(1) The Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA) is a dissecting system that removes tissue by vibration, irrigation and suction; fluid and particulate matter from tumors are aspirated and subsquently deposited in a canister.
(2) Also we found that the lipid deposition in the glomeruli of patients with Alagille syndrome is related to an abnormal lipid metabolism, which is the consequence of severe cholestasis.
(3) With the exception of PMMA and PTFE, all plastics leave a very heavy tar- and soot deposit after burning.
(4) From these results, it was suggested that the inhibitory effect of Cd on in vitro calcification of MC3T3-E1 cells may be due to both a depression of cell-mediated calcification and a decrease in physiochemical mineral deposition.
(5) The kidney disease was characterized by diffuse beaded deposition of rat gammaglobulin along the glomerular capillaries and proteinuria.
(6) In 60 rhesus monkeys with experimental renovascular malignant arterial hypertension (25 one-kidney and 35 two-kidney model animals), we studied the so-called 'hard exudates' or white retinal deposits in detail (by ophthalmoscopy, and stereoscopic color fundus photography and fluorescein fundus angiography, on long-term follow-up).
(7) A comprehensive review of the roentgenographic features of calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition disease (pseudogout) is presented.
(8) We conclude that heparin plus AT III partially prevents the endotoxin-induced generation of PAI activity which seems to correlate with the reduced presence of fibrin deposits in kidneys and with a reduced mortality.
(9) These results suggest that glomerular IgA are IgA polymers and decreased hepatic clearance of hepatic IgA polymers may be responsible for the glomerular deposition of IgA.
(10) The organisms were predominantly associated with host deposits of erythrocytes, phagocytes, platelets, and fibrinous-appearing material, which collectively appeared on the valve surface in response to trauma.
(11) Our results also showed a good correlation between the importance of deposits and the presence of denatured DNA-anti-denatured-DNA circulating complexes.
(12) It is not known whether the deposits are primary or secondary events, but they may be of importance in initiating or maintaining derangement in heart function.
(13) The aim of the trial was to determine the effectiveness of aspirin in preventing cardiovascular problems in people with asymptomatic atherosclerosis – the undetected build-up of waxy plaque deposits on the inside of blood vessels.
(14) The hypothesis was tested that plaque, as a complex soil comprising microorganisms, cell debris, salivary deposits and other ill-defined organic and inorganic components, would be susceptible to removal by a rinse with high detersive action.
(15) The monoclonal antibody K2F6 fails to react with water-soluble proteins from fat body and hemolymph taken during the deposition of the 20-kDa antigen.
(16) Alveolar deposition, however, assessed in terms of particle retention at 24 hours, was significantly (p less than 0.01) less in the smokers.
(17) The blockage of the tubular system by the calcium oxalate deposits leads to a temporary reversible increase in serum urea and serum creatinine.
(18) In the six cases of aortic aneurysm, three had platelet deposition within their aneurysms, and surgery was performed for these positive cases, but one of them had no thrombus.
(19) Initial deposition was about 1,200 Bq (32 nCi) for 239PuO2, 4,200 Bq (115 nCi) for 244Cm, and 2,400 Bq (65 nCi) total alpha for the mixed oxide.
(20) From the morphological observations there seems to be no correlation between amyloid deposits and the development of osteoarthrosis.
(n.) The act of disposing, arranging, ordering, regulating, or transferring; application; disposal; as, the disposition of a man's property by will.
(n.) The state or the manner of being disposed or arranged; distribution; arrangement; order; as, the disposition of the trees in an orchard; the disposition of the several parts of an edifice.
(n.) Tendency to any action or state resulting from natural constitution; nature; quality; as, a disposition in plants to grow in a direction upward; a disposition in bodies to putrefaction.
(n.) Conscious inclination; propension or propensity.
(n.) Natural or prevailing spirit, or temperament of mind, especially as shown in intercourse with one's fellow-men; temper of mind.
(n.) Mood; humor.
Example Sentences:
(1) In view of its significant effects on drug metabolizing enzymes and clearance mechanisms, it is important to know its disposition characteristics.
(2) Models of the VMT nuclei were constructed to compare their size, shape and disposition across species.
(3) These marked steroid-induced changes in MS responsiveness could not be explained by altered pharmacokinetic disposition of morphine.
(4) The disposition of sulphadimidine (15 mg kg-1 orally) was investigated in six chronic osteoarthritis patients (four slow and two fast acetylators) prior to and 4 days following intra-articular administration of glucocorticoids.
(5) In the present paper, attention has been focused on the role of cytokines and the effects of the acute phase response on drug disposition in disease states (including the effect of anorexia on medicated feed intake and drug bioavailability).
(6) The disposition of radiolabeled cocaine in humans has been studied after three routes of administration: iv injection, nasal insufflation (ni, snorting), and smoke inhalation (si).
(7) Avoidance coping was negatively related to dispositional optimism.
(8) The greatest problems appeared in diagnosing thrombosis of mesenterial vessels and acute appendicitis in cases with the retrocecal disposition of the vermiform process.
(9) Awareness of making dispositional inferences was only weakly correlated with disposition-cued recall.
(10) Current methods of evaluating the bioavailability of drugs with nonlinear disposition kinetics are based on specific pharmacokinetic models in contrast to the more rational model independent (structureless) area under the curve (AUC) and deconvolution methods used in linear pharmacokinetics.
(11) The disposition profiles of a new beta-adrenergic blocking drug, timolol, were investigated at 11 different times in normal individuals after a single oral dose.
(12) In order to compare the disposition of D-galactose and D-glucose in various organs of the rat, we have measured the amount of 14C-galactose and 14C-glucose present in the enteric canal, blood, muscle and liver, 2h.
(13) Leukocyte differentials from 468 emergency room patients were assessed for clinical value by determining their associations with diagnosis, disposition, therapy, and prognosis.
(14) To determine whether basal insulin supplementation in addition to lowering postabsorptive plasma glucose concentration also improves the postprandial pattern of glucose disposition, glucose metabolism after ingestion of a solid mixed meal was assessed in obese patients with NIDDM before and after treatment with ultralente and compared with glucose metabolism observed in nondiabetic subjects.
(15) Particular emphasis was placed on the relative spatial disposition of the tyramine moiety and the additional aromatic ring that occurs in both molecules.
(16) This paper reviews their pharmacologic disposition in man.
(17) The effects of modulation of liver microsomal sulphoxidation on the disposition kinetics of netobimin (NTB) metabolites were investigated in sheep.
(18) The changes in physicochemical properties due to introduction of a benzenesulfonyl group into the hydantoin ring may be responsible for the difference in the disposition between I and II.
(19) The disposition of amiloride was highly dependent on renal function, with higher plasma amiloride concentrations in the elderly reflecting diminished renal function.
(20) The clinical significance of the altered disposition of chloramphenicol is that administration at the usual dosing rate would lead to accumulation of the drug and eventual toxicity.