeks to build on the two by-election victories following the defection of Tory MPs, Mark Reckless and Douglas Carswell.
(11) The usefulness of micronutrient antioxidant therapy for recurrent (non-gallstone) pancreatitis has recently been endorsed by a 20-week double-blind double-dummy cross-over trial in 20 patients.
(12) The code, endorsed by the Department of Health , has been piloted by eight organisations.
(13) Projects that are not endorsed or supported by the Lego group.
(14) Government officials said they saw the massed forces as an endorsement of the new Greek administration's determination to enforce unpopular changes on an economy that has lost close to 20% of GDP since its first bailout in May 2010.
(15) Referencing these dismal truths on the website Race Files , Soya Jung criticised Chua and Rubenfeld for "buying into exceptionalist arguments to explain disparities means endorsing a dehumanising system of racialised norms".
(16) Stand by Trumpenstein, as some are now doing, and you risk seeming to endorse his ideas, statements and ludicrous antics.
(17) Nick Clegg has endorsed the government's decision to ask the Guardian to destroy leaked secret NSA documents on the grounds that Britain would face a "serious threat to national security" if they reached the "wrong hands".
(18) He asked Cameron to write to Bawtree to say he believed the idea was worthy of endorsement.
(19) Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton was advised once again by Beltway advisers who knew it all, had the models and the projections, but who called it wrong.” The USHCC was singularly invested in the outcome of Tuesday’s election, as it had endorsed Clinton for the presidency – the first time it has done so for any candidate in its 38-year history.
(20) Candidates have 60 minutes to submit their forms, which must be endorsed by 12 to 15 MPs, at least three of whom must be from a party different to the candidate's own.