What's the difference between design and preliminary?



  • (n.) To draw preliminary outline or main features of; to sketch for a pattern or model; to delineate; to trace out; to draw.
  • (n.) To mark out and exhibit; to designate; to indicate; to show; to point out; to appoint.
  • (n.) To create or produce, as a work of art; to form a plan or scheme of; to form in idea; to invent; to project; to lay out in the mind; as, a man designs an essay, a poem, a statue, or a cathedral.
  • (n.) To intend or purpose; -- usually with for before the remote object, but sometimes with to.
  • (v. i.) To form a design or designs; to plan.
  • (n.) A preliminary sketch; an outline or pattern of the main features of something to be executed, as of a picture, a building, or a decoration; a delineation; a plan.
  • (n.) A plan or scheme formed in the mind of something to be done; preliminary conception; idea intended to be expressed in a visible form or carried into action; intention; purpose; -- often used in a bad sense for evil intention or purpose; scheme; plot.
  • (n.) Specifically, intention or purpose as revealed or inferred from the adaptation of means to an end; as, the argument from design.
  • (n.) The realization of an inventive or decorative plan; esp., a work of decorative art considered as a new creation; conception or plan shown in completed work; as, this carved panel is a fine design, or of a fine design.
  • (n.) The invention and conduct of the subject; the disposition of every part, and the general order of the whole.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Questionnaires were used and the respondent self-designation method measured leadership.
  • (2) The effects of sessions, individual characteristics, group behavior, sedative medications, and pharmacological anticipation, on simple visual and auditory reaction time were evaluated with a randomized block design.
  • (3) Until his return to Brazil in 1985, Niemeyer worked in Israel, France and north Africa, designing among other buildings the University of Haifa on Mount Carmel; the campus of Constantine University in Algeria (now known as Mentouri University); the offices of the French Communist party and their newspaper l'Humanité in Paris; and the ministry of external relations and the cathedral in Brasilia.
  • (4) Single-case experimental designs are presented and discussed from several points of view: Historical antecedents, assessment of the dependent variable, internal and external validity and pre-experimental vs experimental single-case designs.
  • (5) We report a series of experiments designed to determine if agents and conditions that have been reported to alter sodium reabsorption, Na-K-ATPase activity or cellular structure in the rat distal nephron might also regulate the density or affinity of binding of 3H-metolazone to the putative thiazide receptor in the distal nephron.
  • (6) This study was designed to investigate the localization and cyclic regulation of the mRNA for these two IGFBPs in the porcine ovary, RNA was extracted from whole ovaries morphologically classified as immature, preovulatory, and luteal.
  • (7) As important providers of health care education, nurses need to be fully informed of the research findings relevant to effective interventions designed to motivate health-related behavior change.
  • (8) The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that the decreased Epi response following ET was due to 1) depletion of adrenal Epi content such that adrenomedullary stimulation would not release Epi, 2) decreased Epi release with direct stimulation, i.e., desensitization of release, or 3) decreased afferent signals generated by ET itself.
  • (9) According to the finite element analysis, the design bases of fixed restorations applied in the teeth accompanied with the absorption of the alveolar bone were preferred.
  • (10) These clones, designated as TcHMC-2, showed strong cytotoxicity against both HMC-2 and K562 cells.
  • (11) By the 1860s, French designs were using larger front wheels and steel frames, which although lighter were more rigid, leading to its nickname of “boneshaker”.
  • (12) In a double-blind, crossover-designed study, 9 male subjects (age range: 18-25 years) received 25 mg orally, four times per day of either S or an identically-appearing placebo (P) 2 d prior to and during HA.
  • (13) "The proposed 'reform' is designed to legitimise this blatantly unfair, police state practice, while leaving the rest of the criminal procedure law as misleading decoration," said Professor Jerome Cohen, an expert on China at New York University's School of Law.
  • (14) Though the 54-year-old designer made brief returns to the limelight after his fall from grace, designing a one-off collection for Oscar de la Renta last year , his appointment at Margiela marks a more permanent comeback.
  • (15) What we’re doing is designed to improve people’s lives.” "I don't see race, colour or creed, and neither do my children," he added.
  • (16) This study was designed to examine the effect of the storage configuration of skin and the ratio of tissue-to-storage medium on the viability of skin stored under refrigeration.
  • (17) However, each of the studies had numerous methodological flaws which biased their results against finding a relationship: either their outcome measures had questionable validity, their research designs were inappropriate, or the statistical analyses were poorly conceived.
  • (18) Methods to minimize bias in the design and implementation of consultation-liaison research are suggested.
  • (19) To distinguish the various types, we designated the 90 kd types from CBA and AKR mice C6A1 and C6A2, respectively, and the corresponding 100 kd types C6B1 and C6B2, respectively.
  • (20) Knapman concluded that the 40-year-old designer, whose full name was Lee Alexander McQueen, "killed himself while the balance of his mind was disturbed".



  • (a.) Introductory; previous; preceding the main discourse or business; prefatory; as, preliminary observations to a discourse or book; preliminary articles to a treaty; preliminary measures; preliminary examinations.
  • (n.) That which precedes the main discourse, work, design, or business; something introductory or preparatory; as, the preliminaries to a negotiation or duel; to take one's preliminaries the year before entering college.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Results obtained from animal experiments have been confirmed by preliminary clinical investigations.
  • (2) Preliminary data also suggest that high-molecular-weight rearrangements of the duplicated region are present in all tissues.
  • (3) For consistent identification of the normal pancreas, preliminary longitudinal scanning at, or near, the mid-line and subsequent oblique scanning in the long axis are necessary prerequisites in delineating the anatomic outline of the pancreas.
  • (4) Preliminary rhythmic somatic stimulation has a predominantly facilitating effect on EPs appearing in response to tonal stimuli in the areas A1, S2, S1.
  • (5) Results of this study provide preliminary evidence that tracheal adherence and HA of B avium are closely related.
  • (6) These preliminary experiments suggest that oSm is similar to IGF-I in its binding characteristics and that primary cultures of skeletal muscle satellite cells possess type I and type II IGF receptors.
  • (7) Preliminary studies of different systems suggest several of them may have sensitivity to detect intraepithelial abnormalities in excess of 95%.
  • (8) This preliminary study compared the level of ego development, as measured by Loevinger's Washington University Sentence Completion Test (SCT), of 30 women with histories of childhood sexual victimization, and 30 women with no history of abuse.
  • (9) Our preliminary data from this study suggest that 85% trichloroacetic acid is effective treatment of human papillomavirus infection of the cervix without dysplasia.
  • (10) We present in this preliminary report the early results of therapy for refractory leukemia with an intensive preparative regimen for bone marrow transplantation including etoposide, cytosine arabinoside, cyclophosphamide, and fractionated total body irradiation.
  • (11) This preliminary study estimates the occurrence of concurrent helminth infection in Africa and Brazil to determine whether such an approach is justified epidemiologically.
  • (12) Preliminary hearing results of 45 cases show air-bone gap closure of 67% within 10 dB and 98% within 20 dB.
  • (13) Results in this preliminary study demonstrate the need to evaluate the hazard of microbial aerosols generated by sewage treatment plants similar to the one studied.
  • (14) These preliminary results suggest that IGIV may be more beneficial and less expensive than plasmapheresis in treatment of GBS.
  • (15) The preliminary one-time administration of DSIP to animals subjected to a stressor influence also increases the SP content in the hypothalamus.
  • (16) The resultant scales were administered to a small sample for preliminary empirical testing.
  • (17) A preliminary study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of therapeutic patient groups in a rehabilitation setting.
  • (18) To test this hypothesis 30 Wistar rats were subjected to laparotomy and colonic resection and treated with 5-Fluorouracil or Mitomycin C. The bursting strength of the abdominal scars and the colonic anastomotic bursting pressure revealed some interference in the rats treated with 5-Fluorouracil (Student's t test P less than 0.05) but none in the case of Mitomycin C. This preliminary study deserves to be followed up.
  • (19) A preliminary "profile" of the patient with low back pain who would likely benefit from manual therapy included acute symptom onset with less than a 1-month duration of symptoms, central or paravertebral pain distribution, no previous exposure to spinal manipulation, and no pending litigation or workers' compensation.
  • (20) Preliminary studies suggested that inhibition of aggregation was not attributable to inhibition of prostanoid synthesis or to raised levels of cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate.