What's the difference between detritus and glacier?



  • (n.) A mass of substances worn off from solid bodies by attrition, and reduced to small portions; as, diluvial detritus.
  • (n.) Hence: Any fragments separated from the body to which they belonged; any product of disintegration.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The structural causes of zone dilatation have been described in Poulsen's disease: sinusoids are empty and dilated, with detritus-filled dilated perisinusoidal spaces.
  • (2) The histological findings of actinomyces spores, thread-like foreign material and detritus drew out attention to the rare manifestation of abdominal actinomycosis.
  • (3) In rheumatoid arthritis (RA) joint inflammation is due to two processes: 1) the underlying inflammatory process (UIP) characterized by a lymphoplasmacellular infiltration of the synovial tissue, as well as pannus formation, and 2) the detritogenic synovitis (DS), a synovial response to articular wear products from cartilage and bone (detritus) that induces a preferentially fibrinous inflammation.
  • (4) This persistence provides a potential for continuous contamination of the water column and biological magnification via detritus- and benthic-feeding organisms.
  • (5) As the silt cleared, we found ourselves on a flat plain of yellow-tinged mud, inscribed with pits, burrows and tracks by species that eke out their existence on the detritus that settles from above.
  • (6) The presence of cement debris and bone detritus in the membranes, and smooth appearance of the removed cement mantles substantiated the presence of mechanical failure.
  • (7) Secondary phagocytosis of the phagocytes and cell detritus was recorded.
  • (8) The mass disintegration of lymphocytes and accumulation of nuclear detritus in the thymus as well as neutrophil infiltration of the spleen can be attributed to the acute stress of the reentry and weightlessness--1 g transition stages.
  • (9) Terminal phase of lysis after two to three days (amorphous detritus).
  • (10) PCB and sigma DDT concentrations were greater in the predatory bottom animals than in the herbivores or detritus feeders, and the amounts of chlorinated hydrocarbons were greater in profundal animals than in littoral animals.
  • (11) Biophysical and biochemical changes (particle detritus formation, C and N variation), enzymatic activity involved and sterol production were studied during the transformation process of leaves to mycelial biomass.
  • (12) Five days after the laser, cell detritus and collapsed cell processes were noted.
  • (13) Except for the stones and detritus masses, the 'typical' US findings were absence of gas echoes in the periportal structures, normal width of bile ducts, or only a slight dilatation.
  • (14) Transporting heavy building materials across dirt streets riven with gullies and piled high with detritus is not easy, and theft of building materials is commonplace in Kibera.
  • (15) SEM also showed cell loss, and remnants of dead cells on the surface together with detritus.
  • (16) Shedding zones thus processed collapse to structureless detritus.
  • (17) By daylight, the detritus of people's lives was visible among ruins of the classroom: a ball, a bucket, some blankets, tins of food, a pair of flip-flops.
  • (18) "Anti-septic Massive Lavage": In all cases of inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity, to prevent abscess and adhesion formation, and in peritonitis, to remove bacteria, endotoxins and detritus.
  • (19) On Wednesday, Pakistan’s army made a point of letting scores of television crews trample over the crime scene in order that they could broadcast pictures of rooms blasted by suicide bombers, floors covered with pools of barely dried blood, and the sad detritus of an ordinary school day suddenly interrupted by seven terrorists.
  • (20) SYSpur-derm should be changed regularly in order to remove the detritus and exsudate from the wound.



  • (n.) An immense field or stream of ice, formed in the region of perpetual snow, and moving slowly down a mountain slope or valley, as in the Alps, or over an extended area, as in Greenland.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The melting of sea ice, ice caps and glaciers across the planet is one of the clearest signs of global warming and the UK-led team of scientists will use the data from CryoSat-2 to track how this is affecting ocean currents, sea levels and the overall global climate.
  • (2) Raw power Standing before a glacier in Greenland as it calves icebergs into the dark waters of a cavernous fjord is to witness the raw power of a natural process we have accelerated but will now struggle to control.
  • (3) It’s walkable to the trailhead for the Hielo Azul glacier, and a network of mountain refuges, all with camping ( trekelbolson.com ).
  • (4) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Satellite view of Antarctica with the Thwaites glacier marked in red.
  • (5) Higher air temperatures can increase surface melting, but warm ocean currents accelerate ice loss more when glaciers flow into the sea.
  • (6) In December the US Geological Survey also warned that sea-level rise could be even worse than feared, as much as 1.5 metres by the end of this century, partly due to increased melting of the volume of water stored in glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland.
  • (7) These glaciers are receding world-wide, in the Himalayas, Andes and Rocky Mountains.
  • (8) Glaciers in the Alps have lost about two-thirds of their volume since 1850.
  • (9) "Going to look at glaciers melting in Norway registers in a way that planting a tree in Wales would not.
  • (10) The striking images of Cameron posing on the ice with huskies on the way to visiting a melting glacier in 2006 marked a turning point for the Conservatives, who had been seen by many voters as uncaring.
  • (11) But because meltwater can percolate down to lubricate the undersides of glaciers, and because warmer oceans can lift the ends of glaciers up off the sea floor and remove a natural brake, the ice itself can end up getting dumped into the sea, unmelted.
  • (12) This would make those glaciers more vulnerable to melting than had been previously anticipated.
  • (13) Instead he said the buildup of ice was caused by the aftermath of a collision between a huge iceberg known as B09B and the Mertz Glacier Tongue.
  • (14) "I believe this data is the most reliable estimate of global glacier mass balance that has been produced to date," said Bamber.
  • (15) Using aerial surveys and satellite imagery, they monitored the lakes and tracked the progress of glaciers moving toward the coast.
  • (16) Mitchell Feierstein, chief executive of Glacier Environmental Funds, said the CDM had long been overshadowed by bigger opportunities for green investors.
  • (17) A global glacier database called the Randolph Glacier Inventory made the study possible.
  • (18) Facebook Twitter Pinterest The gust of warm air that caused the unprecedented thaw in Greenland's surface ice also appears to have caused unusually high run-off from a glacier, wiping out a crossing near a key research and transport hub.
  • (19) The package includes a night at the Hilton Nordica Hotel in Reykjavik, the base for the cast and crew during filming, and features trips to the Hofdabrekkuheidi area and the Vatnajökull glacier in Skaftafell, both of which featured in character Jon Snow's epic trek beyond the wall.
  • (20) Locals have nicknamed it "blue diamond"; its colour comes from being cleaved from centuries-old compressed ice at the ancient heart of the glacier.