What's the difference between deprive and dispatch?



  • (v. t.) To take away; to put an end; to destroy.
  • (v. t.) To dispossess; to bereave; to divest; to hinder from possessing; to debar; to shut out from; -- with a remoter object, usually preceded by of.
  • (v. t.) To divest of office; to depose; to dispossess of dignity, especially ecclesiastical.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) After 55 days of unrestricted food availability the body weight of the neonatally deprived rats was approximately 15% lower than that of the controls.
  • (2) Family therapists have attempted to convert the acting-out behavioral disorders into an effective state, i.e., make the family aware of their feelings of deprivation by focusing on the aggressive component.
  • (3) The level of significance of the statistical estimate of the change in the number of phonoreactive units (its increase due to deprivation) amounts to 92%.
  • (4) An experimental autoimmune model of nerve growth factor (NGF) deprivation has been used to assess the role of NGF in the development of various cell types in the nervous system.
  • (5) The most pronounced changes occurred during the initial hours of nutrient and energy deprivation.
  • (6) Such a decision put hundreds of British jobs at risk and would once again deprive Londoners of the much-loved hop-on, hop-off service.
  • (7) We measured 1,2-DG content and PKC activity in TSH-deprived growth-arrested cells when TSH was readded.
  • (8) After 8 days of starvation, there is a 25% decrease in the muscle protein, but after 8 days of protein deprivation, there is no significant change in the muscle mass.
  • (9) Amine metabolites, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA), and homovanillic acid (HVA) were not substantially affected by sleep deprivation, although there was a significant interaction of clinical response and direction of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) change.
  • (10) But to treat a mistake as an automatic disqualification for advancement – even as heinous a mistake as presiding over a botched operation that resulted in the killing of an innocent man – could be depriving organisations, and the country, of leaders who have been tested and will not make the same mistake again.
  • (11) Effects of l-glutamine deprivation on HVJ growth in several other cells were also investigated.
  • (12) Neurons in deprived puffs and interpuffs were generally similar in size to those in nondeprived regions, although CO-reactive cells were significantly smaller in the deprived puffs of monkeys enucleated for 28.5 or 60 wks.
  • (13) As a strategy to reach hungry schoolchildren, and increase domestic food production, household incomes and food security in deprived communities, the GSFP has become a very popular programme with the Ghanaian public, and enjoys solid commitment from the government.
  • (14) Glucose deprivation also inhibits N-linked glycosylation.
  • (15) Rhabdomeres are substantially smaller and visual pigment is nearly eliminated when Drosophila are carotenoid-deprived from egg to adult.
  • (16) This unbearable situation leads to panic and auto-sensory deprivation.
  • (17) Deprivation of pancreatic secretion did not induce significant variations of the pH pattern.
  • (18) The pharmacological examination showed that the new compounds are deprived of the hypnotic activity characteristic for 3,3'-spirobi-5-methyltetrahydrofuranone-2 (2) and behaved in most tests as tranquillizers.
  • (19) The injection of dDAVP alone had no effect on the rma of the PVN or PN, but dDAVP injection alone, water deprivation alone, or both treatments combined decreased the rma of the PD in Severe mice.
  • (20) The behavioral effects of phenytoin, phenobarbital, clonazepam, valproic acid, and ethosuximide were evaluated in food-deprived pigeons performing under automaintenance and negative automaintenance procedures.



  • (v. t.) To dispose of speedily, as business; to execute quickly; to make a speedy end of; to finish; to perform.
  • (v. t.) To rid; to free.
  • (v. t.) To get rid of by sending off; to send away hastily.
  • (v. t.) To send off or away; -- particularly applied to sending off messengers, messages, letters, etc., on special business, and implying haste.
  • (v. t.) To send out of the world; to put to death.
  • (v. i.) To make haste; to conclude an affair; to finish a matter of business.
  • (v. t.) The act of sending a message or messenger in haste or on important business.
  • (v. t.) Any sending away; dismissal; riddance.
  • (v. t.) The finishing up of a business; speedy performance, as of business; prompt execution; diligence; haste.
  • (v. t.) A message dispatched or sent with speed; especially, an important official letter sent from one public officer to another; -- often used in the plural; as, a messenger has arrived with dispatches for the American minister; naval or military dispatches.
  • (v. t.) A message transmitted by telegraph.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) And this is the supply of 30% of the state’s fresh water.” To conduct the survey, the state’s water agency dispatches researchers to measure the level of snow manually at 250 separate sites in the Sierra Nevada, Rizzardo said.
  • (2) It's not a great stretch to see parallels between the movie's set-up and the film industry in 2012: disposable teens are manipulated into behaving in certain ways, before being degraded and dispatched, all the while being remotely observed by middle-aged men, gambling on their fates.
  • (3) We initiated a program of telephone CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) instruction provided by emergency dispatchers to increase the percentage of bystander-initiated CPR for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
  • (4) Traoré had added a fifth before Andros Townsend dispatched a consolation from distance, though that meant little.
  • (5) Rouhani said on Saturday that Iran had never dispatched any forces to Iraq and it was very unlikely it ever would, but Qassem Suleimani, commander of the Quds force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), was in Baghdad last week to give advice to Maliki.
  • (6) Results of the model applied to several planning data sets (including a form of the Austin, Texas planning problem) demonstrate that more concentrated ambulance allocation patterns exist which may lead to easier dispatching, reduced facility costs, and better crew load balancing with little or no loss of service coverage.
  • (7) In what was widely seen as a vote of low confidence in the Eulex inquiry, the EU’s new foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, announced in Brussels this week that she would dispatch an independent legal expert to oversee its progress.
  • (8) Frozen aliquots of each sample were dispatched to each of the laboratories, where the aliquots were assayed using the same one-stage, two-stage and chromogenic methods.
  • (9) The dispatch center is announcing a rescue unit transporting a heavy injured casualty.
  • (10) Along the way he also reached the final of the US Open Cup, and in the MLS Cup dispatched the holders LA Galaxy in the conference semi-finals, before beating Porter’s Timbers in both the home and road legs of the Western final (his team had beaten Portland in the US Open Cup semis too).
  • (11) The median duration of the dispatching phase was about 2 hours when only one doctor intervened and 4 h, 35 min when a second doctor was consulted.
  • (12) Two days later, another letter was dispatched to Blears, this time from Hank Dittmar, the chief executive of the foundation and an aide to the prince.
  • (13) Humanitarian organisations also help with rescues at sea, which often occur when smugglers dispatch a dozen or more boats when seas are calm.
  • (14) So said the Dispatches programme’s author and presenter, Fraser Nelson , who also happens to be editor of the Spectator during what is turning out to be one of its more ideological phases – as distinct from the High Tory scepticism of many decades.
  • (15) Prompt identification of cardiac arrest by emergency dispatchers can save valuable time and increase the likelihood of successful resuscitation.
  • (16) Woods was stripped of his editorship of the Daily Dispatch newspaper and banned from public speaking because of his investigation into the death of black activist Steve Biko in 1977.
  • (17) In fact, it was the Tories who were quietly prevailing on this front: Grant Shapps, the Tory chairman, had organised a “team 2015” force of 100,000 volunteers, loosely modelled on the London 2012 Games Makers , dispatched to 100 key locations on “Super Saturdays”.
  • (18) The six trained together, were dispatched to Afghanistan together and, in the end, perished together when their armoured vehicle was hit by a massive Taliban bomb.
  • (19) While the opening tranche of "tales" derive from the work of forgotten contemporary humorists, the pieces of London reportage that he began to contribute to the Morning Chronicle in autumn 1834 ("Gin Shops", "Shabby-Genteel People", "The Pawnbroker's Shop") are like nothing else in pre-Victorian journalism: bantering and hard-headed by turns, hectic and profuse, falling over themselves to convey every last detail of the metropolitan front-line from which Dickens sent back his dispatches.
  • (20) Last week Obama said he would dispatch 300 special forces to help train Iraq's army, but said they would not have a direct combat role.